Monday, April 30, 2007

I was just looking back...

I was looking back through the past month's worth of pictures looking for things that I wanted to print, and I came across a photo that I just love! It's from when my mom was here, and we were trying to get a photo of her with all the grandkids. It's very similar to one I already posted.

Anyway, poor Kyden, the littlest of the bunch, was not feeling good. We're actually quite lucky that we got the one "normal" one that we did. While we were taking these pictures, though, he just kept throwing his head back crying. Poor little guy did NOT want to be doing this, but it was my mom's last day here. No choice for him. Ha! So, anyway, I caught this one in the middle of trying to get a good one. Turns out, I think it's just as good as the "good" one! It's just so...them!

I also wanted to just thank all of you for your encouraging words. I guess I was mostly just really taken aback when I saw my girls' faces on that site. It really disturbs me that I don't know who is looking at these pictures & with what intent, you know? I mean, in this particular instance, I see that it's mostly harmless, but they just do NOT have the right.

I think that, for now, I'll be keeping things as they are. I've taken some extra precautions to try to prevent this from happening again, although I know there are always ways around it. This blog has given me too much to just abandon it. And, to think...I was a blog snob before I started this. Hahaha! My how things change! Anyway, I'm not willing to sacrifice the benefits of this blog for now. Plus, I'm really excited & flattered that I've inspired so many of you & helped you become better photographers. That just absolutely floors me. So, thanks, everyone. I appreciate all of your comments. :-)

Friday, April 27, 2007

Well...I just don't know what to do...

So, I don't have any images to post today. I'm really quite torn about what to do with this blog of mine right now.

Unfortunately, someone has been using images of my girls in their Orkut profiles. I'm not sure if you all know what Orkut is, but apparently it is very similar to MySpace. They create profiles, have groups of friends, communities that they belong to...whatever. Well, with tweens/teens in Brazil, it seems to be some sort of game. They create, and they loudly proclaim it, FAKE profiles. Apparently they start as babies & "grow" themselves up into celebrities with families. So, they just wander around the internet and grab pictures wherever they find them. It seems to be fairly harmless, THANK GOODNESS, but it's still a little frightening considering I had NO idea I was a blip on the radar of people like this. My girls appeared in three different profiles that I found and three different communities. With a lot of pestering, hounding & threats of legal action, I was able to get the three profiles to remove the pictures of the girls. I have not been successful with the communities, yet, but they were not tops on my list as the pictures are much smaller.

Anyway, so, I've been discouraged. I guess I was just naive. I told my mom that I think this blog has made me a better photographer. I really, really do NOT want to give that up. By being put in a position to verbalize what was going through my head or the way I was feeling when I took a particular picture, it has forced me into being more in tune with the moments & emotions that really mean something, so I've been better able to capture them. Was that the most confusing run on sentence of all time? I mean, when I have to reread it eight times to figure out if it makes sense...yeah...that's bad. But, I'm tired, so I'm not rewriting it. Haha! It all boils down to blogging has improved my photography. :-)

So, yeah, I don't know what I'll do with it. I'm not going to quit blogging. I really don't want to make it private either. We'll see.

That's why I have no images. Let's just say I'm not in a hurry to post new pictures here. :(

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

In fifteen minutes time...

In fifteen minutes time today, I saw about a billion different faces of Emma. Fortunately, all of them were pleasant, if not straight up goofy. She's got at least a billion more than what I saw, but...well...those ones are not the most pleasant, if you know what I mean. (And, I'm sure many of you do.)

Anyway, the girls & I had one of Maya's most favorite friends spending the day with us today. He's the cutest little kid with SUCH a personality. I really, really enjoyed having him over. I thought it might be nice to take a few pictures of him while he was here as a little gift for his mom. I NEVER could have imagined just how wonderful these photos would come out! He LOVED the camera, and, because he oozes personality, the pictures were just so full of life! SO much fun! As I was looking at them on the computer, I realized that they may be some of my new favorites. I was thinking that I'd LOVE to share them with you guys, but, since I don't have permission from his mom, I'm not able to at this time.

So, then, I was thinking, "what am I going to share on my blog today? I've gone and taken some new favorites, and I can't share." :-( Well, on a whim, I decided to take whichever girl was willing out into the backyard for a few shots. Maya was preoccupied with...well...who knows. It doesn't take much to preoccupy her. Ha! But, Emma was quite enthusiastic.

