Anyone wanna guess where we went today?
No, really. If you're a regular visitor, I bet you could guess correctly within 30 seconds! Haha! Yep...we went to the zoo. Again.
My mom is staying with us until this Thursday when she leaves to go back half way around the world. So, we thought we'd get out & do something fun today. And, yes, the hundredth visit to the zoo is still fun for us! Ha! (We're a simple family.)
Be watching, too. The girls got some new super cool rockstar sunglasses today. Remember how I mentioned that Maya is a serious lazy bones jones? Well, on the drive to the zoo, she decided that she'd like to walk today. However, she informed me that when her "eyes get hot," I'll need to pick her up and carry her. Not happening. So, my solution? Get her some sunglasses so her eyes don't get "hot," and she can walk her own self all around that zoo! That's what she did, too! Woot! We've graduated into the big girl world of walking! Ha! :-)
Anyway, it was a good time. I found another new location for pictures. This new one just might be my favorite! The thing about it, though, is that only the top half of the wall is this nice blue crackly color. The bottom half is just plain wood, I think. It's seperated by a chair rail type thing or something. I don't know. I didn't pay THAT much attention. ANYWAY...I wanted to try it out, but my girls are too short. So, I asked mom to stand there for me. I'm LOVING the way this one came out. I'm so excited to have a nice, fun picture of mom!
And, here's Emma. I had to LAY on the GROUND to get this shot! I wanted her against the blue wall, though. Plus, the broken out roof is way cool, too. (Check out the glasses!)
Here's a couple of the three of them together. :-) (Maya's way too cool for school.)
Eatin' ice cream cones & chattin' it up! Life doesn't get much better.
And, just a quick one of Maya being a rockstar. Hey, and check me out in her sunglasses! Haha! Fun stuff! And, by chance...does she look 18 here, or is it just me? Sheesh. Someone remind me to stop encouraging their sassy-ness & 3-going-on-teen behavior! What was I thinking buying them these glasses!?!
Here's one of an actual animal. I really like this one. This is the first time we've seen this white tiger up & about. Usually she's pretty lazy. Or, last week she just paced at the bottom of the enclosure, so you couldn't really see her. She was fun today!
And, experiment. Now, keep in mind there is LOTS of room for improvement here. But, I was wanting to try something a little different. We rode the train today, and while I was sitting next to Emma, I thought it would be neat to try to get a shot of her with the background motion blurred. So, I set my shutter speed to 1/4th of a second. I made her rest her head against the train, & I rested my camera against the train, as well. That way, maybe her movement & my movement would be semi similar, thus keeping her in focus at such a slow shutter speed while catching the motion in the background. I think it turned out kinda cool, although the lighting could have been better. Also, I think it would have been even cooler if I'd slowed the shutter speed even a little more to catch more motion. But, NO WAY she would have been anywhere near in focus. I was already asking a lot of this four year old by asking her to sit perfectly still on a train ride at the zoo! Know what I mean? So, it is:
*****Also, I just want to thank you for all of the encouragement about the wedding shots! You guys are too good to me. I know you gotta start somewhere. I don't know why I thought it would be any easier than it was. Never the less, it really, truly was fun! :-) Thanks a bunch!*****
My mom is staying with us until this Thursday when she leaves to go back half way around the world. So, we thought we'd get out & do something fun today. And, yes, the hundredth visit to the zoo is still fun for us! Ha! (We're a simple family.)
Be watching, too. The girls got some new super cool rockstar sunglasses today. Remember how I mentioned that Maya is a serious lazy bones jones? Well, on the drive to the zoo, she decided that she'd like to walk today. However, she informed me that when her "eyes get hot," I'll need to pick her up and carry her. Not happening. So, my solution? Get her some sunglasses so her eyes don't get "hot," and she can walk her own self all around that zoo! That's what she did, too! Woot! We've graduated into the big girl world of walking! Ha! :-)
Anyway, it was a good time. I found another new location for pictures. This new one just might be my favorite! The thing about it, though, is that only the top half of the wall is this nice blue crackly color. The bottom half is just plain wood, I think. It's seperated by a chair rail type thing or something. I don't know. I didn't pay THAT much attention. ANYWAY...I wanted to try it out, but my girls are too short. So, I asked mom to stand there for me. I'm LOVING the way this one came out. I'm so excited to have a nice, fun picture of mom!

