I wonder how long I can sit and look at a blank screen? I mean, until I just started typing this, I was easily going on 10 minutes. I don’t have many words today, but I want to have words. I want to have the perfect words.
My grampa passed away today. My heart is heavy, my tears are flowing, and my words are few. I’m trying to find the most perfect way to share my feelings about him, but it all seems pretty inadequate. I wish that whatever I typed could make you feel my adoration for him. I wish that my words could make you feel as though you knew him and have lost something, too, because he deserves to be missed by the world. I just want to be able to pay a sufficient tribute to his life, but I just don’t know that I can find the words. So much of what I want to express is emotion, and how do you express emotion effectively & as strongly as you feel it?
He was a grouchy, grouchy man with a tough exterior, but he didn’t fool anyone. Deep down, he had the softest heart. It’s almost funny how much he tried to play tough & grouchy when it was SO obvious to all of us granddaughters, atleast, that he was just a big, compassionate pushover. When the four of us worked together…well, we could get him to agree to almost anything! I’ll miss that. I mean, Heather, Alison, Katie & I all shared a completely different dynamic when we were together with him. I don’t know that we’ll ever see that dynamic again without him around to invoke it.
And gosh, what a fun, fun man…always playful. I know this is a favorite memory shared by many…only grampa would allow Alison to take his false teeth OUT of his mouth to chase Katie around. (Katie would be the younger sister. She was also TERRIFIED of grampa’s teeth! Ha!) Why he complied? Who knows. Probably just because Alison asked!
And, for those of you that caught that part in one of my previous posts…what was it that grampa used to say about a pouty lip? Yeah, that was something I heard FREQUENTLY. I guess I was whiney or pouty…I don’t know. But, he would regularly tell me that if I wasn’t careful about that bottom lip, a bird would come land on it and take a "crap." Although, he probably didn’t say “crap.” I don’t recall exactly what he DID say. It obviously didn’t scare me out of pouting, though, as I heard it SO many times! Ah, the good ol’ days.
I guess his true grouchiness shined through sometimes. I remember all us kids having to eat meals on his kitchen floor at his condo because that’s where the linoleum was! Haha! It was a tiny kitchen, too. I also remember getting in trouble countless times because he had this chair that spun around…kinda like an office chair spins, but not an office chair at all. Anyway, you can guess how it went…we were always spinning in that thing! He didn’t like that. And, the funny thing…I think he recently replaced that furniture how many years later!?!
But, truly, he was a good, kind man. As many times as we got in trouble for spinning in his chair, atleast a billion times more than that, we climbed up in his lap and just sat with him. And, often times that would turn into us giving him a completely CRAZY makeover. The man had THE FULLEST, THICKEST head of hair EVER! Seriously. He kept it longer, too, so we had the best time giving him mohawks, spiking it everywhere…you name it, we did it! The funny thing about this little tidbit…the last time we did that was on his 70th birthday. That was only 7 years ago. We were all grown & settled, but we had a grand time curling his hair that night.
So, yeah, I could reminisce forever. I’ve got to get on with this post, though this is quite therapeutic, actually.
Shortly after Heather called to tell me, I was sitting out on the front porch just…I don’t know…thinking, I guess. The sun was starting to set, and I was thinking about him trying to gain a little bit of peace. I saw the sunlight fading, the daylight slipping away, and it occurred to me that this was the last daylight he saw. In that moment, I realized the metaphor. The sun was setting - leaving for the day, just as his life had faded, slipped away. I wanted to stop it for a moment – the sun, that is. I would have liked to hang on to him for a bit longer, but I know that I can’t, so the sun will have to do. I ran to get my camera so that I could forever capture the last sunlight that he saw. I felt anxious & pressured to get the shot before it was gone, and I’m relieved to know that I did.
And, as I looked back for photographs of him, I came across this one. It's my new favorite. Yes, it's out of focus, but isn't it funny how quickly technicalities fly out the window when it REALLY matters? This is the grampa I remember:
Before the phone call, we were having a lovely day. When Heather called, and I saw that it was her on the caller ID, I thought, "oh, good, I can tell her we chopped Maya's hair." Yeah...not so important, afterall. I didn't get the chance to tell her. So, Heather...we chopped Maya's hair. Still not important, but I took the photos and know that people would like to see them.

We had also taken a few pictures, the girls & I. It's funny (or not so much) how things can change in an instant. Seriously...we were having a great day. :(

Love you, Gramps.