We headed out into the backyard, and she was just wound up. It was just her & I, interacting, giggling, having a good time. I really enjoyed our fifteen minutes. Emma tends to be harder for me to connect with, really connect with, than Maya. Maya is just cuddly by nature. She's just ALWAYS right there. Special moments with Maya are quite frequent. Emma, though. Well, Emma has always been really independent. Even when she was a newborn, she didn't want us to hold her while she slept or rock her to sleep or anything. She was content to put herself to sleep and quite discontent if we tried to get too cuddly. Ha! So, when I can connect with Emma on that special, one on one, intimate's just that much sweeter. This fifteen minutes was full of stolen glances and all knowing, mischievous smiles. It's as if she & I looked at each other and, in our eye contact, understood so much more than words could say. She's my girl. Turns out I got many photos of my Emma that were just as full of life.
Tell me you see that genuine smile in her eyes?

And, my most favorite. She's laughing hysterically, hiding from the camera. Oh, so cute!
And, though it's fairly obvious, I was shooting wide open for these. I used the Sigma 30mm 1.4 on my 30D. :-)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

So...whaddya think this means?

I spotted this new addition to my new favorite field.
Can I just say...I'm not very happy about this. I'd like to whine about it for just a minute. I know I have no grounds to argue, but sheesh people... Okay, maybe it IS private property, although there was no fence around it or anything, and it was right on the side of the road. However, there were trails all through the flowers. Do you think maybe they mean that I just need to stay on the trails!?! Haha! I mean, "please don't trample the flowers" sounds like to me that I can visit so long as I DON'T trample the flowers, right!?! Okay, okay...I know. The big, red PRIVATE PROPERTY across the top is screaming something else.

That's fine, Mr. LandOwner. I'll stay out of your field. But, just know...I'm mad at you. Seriously. I, and the rest of the county, would enjoy YOUR flowers WAY more if we could take pictures in them. Ha!

So, yeah. Now I'm sad. That was a short love affair we had. Atleast I got my own family in there once, right!?!

Monday, April 23, 2007

All you moms out there - don't you just love days like today?

Not to be discriminatory or anything, but I know you moms will understand.

So, my girls are supposed to go to nap/rest time at about 1pm every day. Well, today 1pm rolled around, and I realized that I hadn't heard much out of the girls lately. Normally, they're running around, being maniacs, fighting, whining, giggling, squealing, whatever. They're just not quiet. Haha! I'm thinking they're up to mischief. That's a pretty safe bet with these two. If they're quiet, they're trying to get away with something.

I'm thinking now's as good a time as any to bust up their party with a little nap/rest time. Right? I mean, you get into mischief, you go to bed. Haha! If only it were that easy.

Anyway, I head over to their room to find them actually playing QUIETLY and TOGETHER! was just too sweet. They'd dragged their dollhouse & all their dollhouse furniture out into the middle of the floor and were playing. Together! No fighting, no whining, no anything. Just sweet little angel children. And, they were wearing dress up clothes. That sent me over the edge with adoration. They've fooled me this time around with their cuteness. So, yeah...I didn't make them go to nap/rest time today. Instead, I took pictures. Ha!

To me, that scattered mess of dollhouse furniture amongst green & yellow tulle from their dresses...childhood at it's best! And, it's like they didn't even know I was there. It was just so perfect. I would welcome their messes more often if they played like this all the time.

So, yeah...I snapped a bunch of pictures. I just wanted to capture their interaction, their little hands being as delicate as they could...

And, my most favorite of them all:

So, faces, no eye contact, no expressions. But, man, do I love these pictures. Such a treasure for me.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

We're back!

Okay, so, we're home, and we had the BEST time. Seriously.

We chose to go to San Antonio & stay on the Riverwalk. I've only been there once, maybe twice, but there's just something about walking along the river surrounded by lush greenery & ambient lighting that stuck with me & nudged me to want to go back. This was the first time that Curt & I have been there together, and it was just so amazing!

