Thursday, August 30, 2007

Pieces of you...

(Well, D.Brown... you're not the only one that can use song titles for post titles! Haha!)

Anyway... well, for starters, I need to tell you guys... I've been "tagged." Michael Norwood is actually one of the three inspirations for this post. You see... Norwood has an awesome photography blog. (It's over <---------there. In the margin. Check it out if you haven't already!) He's also "too cool for school." In my world, "too cool for school" doesn't necessarily mean that you are truly cool. It means that you're a generally cool person, but you THINK you are even cooler than you are. I can say that about him because I say it about myself. I know I'm too cool for school. And, one of the indications that I'm too cool for school is that I use phrases like "too cool for school."

Back on track... So, yeah, I pull up Norwood's blog today to check things out, see if he's FINALLY updated. He has. (Not with pictures, of course, but whatev.) It's funny, though, because he's apparently been tagged multiple times with the same thing. And, he's FINALLY succumbed. I figure, hey, if he can do it, so can I! What is it, you ask? It's sharing eight "things" about myself that maybe you don't already know. And, then it's picking four more bloggers to do the same. And it goes on, and on, and on.

Here's the problem, though. I can't do it. I've tried. I just CANNOT come up with eight things! It's like, I had a hard enough time coming up with ONE interesting fact about myself to share with each and every college class I took however many years ago! You know? Sheesh. I HATED that. Ha! I tried all afternoon & this evening to come up with things. I asked Curt. His response? "Ummm... you're pretty open on your blog. There's probably nothing they DON'T know." Gee. Thanks. But, so as not to let Brenda and Haylee down... I'm giving it a go. (For those of you keeping track, they are my other two inspirations for this post since they are the ones that tagged me!) I don't want to hear any complaints about how BORING these things are. Got it!?!

1. I love pirates. No, I mean, really love them. (Yes, many of you know this. But, wait until the fourth to the last sentence. I should be embarrassed.) And, I just have to say, this has been a long-time love. It started FAR before pirates were fashionable. Just sayin'. I realized this when I realized that many of my favorite childhood "things" were pirate related. My favorite ride at Disneyland was Pirates of the Caribbean. My favorite movie was (really it still is) The Goonies. I also really loved Pippi Longstocking. I have no shame about it, either. I tell silly pirate jokes and form my hand into a hook, close one eye and growl ARGGHHH! No shame. :-) It embarrasses the hubster, really. Makes it even more fun...

2. I absolutely CANNOT stand repetitive sounds. Ask my kids about this. If you want to see me go from laid back & relaxed to a totally insane loon... just make some obnoxious repetitive, preferably on a beat, sound. Can't. Stand. It.

3. In high school, I played the trumpet. I liked it. And I was good.

4. The hubster & I dated for four months before becoming engaged and got married two and a half months later.

5. On that note, we basically eloped. Our wedding date was set for June 3rd. Somewhere around the second week of March, we decided we'd just go get married. March 16th, we were married. :-)

6. Green beans make me barf. Literally. I can't even smell them without gagging. It's the only food like that for me. Weird.

Is this enough? I'm at a total loss.

7. Oh. Okay... I hate Star Wars. My first two memories of life were of Star Wars, and they were both TERRIFYING. I hate it to this day. Although, my youngest daughter does something we affectionately call "the chewie," and I think it's pretty stinkin' funny.

8. I can build a camp fire. A real campfire. No lighter fluid, no purchased fire wood. Nothing. I can build it from scratch and start it with flint. Seriously.

There. I made it through!

And, now, for the second part of this whole thing... I'm supposed to "tag" a few others. So, I'm tagging:

And, because I'm just THAT clever, the second part of my post also aptly falls under the "pieces of you" title...

Yesterday, I decided to have a little play with the 50mm f/1.4 because, well, I just don't like it. At all. I thought I should give it another chance. But, you know me, I like to shoot wide open. It's GOT to be sharp wide open, or we're done. So, all these shots were at f/1.4. They were really just to test the focus. I wasn't thinking about composition, an artistic element, or anything. But, looking back on them now, I pretty much love how they came out. I don't care if the crops (which are all in camera) are weird. I don't care about much of any of that. It's my Maya...pudgy little dimpled hands & everything. :-)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Great inspiration...

