Aren't we blessed?
You know, there are times when I realize just how blessed I am. For some reason, today is one of those days. Most days, if you were to ask, I'd say, "yeah, we struggle." Most of the time I wish I could offer my girls more. More of what? I don't know...just more. I wish we had more money in the bank, another car in the garage. I wish I was thinner or had more self control. I wish I had that new lens on the top of my list! Haha! I'm sure you've all been there before. (Atleast I hope some of you have been there before, or I'll feel REALLY shallow!)
But, today. Today I'm just content. I feel so thankful that my girls are growing up in a loving, stable home. I know that we are blessed beyond measure, and, as a mom, I don't need anything more. Oftentimes, I find myself in tears when I think about other mothers in other situations. Have you ever thought about things like this? I mean, really...what mom doesn't want the very best for their child? And, yet, there are SO many that struggle and just CANNOT give their child everything they'd like to give them whether it be a hearty meal, proper health care, a warm home, a pair of shoes. Whatever. From the minor things to the major things. It doesn't mean they want it any less for their child than I do for mine. It humbles me. It makes me feel ashamed that I take what we have for granted. It breaks my heart that there are moms out there struggling daily to give their children a sliver of what I give mine so casually.
So, today, when I look at these pictures of Maya, snuggled in a big, warm, cozy bed ready for nap time without a care in the world...I am grateful. We've got a good thing going here, and much of the time we don't even recognize it. Please remind me of this the next time I'm moaning and groaning about wanting a new lens. Being thin, having another car or more's all insignificant when I stop and think about the things we DO have.

But, today. Today I'm just content. I feel so thankful that my girls are growing up in a loving, stable home. I know that we are blessed beyond measure, and, as a mom, I don't need anything more. Oftentimes, I find myself in tears when I think about other mothers in other situations. Have you ever thought about things like this? I mean, really...what mom doesn't want the very best for their child? And, yet, there are SO many that struggle and just CANNOT give their child everything they'd like to give them whether it be a hearty meal, proper health care, a warm home, a pair of shoes. Whatever. From the minor things to the major things. It doesn't mean they want it any less for their child than I do for mine. It humbles me. It makes me feel ashamed that I take what we have for granted. It breaks my heart that there are moms out there struggling daily to give their children a sliver of what I give mine so casually.
So, today, when I look at these pictures of Maya, snuggled in a big, warm, cozy bed ready for nap time without a care in the world...I am grateful. We've got a good thing going here, and much of the time we don't even recognize it. Please remind me of this the next time I'm moaning and groaning about wanting a new lens. Being thin, having another car or more's all insignificant when I stop and think about the things we DO have.

Oh Amy, you are so right, indeed. I think of this often as I see my students come to class with muddy shoes because they don't have cement floors at home, or with a skimpy sweater during our coldest times of the year, or when they simply WANT to come to school because it's warmer/cooler than at home...there's so much we take for granted and yet, we can only do so much for them...for me, the only thing I can do for them is teach them, listen to them and most of all be a guide and positve role-model or mentor... and at home, I can only continue to show my girls the differences between wanting and needing things...
cheer up, I'm sure you're doing a fine job...just by questioning yourself it shows that you are aware of what needs to happen, thus in turn, insuring that your girls will be in tune with the world around them...
on a different topic...I'm in constant AWE of your shots! the clarity and definition is totally AMAZING regardless of what you're shooting. your composition is as on...
have i asked you what lens you're shooting with?
thanks for reminding me of those very important points. i've been harassing dh for a lens and just this morning decided it wasn't really that important. you're post helped confirm that.
these pics are gorgeous as always. you have one of the most creative eyes i have seen! i need you to write me a check list of photo ops to look for! LOL!
great job
You're right -- I think we all have it pretty good. I've been keeping up with a woman's blog who just lost her 3 1/2 year old daugheter. That's the same age as my Peyton and every time I check her blog I relize that == as much as I might whine about my life from time to time -- I'm really blessed and fortunate to have the husband and children that I do. We're all happy and healthy and loved. Thanks for the reminder post! I'm just about to wake them up from sleep and I'll be sure to give them extra kisses today! :)
I go through times where I wish I had this or that, but mostly I think that there isn't much I can't live without. The other day my boyfriend was asking but what about sentimental value? Things have it, of course, but it's not the things themselves that are important but what they represent, and so long as I had that and the other things I *actually* need like my health and a roof over my head, I could live without the rest of it if I had to.