When we got there, we checked into our hotel & just hung out for a bit before going out shopping. I had a grand idea. Well, I thought it was grand. I'm pretty sure, though, that if the hotel saw these pictures, we just might find some sort of extra charges on our credit card statement! Haha! I'm sure you see what I mean. :-)

Yes, that's me. And, dang. I'm so outta shape. Seriously. I was dying after that! Haha! The window lighting that we were using on the right hand side of the picture...well...the window didn't go all the way up to the ceiling, so my face was darker than the rest of the picture. When I lighten it up, there's quite a bit of grain. Oh well. I still like them. :-)

After that, Curt & I took a self portrait. I really, really like this shot. I'm so surprised that it turned out as well as it did considering we set the camera on the night stand & set the self timer. I'd push the shutter, then RUN all the way around the bed & get myself where I needed to be. Fun times.

After all this, we went out shopping & to dinner. For those of you that don't know, I'm SO indecisive. So, what do you think happened when we hit the Riverwalk & there were about 4 billion places to eat? Oh my gosh. I wanted to make the right choice, the best choice because we only had the one night in San Antonio. We wanted to avoid the young, party scene, so that automatically took several places out of the running. But, as we walked along the river, we came to a little restaurant called Dolores del Rio almost at the very end of the Riverwalk. You couldn't see into the restaurant from the sidewalk because it was up a small flight of stairs, and there were no windows (that I recall.) Anyway, the host asked us to take a look inside, and when we did, we were in LOVE!

This will be a time when my words fail me. I just so wish that I could recreate the ambiance, the atmosphere with my words, but I'm afraid it's just not gonna happen. This little restaurant was the TINIEST restaurant ever. I mean, it was SO cramped that I actually had my foot stepped on twice. TWICE! Ha! But, honestly, the cramped quarters really "made" it. And, there was no air conditioning. Just fans. I also wouldn't have that any other way. Every little detail played into it's charm...added to it's character. There were probably 10-12 little tables nearly touching each other. Each table had a wine bottle acting as a candle holder which served as the lighting. So romantic.

Anyway, there was a blues band playing. It was so perfect for us. We couldn't have chosen a better dining experience. Almost immediately after we were seated, the band started to play "At Last" by Etta James - one of mine & Curt's most favorite songs together. It just confirmed to me that we were in the right place. It was a little Italian place, and the food was out of control good! There was SO. MUCH. FOOD. Delicious!

I know you all probably think I'm crazy. Yes, being an outsider looking in, I can see that this seems odd that I would rave so much about this dinner & talk of making the perfect choice. But, I just have to tell you...I felt like a lady. For once, I didn't feel like a mom. All the time I feel like a mom, a stay at home mom. It's not a glamorous life, and a lot of you know that. It's amazing how complacent I get in my own life. I just forget that there's anything else out there. I want to know more diversity. Being home, now, back to my evening kinda makes me sad. But, at the same time, dinner with Curt at Dolores del Rio rejuvenated me. It renewed my desire to feed my soul (not a spiritual soul) with art, culture, adult things. Things that make me feel carefree & full. Am I the only one this way? You know how some things just make you feel...I don't know...satisfied? Free? Like, after a long cool winter, I just feel so truly happy to put on flip flops & a tank & sit outside taking in the fresh spring air, you know? It just felt like a fresh, green spring after a long, cold winter, I guess. Whatever. I know I'm a rambling mess right now. I have faith, though, that atleast a handful of you know just what I mean. :-)

So, yeah. Here are some photos from Dolores del Rio. Yes, the white balance appears to be a crazy mess. But, sometimes, the perfect skin tones just don't suit the picture & mood you're trying to capture. We captured the scene as it was, red cast & all. :-)

The lighting was just so tough. The ISO was ALL the way up, and the shutter speed was ridiculously low. Of course we were shooting wide open, as well, and it was still just so dark. I wish we'd gotten more decent ones. These will have to work, though., this afternoon as we walked along the Riverwalk again, we came to Dolores del Rio. I have such a fondness for it, now, that I SO wanted a picture under the sign. We waited & waited & waited for someone to walk by who looked like they could pull off this shot. I'd metered, focused, done everything. All we needed was someone who understood the composition I wanted. Well, the first guy was a really, really nice guy, but he didn't understand the comp. So, we waited, waited, waited again. Finally, I saw a guy with a tripod in the distance. That's GOT to mean a good photographer, right!?! Haha! Don't you love my reasoning!?! Anyway, my assumption was right on, though. Curt asked him to take this photo for us, and he did a fantastic job! Of course, I told him to stand on this particular crack in the sidewalk (I'd focused from that point) and press the shutter. He composed it fabulously, though, and I'm so thrilled with the result! I'm really thankful to him that he didn't drop my camera or run off with it, too! Hahaha!!! :-) (Yes, that was a serious concern for me. I'm a dork, I know.) really was a lovely weekend. :-)

Friday, April 20, 2007

This is history making, folks...