Nice shots Amy. The one of your mom with your girls are precious.
These are all adorable. I love the ice cream one, her expression is cute. You did a great job on the train one too.
So great! I love the ones of your DDs on the bench w/your mom :) Great color!!! I have color envy- I just cant' get mine to where I'm happy!
LMAO about the zoo! If we lived closer to one, I'm sure we'd just spend the night there! My dd's love going, too. My only question is, what in the world kind of zoo is it with all of these cool run-down buildings!?! Ours doesn't look like this! ;) I love that last one. . .she's definitely stlyin' there!
the last one didn't want to load for me but the rest of them are right on! loving your composition and angles! you never disappoint.
I wanna hang out with you guys- you always seem to be havin' fun!
You make me want to go to the zoo - not so my kids can have a fun educational experience, ohhhh no, but so I can take pictures like Amy!!
Love your experiment with the motion blur. Gotta try that. I did make a half-hearted attempt to re-create your shot a long time ago of hte bike with the background blurred; maybe I'll try a little harder now and just maybe get a shot like this. It's very cool.
Your mom is going to TREASURE those shots with her and the girls in them...especially that ice cream one, so storytelling. I like the motion, going to have to try it and stop being a weenie.
Okay...what zoo is this? I've gotta check it out! I really love the last photo! Another fun idea I'll have to try! Oh, and the angle where you got the roof with the hole in it is awesome!!
What wonderful shots of your mom and the girls. Amazing photos today like always, looks like everyone enjoyed their day.
These are great - I love finding awesome locations! We live close to a zoo but I haven't gotten there much this year. I love the train shot - those shots are hard to do (I relate after doing my carnival swings shot a few days ago).
I love all of these. My favorite is the one with them all eating ice cream. I relaly like the journalistic feel to pictures, because it captures the moment so well. I think its so perfect. And BTW - your wedding shots are gorgeous! Fantastic job for a first wedding - I know I couldn't do it :)
You totally rocked the zoo pictures! Love them all, but just a few comments...
Love that you were on the ground for that pic against the blue wall! I do that sorta stuff too! The close up of Maya with the glasses is fantastic! And great job on the motion blur! I'm super impressed she was still! Don't think my 4-year-old would've cooperated!!!
Love the last clever of you to think about getting both your movement and your daughter's movement so similar. I never would have thought about that. Very cool!
Cute Amy. I'm glad the girls are having fun with their Grandma! =)
And I'm loving the glasses.
Wow...these are fab! So, where does your mum live?
The zoo sounds like fun (again) and I love the panning...
Also LOVE those cool! I want some! :P And Maya looks so old, like 15 or something. :)
How are you coping? Hope all is well.
I love the last two. We are going to the zoo on Thurs. That is some great inspiration. And The wall in the first one is great. I think we have a similar wall at our zoo.
these are some great zoo shots!
I am impressed with your creativity in a place you've visited many times. can I ask how you metered for the tiger shot??
it is such a great one!
Love these shots! TOO cute! And I love those glasses! They're so fab! The girls look incredibly cute in them too!
And that is a great wall your mom is standing in front of!
Just a note on know she's the queen of the quiet game at preschool! :) she's like a statue so, I KNOW she can sit still.
#2 is my favorite!! I love the angle and the sunglasses are to die for LOL!
These are so wonderful! I LOVE the chic! You did a great job on the motion blur :)
How fun! My kids love the zoo too! I love the 6th photo down. So amazing and full of wonder!
Those sunglasses are to die for...and the shots of the girls in them have 'rockstar' written all over them. Must get me are too cool for school ;)
I guessed where you went as soon as I saw the title! Lol.
Love the shot of Emma in front of the wall, she looks like a movie star. Those glasses look great on both of the girls, love Maya's attitude in that third one. Awesome. Oh and that white tiger is soo cool!
what lovely little girls you have, amy! i'm loving your younger dd's hair cute. she must shake her hair out of her face all day.
the train shot is a super idea! i like it.
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