Well, since I didn't skip yesterday, I really was gonna skip today.
I really, really was. I'm SO stinkin' tired today, plus it was a preschool day, plus it was SO stormy this afternoon. And, yet, here I am.
If you read my post from a couple days ago, you know that I'm trying to be more deliberate in my photography. Well, maybe that's a bad way to say it. I guess I already am deliberate. I mean, I don't know, aware of the moments that I overlook. I'm trying to be intentional about capturing their daily "stuff." So, when I saw Maya being the epitome of "preschool day Maya," I thought I should just grab the camera & snap.
Let me explain "preschool day Maya." Maya still needs a good, long daily nap. She falls right to sleep at home. But, at preschool, someone refuses to nap. I send her favorite blanket...nothing. I send "Muckey" (her favorite monkey)...nothing.
Now, if Maya doesn't get enough sleep, she's like me...overly emotional and sensitive. So, inevitably, every preschool day evening is...hmmm...somethin' else with this one. I mean, the crying kicks in almost immediately after she steps foot in the door. I'm serious. Heck, we're lucky if it doesn't start up on the car ride home. Haha!
Today's first crying fit started because Emma wouldn't let her watch Dora. Which, honestly...Emma doesn't control the TV, so why oh why does Maya let this get to her? But, Curt & I were in the kitchen talking, and we don't let our kids interrupt, so we were unavailable to save the day right away. (Eye roll here...) She just cried. This isn't so much a fit with screaming and all that...just that really hurt cry. You know...the one that is accompanied by the random and uncontrollable sniffle?
I looked over at her, and I just couldn't help it. I had to get the camera out. The sniffle thing is kinda cute. :-) Plus, we see this pretty much on schedule, so why not document it, right!?! Look at that little tear & pouty lip. What was it that grampa used to tell me about a bird landing on my lip? Hahaha!!! :-)
So, then, not 30 seconds later (in fact, I've still got the camera up to my face,) she looks up with this face (after she's wiped her tear with a LEAF that she's been carrying around! Ay yi yi!)
If you read my post from a couple days ago, you know that I'm trying to be more deliberate in my photography. Well, maybe that's a bad way to say it. I guess I already am deliberate. I mean, I don't know, aware of the moments that I overlook. I'm trying to be intentional about capturing their daily "stuff." So, when I saw Maya being the epitome of "preschool day Maya," I thought I should just grab the camera & snap.
Let me explain "preschool day Maya." Maya still needs a good, long daily nap. She falls right to sleep at home. But, at preschool, someone refuses to nap. I send her favorite blanket...nothing. I send "Muckey" (her favorite monkey)...nothing.
Now, if Maya doesn't get enough sleep, she's like me...overly emotional and sensitive. So, inevitably, every preschool day evening is...hmmm...somethin' else with this one. I mean, the crying kicks in almost immediately after she steps foot in the door. I'm serious. Heck, we're lucky if it doesn't start up on the car ride home. Haha!
Today's first crying fit started because Emma wouldn't let her watch Dora. Which, honestly...Emma doesn't control the TV, so why oh why does Maya let this get to her? But, Curt & I were in the kitchen talking, and we don't let our kids interrupt, so we were unavailable to save the day right away. (Eye roll here...) She just cried. This isn't so much a fit with screaming and all that...just that really hurt cry. You know...the one that is accompanied by the random and uncontrollable sniffle?
I looked over at her, and I just couldn't help it. I had to get the camera out. The sniffle thing is kinda cute. :-) Plus, we see this pretty much on schedule, so why not document it, right!?! Look at that little tear & pouty lip. What was it that grampa used to tell me about a bird landing on my lip? Hahaha!!! :-)

I thought to myself, "wow...what changed? She NEVER smiles for me!" And then I hear her proud little voice say, "mama, I bewpd in your camera." (Bewpd=burped.) Ah, and NOW I know. She's quite pleased with herself. (Another eyeroll.) Man, I've got a couple classy girls here.
But, whatever. I'll take the genuine smile however I can get it! :-)
What a precious capture! The tear is so clear and that pout. Oh my! And she has a very pretty smile! TFS
Your pictures are amazing. Today is the first day I've seen your stuff. Beautiful! I was wondering how I can get Peta's color pop and skeefer's b&w conversion.
Amy you amaze me with all your pics of your girls, can I borrow them? lol. Great shots and the tear is priceless :D
That first picture just stole my heart. I wanted to cry for her. Her eyes just jumped right off the page. THat tear......need I say it...hearbreaking. I love it. TFS!
And I was concerned I was not having any influence with them. Guess my time with them has been well spent:)
I think this might be the first time I've posted on your blog.
You truly have a gift.
I really enjoy your photos & the story behind them.
Seeing you capture your daughters the way you do...
Makes me smile. :)
They will love all of these photos when they are older.
Your conversions are gorgeous!
I can't wait to see more. :)
She wants her Grandma! DS
Amy your photos AMAZE me- every day I'm left more in awe of you!!!
Do you use a color pop action of your own concoction?
What a pout! Now that's a capture that will be a real treasure later... :)
again with the great captures! that tear is too priceless! and yes, sounds like your girls are as classy as mine! hehehe
Too funny and your journaling really brings the whole thing to life! You have a great blog for memories. I hope you save all this and get it printed up!
love the tear---and the story made me laugh!!!
Hey what a FAB story and awesome pictures to go along with it. You are just rocking atm1 You know I love your stuff soooooo much! TFS!
Love the everyday capture- this was a fun entry to read as your little one is an awful lot like mine (just a bit older).
This is a great capture of an (almost) everyday moment. I must confess I snapped one of my little one in full out cry a few months ago because it was over absloutley nothing~ I know it will come back to haunt me, but it still makes me laugh!
I love checking your blog and seeing what amazing photos you've captured. I've seriously become a big fan of youf photos! :) Anyhow...I love, love, love the first photo and the story that goes with it. Her eyes absolutely pop and I love the little tear on her cheek. Awesome capture!!
Great job mom! Love the first one. She has such and adorable pout too :)
it is great to see her smiling:) Like how your documenting their everyday lives.
That tear in the first is just so precious! The story behind the second on is too cute. Wonderful captures!
My poor baby Maya! She's just so sensitive yet she has such a good sense of humor...I love these pictures.
Precious. I love how you caught the tear on her cheek. Beautiful.
That little tear and pot just melts my heart!
What a precious moment in your daughter's life that you captured! Man, I wish my daughter was still little...I would give anything to have photographs like this of her...
Amy, I'm just going to get a little sappy here (everyone else can just skim on by :)). I know you know how much I adore you and your photography, right? Right. Well, I just have to tell you how MUCH I enjoy reading your blog. even though we've known each other for several years, I feel like I get such a fabulous look into your life through it. I feel like I know you, Curt and the girls so much more just from these little snippets out of your day. I love it. I hope at the end of the year you will have a coffee table book made of this entire blog. It is such a treasure, truly. You and the girls will love looking back at this in the years to come. Ok, sappy stuff is over :*
You are both a great photographer AND writer! I love reading your posts!
i like the part about her wiping her face with a leaf the best...
and, is that lauren c from chs?
if so, hey lauren!
That's too funny. Your pictures are always so crisp.
These are beautiful. The tear and pout is just perfect, and I love her reason for smiling. You can't get more genuine than that!
Amy, I love the tear! The dof is beautiful on both of these. I will do anything for a genuine smile too. :)
Also love those redheads in the previous post.
oh, the first shot made me cry so sad. But what a great shot you captured the moment well, great color saturation also!
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