It's an entry without any pictures! Ha!

Well, it just occurred to me that I hadn't updated today. Of course, I didn't take any pictures today, so that would be why.

My mom left today. (Could I say "today" a few more times!?! Haha!) I'm sad to see her go, of course. I wish that she & Craig could be here with us. It's so hard to hug your mom goodbye & watch her drive away when you know that another year will pass before you see her again. I'm so grateful that we got this little extra bit of time with her, though not under ideal circumstances. But, I don't know... Emma will be almost through her entire kindergarten year. Gosh... that seems so... I don't know... far away. I mean, I'm struggling with Emma going to kindergarten anyway, but to think that she'll almost be in FIRST GRADE before she sees Grandma again. Well, you can see why we're sad, right!?! :-(

Anyway. Mom, we love you & hope that you had a safe trip back. I know it's hard for you to go back each time, too. But, hopefully this was the last time we had to say goodbye for so long! Right? That's a good way of looking at it.

So... I'm posting today despite my lack of pictures to let you all know that I won't be posting until late Saturday night, possibly Sunday. The hubster & I are getting away for the weekend sans kiddos! Woohoooo!!! Carla & Rod (Curt's parents) gave us this nice little getaway for Christmas. I've been looking forward to this weekend since December! Anyway... we're heading out tomorrow morning & won't be back until Saturday afternoon.

And, can I just say again...THANK YOU! Every single day, I am ASTOUNDED at the number of visitors and the insanely nice comments you guys leave for me. It's such a daily pick-me-up, and I don't know what I've done to deserve it! I'm so grateful, though! You guys are the best! Seriously.

And, one last thing. I know that I over use the ellipsis. And, I don't even use it correctly. Haha! Also, I know that I overuse the words "anyway," "and," "so," and "well." I also start out sentences with "and" or "but" which is a MAJOR no-no. Believe it or not, I majored in English. You'd think I would be a little more grammatically correct. But, I choose to write like I talk. I think it's more effective & personal for something like this, don't you? :-)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I'm in love with a new location.

Haha! Seriously, though...I've been eyeing this bluebonnet field for a few weeks now. It's just GORGEOUS! So, today, we decided to head out there & get a few pictures. It was probably about 4pm, so the sun was pretty bright, but we kinda made it work. :-)

I actually got my whole family dressed in coordinating outfits (okay, they were pretty matchy-match) to try to get a family picture. We haven't had one in ages, I don't think. And, the last one we tried to do in the bluebonnets was before I got into photography, so, STUNK! Ha! Here we are:
Yes...we all have some article of grass green clothing on. We're dorks. I know.

Anyway, here are a few more from the field:

Grandma & the girls:
And, then we went on and met Heather's family for dinner. I convinced everyone to meet at a little historical park so that we could take a few picture of mom with all her grandkids. Amazingly, they were pretty cooperative.
There were TONS more good ones, too, but I'm feeling a little sleepy. I've got to get to bed soon.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Anyone wanna guess where we went today?

No, really. If you're a regular visitor, I bet you could guess correctly within 30 seconds! Haha! Yep...we went to the zoo. Again.

My mom is staying with us until this Thursday when she leaves to go back half way around the world. So, we thought we'd get out & do something fun today. And, yes, the hundredth visit to the zoo is still fun for us! Ha! (We're a simple family.)