My grampa passed away today. My heart is heavy, my tears are flowing, and my words are few. I’m trying to find the most perfect way to share my feelings about him, but it all seems pretty inadequate. I wish that whatever I typed could make you feel my adoration for him. I wish that my words could make you feel as though you knew him and have lost something, too, because he deserves to be missed by the world. I just want to be able to pay a sufficient tribute to his life, but I just don’t know that I can find the words. So much of what I want to express is emotion, and how do you express emotion effectively & as strongly as you feel it?
He was a grouchy, grouchy man with a tough exterior, but he didn’t fool anyone. Deep down, he had the softest heart. It’s almost funny how much he tried to play tough & grouchy when it was SO obvious to all of us granddaughters, atleast, that he was just a big, compassionate pushover. When the four of us worked together…well, we could get him to agree to almost anything! I’ll miss that. I mean, Heather, Alison, Katie & I all shared a completely different dynamic when we were together with him. I don’t know that we’ll ever see that dynamic again without him around to invoke it.
And gosh, what a fun, fun man…always playful. I know this is a favorite memory shared by many…only grampa would allow Alison to take his false teeth OUT of his mouth to chase Katie around. (Katie would be the younger sister. She was also TERRIFIED of grampa’s teeth! Ha!) Why he complied? Who knows. Probably just because Alison asked!
And, for those of you that caught that part in one of my previous posts…what was it that grampa used to say about a pouty lip? Yeah, that was something I heard FREQUENTLY. I guess I was whiney or pouty…I don’t know. But, he would regularly tell me that if I wasn’t careful about that bottom lip, a bird would come land on it and take a "crap." Although, he probably didn’t say “crap.” I don’t recall exactly what he DID say. It obviously didn’t scare me out of pouting, though, as I heard it SO many times! Ah, the good ol’ days.
I guess his true grouchiness shined through sometimes. I remember all us kids having to eat meals on his kitchen floor at his condo because that’s where the linoleum was! Haha! It was a tiny kitchen, too. I also remember getting in trouble countless times because he had this chair that spun around…kinda like an office chair spins, but not an office chair at all. Anyway, you can guess how it went…we were always spinning in that thing! He didn’t like that. And, the funny thing…I think he recently replaced that furniture how many years later!?!
But, truly, he was a good, kind man. As many times as we got in trouble for spinning in his chair, atleast a billion times more than that, we climbed up in his lap and just sat with him. And, often times that would turn into us giving him a completely CRAZY makeover. The man had THE FULLEST, THICKEST head of hair EVER! Seriously. He kept it longer, too, so we had the best time giving him mohawks, spiking it everywhere…you name it, we did it! The funny thing about this little tidbit…the last time we did that was on his 70th birthday. That was only 7 years ago. We were all grown & settled, but we had a grand time curling his hair that night.
So, yeah, I could reminisce forever. I’ve got to get on with this post, though this is quite therapeutic, actually.
Shortly after Heather called to tell me, I was sitting out on the front porch just…I don’t know…thinking, I guess. The sun was starting to set, and I was thinking about him trying to gain a little bit of peace. I saw the sunlight fading, the daylight slipping away, and it occurred to me that this was the last daylight he saw. In that moment, I realized the metaphor. The sun was setting - leaving for the day, just as his life had faded, slipped away. I wanted to stop it for a moment – the sun, that is. I would have liked to hang on to him for a bit longer, but I know that I can’t, so the sun will have to do. I ran to get my camera so that I could forever capture the last sunlight that he saw. I felt anxious & pressured to get the shot before it was gone, and I’m relieved to know that I did.

Love you, Gramps.
Amy, I'm very sorry for your loss. I pray that you find comfort with your loved ones and find peace in knowing that his light was a beautiful one.
oh Amy! I'm so sorry for your loss! And ... I think you ended up with the right words, the perfect words. What a beautiful tribute to him on this day! A gorgeous sunset picture!
And Maya's hair... oh so cute! {{ hugs }} to you!
I'm so sorry for your loss. The sunset is beautiful. And so are the one's with you and your girls
(((HUGS))) Amy. There really is no love like the unconditional love one feels from a grandparent. Beautiful entry and photos....
Oh Amy Im so sorry for your loss. Great big hugs for you in this sad sad time.
The pics of you and your girls are awesome and precious.
Amy, know that I am thinking of you.
Live and love well, is there any greater tribute to how he effected your life?
Love you
I'm so sorry for the loss of your grandpa. He sounds like a great man. Your pictures from the day are beautiful, as is the one of your grandpa. And, you're right... technicality doesn't matter when emotion is involved.
Amy, I loved all of the pictures, that is a really good one of Grandpa. I also loved the journaling, it was all so true =) I sure won't be the same without him.
Anyways, I like Mayas new hair cut and I LOVE the pictures of you and the girls, did you take them or did Curt?
