We went back to the zoo today.
We bought season passes, so we're able to just go for an hour here or there, and so it's been a lot of fun. I love not feeling like I need to get my money's worth in one day, you know?
Anyway, so, we went. Again, I didn't take any pictures of animals. I just stink at those...I need a longer zoom, but that's not on the top of my list right now. So, I just don't take them. The only one I got was of this nasty looking spider on his nasty looking web. I shot it through glass, so I had a difficult time getting focus. I think the web's sharper than the spider, but oh well. And, yeah...I didn't pay attention to what kind of spider it was, so don't ask! :-) Haha!
Also, let me just go ahead and get this out of the way. I've been challenged to be IN more pictures this coming month. So, be expecting that. I can't exactly say that I'm too thrilled about it, but I guess in a way I am. I mean, when you're always behind the camera, or when you think you're carrying a few extra pounds, you tend to not be in a lot of pictures. But, I know that it'll some day be just as important to my girls for ME to be in pictures as it is for me to have pictures of them, you know? So, though it's still March, I went ahead and let Curt get some practice shooting. Here's just one...that I don't love. (I mean, he did a good job, but...well, you know what I mean.)
On to the fun stuff! Some of these pictures are going to be fairly repetitive, but I just couldn't decide which one(s) to share so I'm sharing them all. What a treat! (<---------please note the sarcasm.) So, what's with Maya & old, chipping yellow painted buildings/windows? Haha! We found this spot at the zoo the first time we went. Remember the picture of Summer standing here? So, I plopped Maya up in the window, and, to keep her busy, I gave her a lollipop. That did the trick. 
Does her big ol' out of focus foot right there in the front bother you in this one?
And, I know the lighting is kinda weird here, but I loved how the sunlight just caught the top of the lollipop. I wish she'd had the lollipop turned right towards me, but oh well. Which crop for this one?

And, I just ADORE this next set. I love that they have this little nook that you can crawl into & check out the water creatures. Seeing the girls in there reminded me of being a child. Man, the carefree days... Anyway, when I was little, I remember seeing things that would spark my imagination, and I would just daydream for what seemed like forever. I had this metal Disneyland lunch box, and on the bus I would just stare at it. My imagination would put me there, in the scene. Everything around me just faded away momentarily.
When I see my girls in this little nook snackin' on lollipops & checking out the sea creatures, I just hope that their little minds have taken them to another place. That's what childhood is made of...imagination & whimsy.

And, for fun...what do you think of this crop with all the dead space?
And, finally...here's a snapshot of Curt pushing SERIOUSLY lazy-bones-jones-Maya in the stroller & Emma walking. (Maya REFUSES to walk. Ugh.) Anyway, this is a BUSY shot, thus the heavy vignette to try to pull the focus to Curt & the girls. But, I thought it was kinda cute. Plus, Curt & Emma are walking just exactly the same way except Emma's got a little more hip action! Haha! :-)
Anyway, so, we went. Again, I didn't take any pictures of animals. I just stink at those...I need a longer zoom, but that's not on the top of my list right now. So, I just don't take them. The only one I got was of this nasty looking spider on his nasty looking web. I shot it through glass, so I had a difficult time getting focus. I think the web's sharper than the spider, but oh well. And, yeah...I didn't pay attention to what kind of spider it was, so don't ask! :-) Haha!

When I see my girls in this little nook snackin' on lollipops & checking out the sea creatures, I just hope that their little minds have taken them to another place. That's what childhood is made of...imagination & whimsy.

