This is quite possible the world's longest blog entry. Seriously.
Well, I took some photos today that I just LOVE. But, before I get to that, I wanted to say thank you again to all of you that visit & leave such wonderful, really, really nice comments. Seriously...I'm a little embarrassed (in a good way) about how sweet you all are to me.
So, the least I can do is take a little time to answer the questions some of you asked in your comments. Please know that I want to answer you guys, but sometimes I don't know how to do it. Should I answer in my own comment section or in a new post or on your blog (if linked?) I just don't know the right way to do it! :-) But, today I'm just gonna answer right here in the beginning of this post!
**Technical stuff starting here:
Chantale (and Lulu)- I've always liked photography and wanted to learn, but I only really made that happen just about a year ago. I got my first DSLR on April 13, 2006. :-) Before that, I had started learning the photographic triangle, but I was limited with my Canon point & shoot. My first camera was a Canon Rebel XT with a 50mm f/1.8 lens. I had a kit lens for a short time, but I ended up getting rid of that and opting for a vertical battery grip instead. I think you can do FABULOUS things with the XT & the 50. In fact, that's all I had for a long time. :-)
I've since acquired a bit more equipment, but my list is never ending! Ha! Now, I shoot with the Canon 30D, any my hubby (Curt) uses the XT. I have the 50mm f/1.8 still, an 85 1.8, 30 1.4 and 28-75 2.8. My absolute favorite is the 85. I love, love, LOVE to shoot at wide open apertures, so that's always the leading factor in what kind of lenses I buy.
I'm self taught, sort of. I mean, I never did any formal education aside from one photography class in college for fun. I do, though, have to credit all the great photographers on ILP that are so willing to share their knowledge. I learned OODLES there. I read, and read, and read everything I could get my hands on and still do. I practice with whatever is around me. I've got at least a billion pictures on my computer of water bottles or tennis shoes or whatever was laying around when I felt the need to practice what I was reading. That's been THE single biggest learning tool for me. I think photography is never ending. There will NEVER be a time when there's nothing to learn. As it is now, I feel like I don't even know a quarter of what there is to know! It's INSANE! So, yeah, I still read, read, read.
I'm not in business at this point. I thought I might want to be, but I've since decided that I jumped into it way too soon. Photography is my passion, my "thing", my outlet, and I found that doing it in a business setting made it almost unenjoyable. So, I backed outta that REALLY quickly. Haha! :-)
Oh, and I don't know how I get full body shots in focus at wide aps. :-) I mean, I guess I just obsessively push the back button (I use back button focusing) about a billion times before I actually take the shot. I try to snap the shutter as quickly as possible after focusing. I know that's not as technical as you were probably looking for, Lulu, but I guess I've just never given it a lot of thought. At first, when I started learning to shoot wide open, I practiced ENDLESSLY on just headshots so that I could really gauge the sharpness by the eyelashes. Once I felt like I had that down, I started shooting wide open for full body shots. I like to take baby steps. :-)
And, Angela - YEP! I most DEFINITELY take a bad picture. In fact, I take LOTS of them! Ha! :-)
**And ending here. :-), on to today's post. Tonight I set out to really capture my girls playing...just in the moment. I don't want to leave those fun, portrait type photos in the dust, but I started to feel like my photos are all really leaning that way. I started to realize that, yes, I have cool photos of my girls in cool locations, but I have less of them just in their day to day. Their day to day is what I need to remember as a mom. So, yeah, that's what I was gonna do tonight.
When I started to upload the pictures, my heart started to feel full. I could tell that I'd captured the essence of Emma. I'd captured a moment that, in the past, I would have consciously told myself, "DO NOT FORGET THIS. It's so special that I never, ever will forget." Ummm...yeah right. Who am I kidding!?! I told myself that I would ALWAYS remember what my babies smelled like right out of the bath. Nope...that's gone. I've done that at least a billion times, and, though the memory is vivid for a few days, it quickly fades no matter how hard I try to hold onto it. So, when I saw that I captured one of those moments on "film," it made me feel fulfilled & grateful. And this is why I love photography. :-) Now, I'll always remember what Emma's bare piggies look like dancing through the grass. I'll remember the adoration I felt for her as I sat three feet from her & watched her twirl in the sunset. I do wish I could stop time. It saddens me to think that one of these days will be the last day that she does that...she'll outgrow it at some point, just as she outgrew the baby smell. But, at least I have photos.

And a few of the girls together:

And, because I do so love them as well, here are a couple of those more portrait-y type photos. (I'm betting that's not really a word. Anyone wanna take me up on that!?!)