I'm sorry for your loss. What a touching post. The sunset photo is beautiful as are the rest of your photos.
so sorry about your gmpa. I love the sweet picture you posted. hope you have peace and comfort...
Amy, I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you have some wonderful memories of your Grandpa - your journaling was a beautiful tribute to him, as well as the sunset photo. ((hugs))
I'm truly sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you feel right now, as I've went through this with all 4 of my grandparents already. It's very hard to find the words to describe a feeling when something like this happens. I think that you did a wonderful job, and the sunset picture is beautiful.
You and your family are in my prayers!
Amy, so sorry to hear about your grandpa. You did a beautiful job writing about his spirit and personality; I hope that writing your feelings down will help you get through this. What a wonderful tribute to a man who meant so much to you. You've got me crying this morning because I'm about to go through something similar. . . I'm not sure what day, but it's coming. My grandpa has been fighting bone cancer for the last few years and recently he's had more bad days than good. We got a phone call about a week ago saying that he wasn't going to make it -- he was dilirious and very very sick. He's still hanging on (getting a little bit better, actually) but it still really hurts to have to watch something like this happen to someone you love. . . know that I'll be thinking about you and your family -- ALL of them! ((((hugs)))) to you today. Take care.
Amy, so sorry for the loss of your grandfather. Your words are perfect, what a wonderful tribute to man who meant so much to you. I lost my grandmother a few weeks ago and you are so right, words can never say how much they will be missed. Laughed about the false teeth, my moms husband chased the grandkids around with his and although they screamed and ran they loved it.
Mayas haircut is adorable and the photos of you and girls are fabulous, looks like you were having a wonderful day. Your photos always make me wish that I could turn back time and get better photos of my own (they are 20 and 12) that really show off their personalities.
I am so sorry, Amy. I obviously didn't know your grandfather at all, but through your post I feel sorrow for the loss of someone so loved. I know you'll miss him. {{{hugs}}}
Amy, I'm in tears. That was a beautiful post and I think you did find the right words. The best words, anyway. Thinking of you.
Wow, I'm breath taken that is such a heartfelt crying story, my heart goes out to you and your family, and just keep the happy memories alive through all of this, also you have a beautiful family! Remember that sunset because that will be something special for you and you only!
Amy, You did it. As you were typing I could close my eyes and see it all unfolding, like I was there. I almost felt like part of the family. I could see the four of you working the plans to get him to go along with. You know what I saw. I saw him sitting off to the side laughing, With the look that said, " I'm was going to do it anyway. I just enjoy seeing the effort you put into getting me onboard with your idea's."
I a have a prayer for you.
Dear God, Give Amy peace. Let you feel you're arms of comfort each time she feels no one really understands her loss. Keep her memories alive in her heart. Help her to find joy in passing her memories along to her girls, as she keeps him alive in thier hearts. In Jesus name, Amen.
When I looked at the pictures of you and the girls, I saw you making the same kind of memories with your girls as your grandfather made with you.
I am truely sorry for your loss. I pray the pain grows smaller everyday and the memories grow stronger.
Saying a prayer for you and your entire family! Your tribute to your Grandpa was beautiful and so heartfelt! The picture of him is perfect! You can see his love so clearly! I know he's looking down on you with love and pride. Sending you a big hug!!
Sorry to hear your loss! What an incredible tribute to him and the 1st two pics are priceless.
Oh Amy...I'm so sorry to hear about your cute grampa. He sounds a lot like mine. What a beautiful way to remember him with the sunset photo....which is amazing BTW! I'll keep you & your family in my prayers.
Maya's new hair cut is darling & I absolutely am in love with the one with you looking into the camera & your girls are laughing...what fun photo's to have!
Amy, Words cannot express how sad I was to hear of your Grandfather’s passing. Although I didn't know him, I can sense the loss you are experiencing. There are no adequate words to say, but maybe you'll find comfort knowing that, from what you wrote today, your Grandfather left the world much better than he found it.
I’ve learned first hand that there is never any way to prepare for the loss of a parent, Grandparent or friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family who must now accept this sudden reality. I hope good memories can help ease the pain of this loss.
My deepest condolences - you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I'd also like to thank you for responding to my question the other day - so often Bloggers don't feel the need to respond to those who have become "fans" of their Blogs. Glad to hear that you are faily new to Photography - it gives me hope that I too will be great at capturing life's moments.
Keep up the great work - Love reading your blog (I check almost every day but don't worry, I'm not a stalker ;-)
I am sorry for your loss. I think that you wrote a great tribute to him. The pictures were great too.
Amy, I just found your blog last week, but I wanted to let you know that I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to him here.
I am so sorry for your loss. I enjoyed reading about your sweet grandpa. I am sure he was a great man. You did a great job of describing him. Take Care!!