The new whatever is nice to have, but it's nothing compared to realizing I have a job that pays enough to afford my apartment and the heat bill, where some people have to decide between food and keeping warm or having a place to be at all. Of course in general I'd like to do better for myself (7.50 an hr is hardly a killing), and wouldn't be able to take care of anyone other than myself with this salary so I'm glad I don't have kids yet because I'd be one of those that would want to provide more than I phsyically could, but for now I'm content.
As always - your journaling sends me over the top. Good pictures too - but the journaling is great. We don't have children...yet. I miscarried in January & it was so hard...when I saw other's with big ol' bellies or even little ones I was so hurt & was full of questions. I mean I know it is in God's hands & I don't NEED to know why I miscarried - but I WANT to know. Now I am just content with God's decision. Also my DH & I travel to Haiti for mission work. We spent 4 months there last year - the only two Americans. Most kids were hungry...all the time. Some would be so ashamed - but they would take you away from the crowd with tears in their eyes and tell you they were hungry. (We KNEW these kids, they truely were hungry). These kids just wanted a MEAL! They wore the same 2 outfits all week long! They could've asked for the soccer ball or baby dolls, or coloring books we let them play with (I mean ask to keep), but they never did. The people that don't know that life can be SO MUCH better - know true contentment. Thanks again for sharing Amy!
Beautiful words. Its unfortunate how often those words and sentiment are forgotten. Its not about wants and desires, but about needs. And when we've met those needs, love, compassion, roof over our heads and a meal in our bellies, everything else is a blessing. Your words were heartwarming and a great reminder just how important "life" is and how fortunate we all are. Your children, your family, your soul is pure and beautiful and I can see that through reading your entries. And BTW - beautiful pictures - yet again :)
Amy, you are an amazing woman. So talented and yet so humble. You are so right, we are so spoiled in our happy little lives. I am often reminded of these thoughts. It's good to hear now and then to remind you how blessed you truly are, isn't it? We've had our share of trials, but still nothing compared to so many others. Enjoy your blessings today and be thankful! :)
What a beautiful post. You're so right, this is something I need to remember more often too.
I also LOVE these photos. Not that I'm surprised, but they really are beautiful. Your clarity and lighting are really amazing.
Thank you for this message today!
I think I needed to hear this today! I've got so many blessings I have no right to feel discontent.
That last shot is stunning! I always love looking at your posts!
Amen sister! You have a great way with words as well as the camera. The shots of Maya are fantastic, you are amazing.
Wow...I really needed to read that today. I have been in one of those moods where I forget to be grateful for how good things really are in my life. Thanks for the reminder. The timing was perfect.
Once again you have wow-ed me with your photos. I like all of them, but I absolutely love her eyes in the last photo - gorgeous!!
These are so beautiful. Her eyes really draw me in. And I always love your journalling so much. I always look forward to reading it.
I'm going through a really rough time right now, but have decided that instead of wallowing (which I'm sometimes good at LoL), I will look at the bright side of life, put my talents to good use, and pray to God and thank him for my life and all of the blessings in my life every night.
Amy, you and I are SO alike. :) You voice what I feel every day. love you.
And love these pics too.
You are so right! Sometimes dh and I get a bit down because we don't have a house but then we reflect on how much we do have. OUr children, eachother, a safe loving home, food on the table, he has a job, ect. So many people are without the basics.
And gorgeous pictures! Those eyes really pull me in. TFS
Nice post, and yes, you're so right. We are blessed with ebing able to provide but yes, i have that wish list too!! Great shots as well!
Yep! Funny I was watching my DH last night building our new deck and I was thinking the same thing- I am really blessed...You are totally right about not taking things for granted- but I do feel with you about the thin thing! I feel the same way...
You are so inspiring! And your photography is breat taking.
Beautiful words :)
I coudn't agree with you more! Life is GOOD- and I feel grateful and gracious for all that G-d has bestowed on me, while it may seem small to some- it's perfection :)
Amy, Thank You for reminding me to be thankful for what I DO have, and can provide my daughter. It is so easy to get caught up in the consumerism of today's world and wish and hope for everything.
You write with such inspiring clarity and emotion, and your images are just fabulous!
Amen and beautifully said!! I couldn't agree more! It's so hard to keep our minds focused on the things that really matter because society inundates us constantly with the wrong messages! It's amazing that when I truly get it and focus on my blessings and on serving and loving others above myself are the times I'm truly at peace! Thanks for the reminder to focus on those things that are eternal! All this stuff down here doesn't even really belong to me anyway!!!
Amazingly beautiful shots too BTW!!!
amy, these lovely pictures fit perfectly with what you wrote!!!
thank you! i have 4 sleeping, healthy, happy children in the next room. i can go on and on about what we don't have right now, but... i'm so grateful too.
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