And, in typical Maya fashion, here is what I got from her. (Man, I love this kid & her SASSYness!) She was mad at me for asking to take her picture. :-)

And, FINALLY, just for fun, here is one that Curt wanted me to take for the yearbook that he's working on.
So, the least I can do is take a little time to answer the questions some of you asked in your comments. Please know that I want to answer you guys, but sometimes I don't know how to do it. Should I answer in my own comment section or in a new post or on your blog (if linked?) I just don't know the right way to do it! :-) But, today I'm just gonna answer right here in the beginning of this post!
**Technical stuff starting here:
Chantale (and Lulu)- I've always liked photography and wanted to learn, but I only really made that happen just about a year ago. I got my first DSLR on April 13, 2006. :-) Before that, I had started learning the photographic triangle, but I was limited with my Canon point & shoot. My first camera was a Canon Rebel XT with a 50mm f/1.8 lens. I had a kit lens for a short time, but I ended up getting rid of that and opting for a vertical battery grip instead. I think you can do FABULOUS things with the XT & the 50. In fact, that's all I had for a long time. :-)
I've since acquired a bit more equipment, but my list is never ending! Ha! Now, I shoot with the Canon 30D, any my hubby (Curt) uses the XT. I have the 50mm f/1.8 still, an 85 1.8, 30 1.4 and 28-75 2.8. My absolute favorite is the 85. I love, love, LOVE to shoot at wide open apertures, so that's always the leading factor in what kind of lenses I buy.
I'm self taught, sort of. I mean, I never did any formal education aside from one photography class in college for fun. I do, though, have to credit all the great photographers on ILP that are so willing to share their knowledge. I learned OODLES there. I read, and read, and read everything I could get my hands on and still do. I practice with whatever is around me. I've got at least a billion pictures on my computer of water bottles or tennis shoes or whatever was laying around when I felt the need to practice what I was reading. That's been THE single biggest learning tool for me. I think photography is never ending. There will NEVER be a time when there's nothing to learn. As it is now, I feel like I don't even know a quarter of what there is to know! It's INSANE! So, yeah, I still read, read, read.
I'm not in business at this point. I thought I might want to be, but I've since decided that I jumped into it way too soon. Photography is my passion, my "thing", my outlet, and I found that doing it in a business setting made it almost unenjoyable. So, I backed outta that REALLY quickly. Haha! :-)
Oh, and I don't know how I get full body shots in focus at wide aps. :-) I mean, I guess I just obsessively push the back button (I use back button focusing) about a billion times before I actually take the shot. I try to snap the shutter as quickly as possible after focusing. I know that's not as technical as you were probably looking for, Lulu, but I guess I've just never given it a lot of thought. At first, when I started learning to shoot wide open, I practiced ENDLESSLY on just headshots so that I could really gauge the sharpness by the eyelashes. Once I felt like I had that down, I started shooting wide open for full body shots. I like to take baby steps. :-)
And, Angela - YEP! I most DEFINITELY take a bad picture. In fact, I take LOTS of them! Ha! :-)
**And ending here. :-), on to today's post. Tonight I set out to really capture my girls playing...just in the moment. I don't want to leave those fun, portrait type photos in the dust, but I started to feel like my photos are all really leaning that way. I started to realize that, yes, I have cool photos of my girls in cool locations, but I have less of them just in their day to day. Their day to day is what I need to remember as a mom. So, yeah, that's what I was gonna do tonight.
When I started to upload the pictures, my heart started to feel full. I could tell that I'd captured the essence of Emma. I'd captured a moment that, in the past, I would have consciously told myself, "DO NOT FORGET THIS. It's so special that I never, ever will forget." Ummm...yeah right. Who am I kidding!?! I told myself that I would ALWAYS remember what my babies smelled like right out of the bath. Nope...that's gone. I've done that at least a billion times, and, though the memory is vivid for a few days, it quickly fades no matter how hard I try to hold onto it. So, when I saw that I captured one of those moments on "film," it made me feel fulfilled & grateful. And this is why I love photography. :-) Now, I'll always remember what Emma's bare piggies look like dancing through the grass. I'll remember the adoration I felt for her as I sat three feet from her & watched her twirl in the sunset. I do wish I could stop time. It saddens me to think that one of these days will be the last day that she does that...she'll outgrow it at some point, just as she outgrew the baby smell. But, at least I have photos.

And a few of the girls together:

And, because I do so love them as well, here are a couple of those more portrait-y type photos. (I'm betting that's not really a word. Anyone wanna take me up on that!?!)