I can really feel the love you have for your grandfather in your words. They are a beautiful tribute to a life well lived! That sunset shot is amazing. Perfect!
Losing a loved one really puts things into perspective, doesn't it?? I'll keep you in my prayers.
BTW - your dd's hair looks so sweet!
Amy I am very sorry for your loss, I will say a prayer of comfort and peace for your family.
God bless you...
Oh Amy, what a wonderful tribute!
God Bless you & your family.
Your words are perfect. I saw each story in my head as you described it. I am so sorry for your loss. It is sorta strange how we all get to "know" each other over the net? Your story actually brought me to tears- The photo of your Gramps is fantastic. I'm sure you will treasure it always. I feel the need to photograph both of my Grandfathers soon so I will have great photos ans memories like yours. Take care and God Bless-
amy, i always loved ray. his 70th was definatly a birthday to remember. please give everyone our condolences.
This happens to be the first time I've visited your blog and I'm so amazed at the emotion you are able to portray with your words.
You did an amazing job of desrcibing your grandpa, he sounds like a fabulous grandpa...just like a grandpa should be, acting all tough and rough and really soft inside, I love that description.
The sunset picture hit me hard. You are so right with your connecting it to his leaving and I'm so happy for you that you captured it, I know you'll treasure that photo forever.
I don't want to type a novel, I'm pretty much a stranger to you ;) but I'm so sorry for your loss.
That picture of him speaks so much. Beautiful man.
Amy, I'm so sad with you. You've given a lovely memorial here.
Amy - sorry for your loss!
I love your entry .. it's perfect!!
Thinking of you!!
I am so sorry.. I can feel your pain, and your words portrayed it well. I'm sure he would be very proud of your tribute. Great job. And the shots of your dd are gorgeous.
That sunset picture is one of the most beautiful I have seen. the colors are magnificent!
Oh Amy I am so sorry for you loss. Your grandfather sounded like a wonderful person and a true treasure to have in your life. Your words touched me and the sunset photo us beautiful- in thought as well.
It is startling how things can change so quickly. The day my grandma had her paperwork all set to be able to move into her new apartment (the thing she's had her heart set on being strong enough to do since her most recent stroke), she ended up in the hospital with a hiatal hernia, and now, a couple weeks later she's in hospice. She's had a big, full life, and I know exactly what you mean as far as wanting the world to know what it's losing. I think you did a great job of capturing that with your grandpa (he actually kind of reminds me of my grandma because up til the other day she'd still laugh and smile about things, breathing tube in the way and all).
That picture is quite a good metaphor for the day and life and death. My grandpa passed on my grandma's birthday quite some time ago, and while I would have found that incredibly depressing, to her, that was the pefect metaphor for life and death, and how life moves in a circle. on a day celebrating her coming into the world, he was leaving it, and for her, that was as good a time, and maybe a better time than any.
Everyone goes through these times in their own way, but I think if you keep focusing on good memories and what you gained by having him in your life rather than what you've lost, it'll be more comfort than not. It always struck me as strange that my family isn't big on crying at funerals (I was actually taken home early from my aunts for crying too much), but as I've learned a few new things about my grandma even in her waning condition, and seen her smile and laugh despite it all, I can see the point in it. Life and the losing of it is all about the joy and love we can create, and when we lose someone to focus on what is good and what they brought to the world rather than what we've lost.
Sorry to blather on so, and I wish for you comfort and strength during this time.
Wow, Amy, that was a truly touching post. I felt a piece of him through your words and if even for a moment missed him terribly. I'm very sorry for your loss.
BTW, Maya's hair is precious!
I can relate in another way. I recently dyed my hair, and someone told me I need to post a picture of the changes. I planned to later today, and then I found out this afternoon that my grandma died. Doesn't seem remotely important now (not that it was before), and it was strange because I remembered reading about your own hair posting experience just the other day.
I was actually going to borrow your idea and take a picture of the snow because right after grandma died it started snowing harder. but when I got home and got out my camera, not thirty seconds after walking in the door, it all stopped.
I'm not too good with these situations, so I'll just say that I am sorry for your loss, and you and your family will be in my prayers.
Oh, AMy!!! Believe me, I feel your deep love for your Grandpa through your words. I'm crying and I don't even know him. How beautiful that you captured the last sunset. I hope that your photography can be of some comfort to you right now. That picture of your Grandpa is perfect, perfect in every way. Isn't life so bittersweet?
Many many ((((hugs)))) to you on this Easter.
I just found your blog through a friend's and have been reading all of your posts. I know this one is old but it was beautiful. I just lost my grandpa 10 days ago and am still going through the mourning process. But I really thought your post was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
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