So, you know how I was saying that I've been feeling uninspired lately? Well, I take that as a sign that it's a good time to learn something new, try something different. That's usually how my photography finds it's way to the next level. Step it up a notch, you know? :-)

Well, I've ALWAYS loved the look of sunflare & backlighting. The backlighting I can do, but I just don't have consistent success with sunflare. I'll get a little teensy bit here or there every once in a while, but nothing fantastic. It's about time I get on that, don't you think?

When I'm wanting to learn something new, I like to look to other fantastic photographers for inspiration. Study their work, figure out what it is about it that captures me, you know? So, naturally, for sunflare & backlighting, I'm turning to Detra's work! This woman is the QUEEN of flare! And, on top of that, she's SO good at capturing kiddos doing the things they do in the big ol' middle of a sunset! LOVE it! That's the sort of thing that appeals to me. Check out one of the main images on her website! (You may have to refresh a couple times to get the one of the blonde girl with the sun glowing behind her to come up.) Look at how rich it is... I just love it! (Also, check out her maternity gallery for some INCREDIBLE sun flare. Well, really you should just check out ALL the galleries!)

But, anyway, so, out I went yesterday evening, umbrella in tow (yes...I'm THAT shameless!) I managed to get a couple shots with some flare. There's definitely NO consistency! Haha! I need to keep practicing, but I'm happy with what I got! I'm gonna go ahead and tell myself that maybe the reason I didn't have more success is because it was beginning to get pretty overcast out there...lots of dark clouds rolling in. I can't complain, though, because I think the clouds made for crazy pictures, too! As frustrated as I was at the time with my lack of sunflare, I really am pleased with these shots. They're different for me, and that's what I needed!

So, without rambling on EVEN more, here are my shots:

Maya was NOT being cooperative, so here's one of the only shots I got of her.
This is probably my best flare of the evening.

A tiny, tiny bit more flare here. And, I think this one might be my favorite shot of the evening. :-)

Here's one from when the clouds rolled in. There are more of these that I'll probably share in the next couple days. I post processed this differently...added a duotone layer at the end. Some pictures call for the duotone...I love it when they do! :-)
So, yeah...I'm no Detra. But, maybe with a little practice, I'll actually be able to produce some flare on a more regular basis.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Yet another attempt to wrap my brain around the magnitude that is motherhood...

This is probably gonna be a long, wordy post... probably a post that won't make sense. It's just that every now & again, I start thinking about my life, my place in this world. And, when I'm not ruminating on these things, there's no telling what kind of shallow thoughts enter my mind.

It's like, in my day to day, I forget my blessings. It's not a constant, but I sure can get caught up in something that resembles "woe is me." For example, here are some of the things that might run through my head on any given day, maybe multiple times a day:

  • I wish I had more money for a billion reasons. For camera gear, laminate floors, fancier clothes, better food, vacations... You know?
  • Why aren't I thinner? I generally feel pretty good about myself. I know where my self-worth lies, however, I can't help but wish I looked better. Maybe it's that I do, in fact, know my worth that keeps me stagnant... who knows really.
  • What a glamorous life. Snotty noses on little beings that can't bathe themselves or wipe their own bums (that last one's mostly just Maya out of shear laziness...) Guess who deals with that? Yeah. It's me.
  • Laundry upon laundry, dishes upon dishes. Crumbs under the table, dust on the furniture... it all calls my name, and I certainly don't want do deal with it.
  • How bored can I get? Do you realize it's pretty much same stuff, different day? Seriously. Little changes. I absolutely CANNOT believe that I'm living the same day I lived yesterday. Day after day after day. We do the same things every day. Crazy to me.

So, yeah, that list could be longer. A lot longer. There is NEVER a break from the broke-ness, chubbiness, plainness, chore-filled, monotonous day that makes up my life. Like, not even a day. Doesn't that sound hopeless? Ha! I don't go throughout my day in this mind frame. It's just that these things pop into my head sometimes. When I sit & think on it, like now, it seems like a miserable life.

So, why is it that I can't label my life as such? What is it that makes my life perfect despite that mess of stuff up there? I don't really DO much of anything. It's not like I'm out changing the world. And, yet, I feel fulfilled. My heart aches, it feels so full.

It's those girls. It's those two little beings that are a good bit the cause of my broke-ness, chubbiness, plainness, chore-filled life. (I can't say monotonous because, believe me, they are ANYTHING but boring, those two.) Is that terrible to say? I mean, the part about them being partially responsible? I know I'm ultimately responsible, yes, but this motherhood gig is a sacrifice. What would I have to give up to change those things? Time? With them? My passion...which keeps me sane? It's all okay, really.

