I second shot a wedding last night.
It was some seriously HARD work. Physically. My legs are SO sore today that it's almost embarassing. I mean, they are more sore than when I first started working out. Crazy, huh?
Anyway, after seven long hours of being on my feet lugging photography gear around, I'm quite disappointed, honestly, with my end results. Yes, I got some decent shots, and maybe even some good ones, but MAN...you should see how many of them just straight up stink! Haha! Like I said...hard work.
The lighting went from tungsten to flourescent to backlit to flash to anything else you can possibly think of. Flash is most definitely my weakest area, too.
So, the photographer that was kind enough to let me shoot second for him is Ashley Langford. He's a cool guy & a really creative photographer. He shared a few of his shots from this wedding with me already, and they're really cool! It's so funny how two people can be taking the exact same shot and they just come out so differently. I'm inspired to try a few new things after watching him shoot. Anyway...if you see this, Ashley, let me thank you yet again for letting me shoot for you. It was a good time.
On to the photos of Robert & Katy. :-)
Getting ready:

This is possibly my favorite photo from the day. I don't know why...I just love it. That's her grandmother's hanky (I think that's what she said!) I also just love the detail around her waist and those freckles. :-)
Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take any photos during the ceremony. Just the kiss. That's it. So...here it is:
After the ceremony & before the reception, we took some photos around the town square, and the happy couple went for an ice cream. Too cute.

My favorite thing about this shot is her reflection. Haha!

On to the reception. Here are a few of her dancing with her dad. I just thought they were too cute together. They were having a lot of fun. :-)

A final one of the bride & groom...
And, before anyone goes & tells me I did a good job...just know. These are the best ones. The rest STINK! Hahahaha! No, seriously. They do. Hard work, this is!
Anyway, after seven long hours of being on my feet lugging photography gear around, I'm quite disappointed, honestly, with my end results. Yes, I got some decent shots, and maybe even some good ones, but MAN...you should see how many of them just straight up stink! Haha! Like I said...hard work.
The lighting went from tungsten to flourescent to backlit to flash to anything else you can possibly think of. Flash is most definitely my weakest area, too.
So, the photographer that was kind enough to let me shoot second for him is Ashley Langford. He's a cool guy & a really creative photographer. He shared a few of his shots from this wedding with me already, and they're really cool! It's so funny how two people can be taking the exact same shot and they just come out so differently. I'm inspired to try a few new things after watching him shoot. Anyway...if you see this, Ashley, let me thank you yet again for letting me shoot for you. It was a good time.
On to the photos of Robert & Katy. :-)
Getting ready:

Well.. these are good enough for me! I don't think I could ever do it! especially with all the lighting changes and flash...so... I have to say... GREAT JOB!
they're good for me too :D
i think considering the circumstances and the fact that you hadn't done a wedding before you should be happy to have gotten these ones to work.
we (women) tend to have very high expectations of ourselves and then feel disappointed when we don't reach them. it's unrealistic to think that we'd be able to fill every shoe available...though i'd like to try them all...heehee
good job!!! and give it a shot again!!! you can only get better the 2nd time around dont'ya think? ;) TFS!
They are good!
And let me tell ya...I feel for you 100%! I have done 11 weddings (my cousin's May 5 will be my 12th) and I feel this way with EVERY wedding I do! They are just SO incredibly stressful, and since i'm doing them as the ONLY photographer (I've done family/friends ONLY so far) I just get myself SOOO frazzled! I really don't like doing weddings, but just can't turn down family/friends...so don't feel bad...I've done tons of weddings and still feel like I have an excessive amount of horrid shots!
Never, ever wanna do that. Seriously.
That being said, I really, really love the ice cream parlor shot of them sharing a sundae. That is quite possibly one of the most original things I've seen. You captured it beautifully.
And, LOL, I agree with Cristina. If you rocked each and every shot, and matched the ability of someone who does weddings professionally, ON YOUR FIRST TRY, it would be time to consider you a prodigy.
You're being way too hard on yourself, you can come shoot with me anyday! Nice stuff Amy.
The kiss shot is really nice and im sure she will love that one as well.
You did a fabulous job! I love her dress, it is amazing!
Well, I think they're great. I love the grain and the conversions...my favourite is the one of them eating ice-cream. You did an awesome job!
wow! these may be your best but your best is definitely awesome! i am so impressed with your versatility...you consistently show us great work. can i be you when i grow up?! LOL! great job!
wonderful job.
Being a second shooter is the BEST in my opinion. You can be creative, yet the pressure of getting that perfect shot is gone-or at least-minimized.
I like your noise/grain in that first bnw, really fits the pic. You got some great captures, they should really like them.
Have you shown them to Ashley? What did he think?? I'm curious to know.
Amy, you are being way to hard on yourself...these are fabulous. Wish my wedding photos were this great! Perhaps your just still frustrated from the experience and can't see how great these are!
Amy! These are fabulous! I love them all!
I think every wedding photographer feels the way you do. It's normal to have bad shots. We take so many, they can't all be good or turn out.
Thanks so much for your help. GREAT JOB!
I love these! I would have loved to have beautiful unposed shots like this from my own wedding and I'm sure they will cherish them.
These are very neat! Great memories you captured! They will love them...I liked the Ice cream shop ones! So different!
You should be proud of those shots!!! There may not have been a ton of great shots, but the ones you've posted sure are worth showing to the bride & groom!! And it's your first wedding... cut yourself some slack! Like someone else said, if you nailed it the first time, you'd be a prodigy! Weddings are tough... and you are off to a fantastic start.
The ice cream parlor shot of the couple is so cute! And I love the kiss and the dance shots too!
Amy, just know, these are fabulous! Great job! Congrats on surviving the wedding shoot!
I agree with everyone else..I love them. I've been thinking of having a second wedding just to get some cool photos this time around. You did a great job. :D
Um, what's wrong with you? Those are fabulous! Even if those were the only good one - which I highly doubt - you still have quite a selection! I love the one of the dress!!!
I absolutely love the one of the couple kissing at the end of the ceremony in the chapel. I just love how the lighting falls right onto them. And the ice cream parlor shots are cute! TFS
seriously...is just not right that you are so stinkin' good. mind boggling...this is becky btw
okay---the page isn't finished loading...but the first one is GORGEOUS@!! love the lighting! beautiful
I think these shots are great. So, look on the bright side, at least you got some that are REALLY GOOD! LOVE THEM!
ahh don't be so hard on yourself! Weddings ARE really hard!!!
Amy, even if every other shot is terrible, you've still got an awesome group of great shots here! I love these. Even in the difficult circumstances you style shines through, which really adds to these. I'm sure they'll be happy! Congratulations on your first wedding :) You must be tired though, it sounds exhausting.
I love that they went for ice cream, that's so sweet!
I think these are WONDERFUL!!! I love all the moments you captured- they all are so natural, fun and just look filled with life and joy :) GREAT job!
I think these shots are awesome! You are always so creative!! I shot my first wedding (my step brother's who insisted) and also only got maybe 10-20 good ones out of about 700! I'm sure gettng lots of good ones at a wedding takes mucho practice! You are, in my opinion, ahead of the game with your instincts and talent!
Awwwww - you did a fantastic job .. WOW!! Congrats!!
These are gorgeous!!
Oh my goodness these are sooo great!!!!!
I am second shooting my first wedding in a few weeks and I hope to get half as many shots as you've gotten.
I can't even pick a favorite these are so awesome!
I think these are wonderful! You have a good variety of different poses and angles. You really are too hard on yourself! I would love if I had photos like this of my wedding!
holy cow, amy! how exciting and these are beautiful! i would love to hear more about how you came to be the second shooter. did you know the photog. or just pick him out of the phone book or what?
how thrilling!
holy smokes, those are AWESOME Amy! very, very good - you have amazing talent!
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