And, in typical Maya fashion, here is what I got from her. (Man, I love this kid & her SASSYness!) She was mad at me for asking to take her picture. :-)

Quite an enjoyable blog entry too, Amy! I love your blog. I can feel your passion for photography and in fact, reading that almost made me cry because I feel the same way. lol
I love how you reach out to your fans in your blog. I'm TOTALLY teasing and not trying to embarrass you more. I almost feel embarrassed too sometimes at so many positive comments.
Your photos are beautiful and inspiring.
Amy these are awesome shots. Your girls really do love the camera don't they? You get so many good pics of them and they seam to have so much patience with you and the camera.I need to find cute little girls like your to practice on.
Amy, this entry DID make ME cry! You and Heather are all grown up now and the quality of pictures we could get when you were growing up leave a lot to be desired ;-)
And, yes my grandchildren will grow up too. I guess that's a big reason I want to move back to Texas next year - to be more a part of those childhood years. Mom
I commented in another place that you posted these, but I have to come comment here, too. Really powerful work. I'll be keeping up on your blog.
love your entry. really sums up why most of us are in this crazy quest for photos of our and our family' lives! and the photos! you did it again! great job! love those ones of emma. especially the one of her sitting in the grass. seriously, wow! enter that in some contest somewhere.
Love your journaling today - it really sums up how I feel!
These photos are gorgeous! I love the first one with the sun flare. Your color is always amazing! Gotta love the sassy mad pout your daughter is giving you - I've gotten that same look from my daughter! :)
I just have to tell you that l have been stalking your blog for sometime now and just had to comment. Your pictures are so amazing and so inspiring. I always enjoy looking and reading your blog entries...and you are forever giving me great ideas. Thanks so much for sharing and l look forward to many more posts.
Loved your entry today. Count me in as another who echoes your feelings about photography. And you have been reminding me lately of what I really love about photography and what got me passionate about it in the first place. Thanks for that.
I love the light in these pictures. Great shots.
another stalker here!!!! LOVE them photos :) Great entry today - thanks for sharing a little bit of you :)
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for sharing what so many of us feel
as we see our little ones growing up right before our eyes...way too fast. And thanks for inspiring us to continue to try to capture those memories! Your photos truly are amazing!
Thank you so much for answering my qs! You are fab!
I just love these, so full of life and natural. And you inspired me to shoot at 1.8 even when I had enough light to stop down today -- instead of my usual 2.8 ;)
OMG, I am loving those sunflare shots with the bright pink of their dresses! So psyched to have found your blog-- I love your stuff!
These are so beautiful. I got all choked up reading your journaling since I feel exactly the same way. Wouldn't it be nice if life had a pause and a rewind button? Such sweet captures of your beautiful little girls. TFS
You AMAZE me miss Amy! Thanks for sharing part of "your story". I feel that we have a lot in common. These Captures are absolutely beautiful! They make me LONG for warmer weather! The sunlight/sunset pictures are incredible. LOVE them!
Beautiful, Wonderful Job as always! (can I just copy and paste the same comment day after day to your blog :) )
I just found your blog off ILP and I have to say I'm just amazed! I love your entry today, I think so many of us moms can relate and you put it into words that were beautiful. Your work is stunning and I look forward to checking out your blog more often!
Wow, wow, and more wow! Girl, you rock! seeing your photos just reminds me how much I missed by not taking my photography seriously before my daughter was all grown. You really captured the essence of childhood in some of these shots!
fantastic and thanks for the insight. Very nice of you to do a blog entry just to answer questions. Your shots are gorgeous as always, I love the sassy look your dd gives you! lol!
Love your journal entry for today. I truely think some people just naturally have an "eye" for photography, you have the "eye" and you have such adorable girls to practice one. Your shots from today are beautiful as always, love the sun flare, very creative.
Amy - these are breathtaking .. I love every single one of them ..
And I was teary eyed just reading your post!!
My DS is 18months old today .. and I want him to stop groing .. I want to remember everything about him forever and ever .. every single thing ..
I also need to take some everyday activity pics of him more often .. I tend to forget about my camera when he is just being himself!! :)
Thanks for the reminder .. I will definately pay more attention!
Take Care, Julie
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I love to read your blog entries. I really like the silouet (?sp) captures. TFS Your girls are sooooo cute!
You never cease to wow me! I get all speechless looking at your photos. How is it that someone can be so consistently awesome! Love them all! And thanks for the info!
Your journaling made me cry. I have often tried to explain to other people what I think about and feel while I am shooting. Your words are exactly the way I feel about photography. The passion you have for photography and your family really shows in your work. A teacher of mine from college once told me that if you REALLY look at a photograph, you can learn a world of information about the photographer who took it. And I see that in your photographs.
Amy, you really are an inspiration to me.
Amy, I love your post and I love your work! Thanks for sharing and keep 'em coming!
I really enjoy your blog, Amy! I adore those backlit shots ... gorgeous. :)
These are amazing shots. I love the girls together holding hands and the last one... I couldn't meter for that sky if my life depended on it! They need to be on canvas... BIG canvas! You've got a gift. If you ever want to mentor someone -I'm game! Keep right on posting you are very inspiring.
I'm dying.....I'm seriously head over heals for your photography. That first photo is B.E.A.U.T.F.U.L.
Beautiful photos. Love them. I think you captured well what you were looking for...and you got it dead on.
Thanks so much for that nice notes and your story is never long...the inspiration is just I think I'm normal! The sunflare shots are just TDF!!!! I hope one day I can do it too.
Keep in coming!
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