It seems amazing to me that those two little girls can essentially change the way I'm wired... to make the emotion that would be naturally sparked from those situations completely evaporate only to be replaced with feelings of contentment, fulfillment & joy in the deepest crevices of my being. I think those things up there sometimes, and yet I'm STILL happy. It's motherhood. It's completely incomprehensible to me. It's like a natural phenomenon. It doesn't make sense, but it happens.

You know me. I'm always trying to find words to fully encompass the magnitude of motherhood to no avail. But, I read something yesterday that I thought was SO amazing. SO true. SO much how I feel.

"I need you to hear how intense this life can be, how immense it is, this
vertigo, how blindingly terrifying it is to love this much, to hold pure human
energy in your hands. To have it evoke such frantic wanting in you, and hope,
and fear, and joy." -Kate*

Gosh. I never realized it, never put two & two together, but it IS terrifying. Not in a "I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-this-miniature-person" way. Have you heard that quote about your heart walking around outside of your body? Yeah. Like that. My daughters have my heart. With them goes my completely unexposed, vulnerable heart. Every feeling, every emotion, every everything walks around with them all day long. Dang.

They didn't do a thing to earn my heart, either. It just happened. From the time I knew of was theirs. Just when I thought I can't love them anymore than I already do, I fall in love again. Just listen.

*Kate has an incredible knack for writing & loving her children. She's also got an outta control heartbreaking story to share. I can't even pretend to imagine what she's been through. If you visit her blog, be forewarned that you might cry. Also, forewarning that she uses...ummm...more colorful language than me. Just sayin'.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

This is gonna be one MONSTER of a post!

Well, as you can see, I've been neglecting my poor ol' blog. Life has just gotten hectic! I mean, my oldest started REAL school. That's crazy. Forget all the ailments, birthday parties, and back to work trying to work through her going to school is about enough to keep me from the blog for a week, right!?! Am I pardoned? Please? :-)

No, but really, the kid LOVES school. I knew she would. She's definitely wired for it. She likes structure & schedules. She likes everything to be in it's place. She likes to learn, and she LOVES to be the good little girl. (For everyone else, anyway! Not so much at home. But whatever...) Right now it's really cute & sweet & it makes me a proud mama to hear how well behaved she is. But, okay, let's think this through. A few years down the road, what is this going to mean for her? The other kids are...well...NOT gonna love her & her goody-two-shoes behavior. Know what I mean? Oh probably won't phase her any!

So, let me share a few first day of school pictures with you. I KNOW you've been to my blog multiple times a day for the past week just itchin' to see them, right!?! Bwahahaha!!! I amuse myself. Actually, I'll be surprised if I have any visitors left...I've been terrible.

Here's my girl: (still at home...feeling pretty good...feeling excited.)

Just arriving at school...still feeling pretty confident. (Look at her in her little uniform! Too cute!)
She's getting closer to the kids. Notice: she's starting to fidget with her hands a tad.
Oh, yeah, she's definitely starting to feel nervous. Not only is she fidgeting with her hands, but she's also starting to do odd things with her mouth. This girl WEARS her nervousness on her sleeve, that's for sure. Poor thing.

Oh, and the kids standing DIRECTLY beside her...yeah, those big ol' kids are HER CLASSMATES! They are all KINDERGARTNERS! Can you believe it!?! No wonder she's nervous!
And, full blown nervousness! (Pun intended. I feel like my aunt Lois or Mary Lively! Haha!)
But, yeah, all in all, GREAT experience for her! In fact, I'm pretty sure the anxiety melted away as soon as they got in their classroom. Emma just LOVES her teacher! LOVES her! (Plus, her best little boy friend [read: future husband if mom has her way] is in her class, too.)

So, that's that.

Now, onto other things. (I'll get to how it's going with Maya in a minute!)

If I'm being honest, I've got to say that I've felt totally uninspired in photography since I got back from China. I think I've picked up my camera four times, and, well, you're seeing photos from three of those times right here in this post! Ha! I don't know what it is. I don't know why I've been uninspired, I just have.