Be watching, too. The girls got some new super cool rockstar sunglasses today. Remember how I mentioned that Maya is a serious lazy bones jones? Well, on the drive to the zoo, she decided that she'd like to walk today. However, she informed me that when her "eyes get hot," I'll need to pick her up and carry her. Not happening. So, my solution? Get her some sunglasses so her eyes don't get "hot," and she can walk her own self all around that zoo! That's what she did, too! Woot! We've graduated into the big girl world of walking! Ha! :-)

Anyway, it was a good time. I found another new location for pictures. This new one just might be my favorite! The thing about it, though, is that only the top half of the wall is this nice blue crackly color. The bottom half is just plain wood, I think. It's seperated by a chair rail type thing or something. I don't know. I didn't pay THAT much attention. ANYWAY...I wanted to try it out, but my girls are too short. So, I asked mom to stand there for me. I'm LOVING the way this one came out. I'm so excited to have a nice, fun picture of mom!
And, here's Emma. I had to LAY on the GROUND to get this shot! I wanted her against the blue wall, though. Plus, the broken out roof is way cool, too. (Check out the glasses!)
Here's a couple of the three of them together. :-) (Maya's way too cool for school.) Eatin' ice cream cones & chattin' it up! Life doesn't get much better.
And, just a quick one of Maya being a rockstar. Hey, and check me out in her sunglasses! Haha! Fun stuff! And, by chance...does she look 18 here, or is it just me? Sheesh. Someone remind me to stop encouraging their sassy-ness & 3-going-on-teen behavior! What was I thinking buying them these glasses!?!
Here's one of an actual animal. I really like this one. This is the first time we've seen this white tiger up & about. Usually she's pretty lazy. Or, last week she just paced at the bottom of the enclosure, so you couldn't really see her. She was fun today!
And, experiment. Now, keep in mind there is LOTS of room for improvement here. But, I was wanting to try something a little different. We rode the train today, and while I was sitting next to Emma, I thought it would be neat to try to get a shot of her with the background motion blurred. So, I set my shutter speed to 1/4th of a second. I made her rest her head against the train, & I rested my camera against the train, as well. That way, maybe her movement & my movement would be semi similar, thus keeping her in focus at such a slow shutter speed while catching the motion in the background. I think it turned out kinda cool, although the lighting could have been better. Also, I think it would have been even cooler if I'd slowed the shutter speed even a little more to catch more motion. But, NO WAY she would have been anywhere near in focus. I was already asking a lot of this four year old by asking her to sit perfectly still on a train ride at the zoo! Know what I mean? So, it is:
*****Also, I just want to thank you for all of the encouragement about the wedding shots! You guys are too good to me. I know you gotta start somewhere. I don't know why I thought it would be any easier than it was. Never the less, it really, truly was fun! :-) Thanks a bunch!*****

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I second shot a wedding last night.

It was some seriously HARD work. Physically. My legs are SO sore today that it's almost embarassing. I mean, they are more sore than when I first started working out. Crazy, huh?

Anyway, after seven long hours of being on my feet lugging photography gear around, I'm quite disappointed, honestly, with my end results. Yes, I got some decent shots, and maybe even some good ones, but should see how many of them just straight up stink! Haha! Like I said...hard work.

The lighting went from tungsten to flourescent to backlit to flash to anything else you can possibly think of. Flash is most definitely my weakest area, too.

So, the photographer that was kind enough to let me shoot second for him is Ashley Langford. He's a cool guy & a really creative photographer. He shared a few of his shots from this wedding with me already, and they're really cool! It's so funny how two people can be taking the exact same shot and they just come out so differently. I'm inspired to try a few new things after watching him shoot. Anyway...if you see this, Ashley, let me thank you yet again for letting me shoot for you. It was a good time.

On to the photos of Robert & Katy. :-)

Getting ready:

This is possibly my favorite photo from the day. I don't know why...I just love it. That's her grandmother's hanky (I think that's what she said!) I also just love the detail around her waist and those freckles. :-)
Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take any photos during the ceremony. Just the kiss. That's it. it is:
After the ceremony & before the reception, we took some photos around the town square, and the happy couple went for an ice cream. Too cute.

My favorite thing about this shot is her reflection. Haha!

On to the reception. Here are a few of her dancing with her dad. I just thought they were too cute together. They were having a lot of fun. :-)

A final one of the bride & groom...
And, before anyone goes & tells me I did a good job...just know. These are the best ones. The rest STINK! Hahahaha! No, seriously. They do. Hard work, this is!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Is this an eyeroll?

I mean...seriously. She's 3.

Just two from yesterday.