Hey these are fun pics. I enjoy seeing you and Curt once in a while.
What kind of spider is that?:)
Five is my favorite. You have such a way with perspective. Great job on all of these.
Georgous. That's all I can say.
Your colors are so vibrant and the clarity just kills me...What lens are you using???
On the lollipop shots I like the 2nd one better (tighter crop). And I'm not liking the dead space on that shot. I like the centered one with both of them in the port hole thingy...
Your journaling about day-dreaming as little kids brought back memories of me...I too, used to daydream for hours on end. About anything. Being in a boat in jungle (and I was actually on an upside-down bench), swimming through rivers (made of piles of clothes on the floor), running through laberinths (while I sat inside a long and narrow laundry basket)...oh those were the days...
Nice picture of you - Curt's doing great! The first one of Maya is my favorite of her today. Behind that lollipop you can see pure pleasure.
I like the first crop of the lollipop.
The first one of Emma is awesome too! I do wonder what she was thinking about?
Looks like you guys had fun. It was good to see Curt, even if only from the back ;-)
Amy - these are fab - as usual! My favs are the "nook" pics. I LOVE the one with them both on the left hand side! Perfection! Makes we wanna fly back to texas just to try that shot. Have I mention that i'm your biggest fan?...:)
Great job!
Love everything...the DOF is TDF!
The spider is so creeeppppyy! But everything else is wow, wow and more wow. The hubby did a great job with the photo of you and the shots of your girls, amazing all.
Very nice pictures Amy...and you too Curt. =)
I just love all of these, especialy the one of the circle window with the two lovely munchins.
Wow these are so great!! Love the pic of you BTW, your beautiful!!! Thanks for the inspiration, we are going to the zoo today (got a season pass too!) I LOVE LOVE LOVE the ones in the circle window! great color! TFS!!!!!!
ok, i love the one of the girls in the world nook! it is so cool! and i think the one with all the black on the side would make a great photo for a zoo flyer...hmm..little business venture? put some type on it and submit it to them! great job on these!
My favorite is the one with both girls in that circle with all the dead space around them. I agree that those pics just scream "childhood"! Looking at your pics of the zoo really make me wish for summer so I can spend time like this with my girls and not have to rush. TFS!! :)
Your pictures are always so beautiful!
I love the second one in the group with the yellow building (though I love her expression in the first one!). I also love the "nook" photos - especially the first one, timeless, you know?? I love the 1st lollipop one too. You said you use back button focus. Is that something you've got to change in your menu settings to use?? I've got a Canon XTi. I wish I could get your clarity!
The picture of you is lovely, really it is. If only one could see themselves as others do there would be a lot less 'in front of the camera stress' you know? All the other pictures haven't loaded yet but I just wanted to say that while it was in my head...
These are all so cool, but the circular ones are outstanding. You have great looking models as well as yourself.
Oh my Amy, those circle ones are just breathtaking. You're right, childhood is all about imagination. I love the way you explained it all.
It looks like your girls are looking out at the world. The images make me want to laugh and cry for their innocence and happiness....Oh, you just did everything right with these.
PS -- like the 1st crop of the lollipop one too! ;)
In love with these shots! I took some notes so I wouldn't forget to comment on them...tee hee.
I LOVE how the spider almost looks like it's glowing...too cool!
I think it's awesome that you are going to be in some shots...I should do the same! You're right...it will one day be very important to our kids.
I would so hang that first shot of the yellow wall! It rocks! You are making me want to go to the zoo!!
Where did you get the smaller lollies? I can only find the ginormous ones.
I like the first lollipop shot best.
I totally love the deadspace with the circle pic!
Okay...those are my notes! You Rock sister girl!!
WOW...once again you have captured some amazing photos! I really like the photo of you. I wish my DH could take photos - I'm never in any! I may have to work with him! I love the color and texture of the yellow building, especially the first photo of that series. Her foot does distract me a little in that photo. I absolutely LOVE the circle window photos - especially the first and last ones.
I for one LOVE all that dead space!
fantastic shots! So much fun, and that picture of you is very nice. He did a great job and you are beautiful - no reason you should be hiding behind the lens all the time!!!!!
I like how bribery worked for you with your dd and her pics. They look great. I love the first one. Her foot actually doesn't bother me in that shot as much as the sun shining on part of her head.... but they are all great shots! the one with the girls in the circle is fab. What a cool idea! Great job as usual!!!
These are awesome. I love reading your journaling as much as your photos lately! I love the wood ones, the round window ones too. The spider one... well you can't tell at all that it was taken through glass. And I can relate to you on photos with mom. My dd is going to have none of me. I guess I need to get stylish again... if I ever was... and get some photos of me.
Spiders creep me out, but the ones of you and your daughters are lovely! I especially like the first one of your daughter sitting in the window of the yellow house. The portrait of you is very nice too - I wish I could get my hair to look like that. The weather also looks so nice where you live... here we still need to wear winter coats!
Woo-woo...you look really pretty, Curt did a great job! I can't believe that these were taken at the zoo, you've turned such simple things into magic! Great job! I like the tighter crop in the lollypop photo & I love all of the dead space in the nook....all of those are fantastic!
You should write a book. I am not kidding. Every time I read your posts, I feel real emotion. So, seriously...consider it. Write a book. I would totally buy it! :)
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