I look at other photographers' work, and I'm just awed. I'm blown away by their ART. I feel like I'm at a point in my photography that I can consistently produce nice photographs. I don't feel, though, that I'm producing art. I've always had a need to be creative, to do SOMEthing, anything that involves creating. I feel like what I'm doing with photography allows room for creativity, for sure. Don't get me wrong on that. I just don't feel like I'm able to see a whole scene, see a feeling, see that SOMEthing that makes it truly art. I don't know.

Lots of the work I've been loving lately has been post processed to create whatever it is I love. It may be a perfectly normal photograph, a photograph I can capture all day long, that has been turned into something AMAZING later. It's also the "later" that I can't get. I try. I do. And, maybe it's just a passing fad. I don't know. I really don't care, either. I'm in the mood to create, and what I'm doing isn't satisfaction enough, so I'm going for it. Fad or not.

So, with that in mind, I went out into the front yard with the girls the other evening. I thought I'd like to try to get a little sunflare (which it was VERY little...ugh...) and post process it into a more vintage feel. Maybe? Desaturate it some, muted colors to start with, hazy feel... I don't know that I really made it happen, but it was fun to play anyway.

Here are the results of my efforts: (Way to hustle, right!?! <----I REALLY hope someone "gets" that.)

And, here's the last one taken even further. I know many, MANY people probably will NOT like this one, but that's okay. This one I did for me.
And, here are a few more from the same day that I just processed same ol' same ol'. :-) Maya comin' at me as a monster. Scary stuff. I know.
Okay. This, I LOVE! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! If this isn't the funnest interaction I've caught between the two of them, well...feel free to tell me what you think is funner! Ha! :-)
And, don't ask me what Maya's doing here besides being ornery. I really don't know. I DO know, though, that Emma looks pret-ty irritated. (I love this one, too.)
So, that was a fun night. Sort of.

Then, yesterday when the big sis was at school, Maya & I decided to get some shots of her in her room. I just love their room. It's really a lot of fun, but with all the bright colors going on I get all sorts of color casts. It usually frustrates me enough to keep me out of there, but Maya's been doing this new thing in her room that I HAD to have proof of. So, in I went. I'm actually REALLY pleased with how these came out. I think they're some of my newer faves. :-) Just a girl in her room...havin' fun, being a maniac, makin' a mess, loungin' on the ground readin' a know...typical stuff for a 3 year old.

These first two were taken with the kit lens. I'm pretty impressed, myself! I'm loving the first one just because she's reading a leap pad book with the disaster that is her room in the background. It's just...very Maya. :-)

THIS is the new thing. Does this surprise anyone? I mean, really. I always tell you guys she's a maniac. This is what I mean. She's just nutty.

Then there's the sweet mei mei. As crazy as she gets, she spends an equal amount of time snuggling. This girl's love language is MOST DEFINITELY affection. :-) This is just before she asks me to "nuggle wit" her.
So, there you have it. That sums up my month in photos since I've been home. Fun stuff.

Oh, I did say I'd tell you how Maya's doing with her big sis & BFF being in school all day. Well, ummm...she's become a tad bit high maintenance. There's just no other way to say it. The kid wants to be by my side NONstop. I'm serious. This is no exaggeration. She wants me to snuggle her, come to her "show" (the joys,) let her sing endless made up songs to me, feed her, sit by her, play with her, whatever...

And, you know, I'm still in the feeling bad for her stages. She's SOOO enthusiastic when Emma gets home that it just breaks my heart. She RUNS to the garage door each day when she hears it go up, flings it open, and stands there jumping up & down, clapping & chanting Emma's name. Poor thing. Anyway, so I feel obligated to do these things with her during the day. She just needs a buddy, right!?! So, it's almost daily now that I've attended her "shows." You'd think it would evolve some, the storyline would develop more. Nope. Same thing every day.

So, because I feel obligated, the other day I cleaned the family room whilst basically giving the kid a piggy back ride. This was not my idea. Nothing about lugging a 35 pounder on my back while I do something I already despise - dusting & cleaning base boards - sounds AT ALL fun. But, if I got down low enough, she'd come at me, full sprint, and leap onto my back, fling her arms around my neck, much of the time choking me. It wasn't a game, either. I don't think she thought this was exceptionally fun. She just truly wanted to be close to me & she'd see her opportunity. And, well, I didn't have the heart to tell her to get the heck off my back! If Emma had been home, if Maya hadn't been so pathetic ever since Emma started school, well...I'd for SURE be flinging her off of there in record time. Who wants to CLEAN with a kid on their back!?! Seriously!?! Whatever. Surely this can't last long, right? She'll get over Emma going to school. Gosh, I hope so.

So, extra prayer here & there for my sanity would be much appreciated. :-)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Gosh. It's time.

Well, living in denial doesn't really help matters, does it? I've been thinking just a little here & there about Emma starting kindergarten, but for the most part, I've not let my mind linger too long on the thought of it. That hasn't really done me any good because here I am, the night before. A mess. I'm just sad. I absolutely cannot believe that my child is old enough for this. She's so tiny, so little, so impressionable. She's so sweet, and so smart, and so ready for this. I'm just not.

As we started the nightly schedule of getting them ready for bed, I realized that it's all in preparation for tomorrow. This is it. Tomorrow, there will be no lazy morning. We'll be racing the clock as we always are to get her ready & out the door on time. (We're always late.) It makes me sad that I won't be able to just take in her sweet, sleepy grins & her crazy hair. No, it's gonna be all business in the morning. Heck, I'll be surprised if she isn't up and dressed with her hair brushed before I even wake up. She's SO, SO excited.

You know, I've always been so blessed to be able to stay home with my girls. It kinda freaks me out to think that tomorrow...tomorrow I just send her off into someone else's care. All day. Fortunately, I know her teacher, and Emma knows her teacher, and we both love her. That eases a lot of my anxiety about it all. It's just that, well, I've always been able to protect her. I've always been there. And, it's not like I over protect her by any means. I know that kids will be kids, etc., but I won't be there to comfort her should she need it. I won't be there to turn things into a learning experience or a life lesson. There are so many teachable moments that I won't be there for. Believe me, I do NOT want to be responsible for her education. I know I am, too, to an extent, but I could NOT imagine being her primary teacher. When I say "teachable moments," I mean those times when character can be built. One of my biggest goals as a parent is to raise my daughters to be compassionate. Compassion. I just hope that I've taught her that. I think I have. I could NEVER imagine her going to school and making any of the other kids feel badly about anything. She's just such a sweet, sweet kid. (She's bossy, but sweet. Truly.) I mean, you know? How hard is the first day of school, anyway, but then to be made to feel badly or lonely or out of place? How heart breaking would that be for a sweet little kindergartner?

I I just hope nobody makes her feel that way. See what I mean about protecting her? It runs deep within me. I do my best to make her feel safe & secure & loved & wanted & needed. And, now, well...I just have to hope that sticks with her through all time. The beginning of it all starts tomorrow at 9:00am. We'll see...

And, then there's Maya. That's a whole dimension that I've completely overlooked. I've been so worked up about Emma starting school & spending the entire day somewhere else with someone else, that it hadn't even occurred to me that it would be just me & Maya at home. That scares me. For many reasons.

Let's see...this girl is CRAZY! She is an absolute busy bee maniac. It's constant go time for her, and I'm afraid for my sanity. Ummm...her playmate, her best friend is out of the picture from 9am until 3pm. Dang. What's that gonna mean for me? Ha! As if she's not already ALL over me.

And, then the serious side of me...the worry wart motherly side that is concerned for Maya's little feelings. She doesn't know life without Emma. You know? She's always had her sister by her side, her partner in crime. Maya tends to be the really imaginative, creative one. I love that about her. I love to see the games she comes up with, the story lines. The things that come out of her, she cracks me up! And, Emma appreciates that about her, too. Emma has told me on several occasions that Maya's the funniest in the whole world. I like to watch Emma watching Maya sometimes. It's funny to watch Emma's reactions to her. Of course it spurs on Maya's crazy behavior.

So, yeah, I worry that without Emma around to indulge her, will her imagination wane? What's she gonna do all day long? Yes, I'll entertain her some, but come on...I am NOT the type of mom that can spend the entire day on the floor playing with the kiddos. I'm just not. I have to have some time for me, too. What's she gonna do during that time? I fear that she'll be by my side non-stop. It's sweet, and I can handle it for a good long time, but sometimes it makes me nuts. I hope I'm not sounding terrible right now. Ha! Our days's just not something I've figured out as of yet.

I took some pictures a couple days ago of the girls out in the backyard. I set up their castle tent. It's such a cute tent. It's like a sauna in there, though, in the middle of the day when the sun's beating down on it. And, sucker that I am, they conned me into spending about an hour with them in this tent one day, reading stories, eating lunch. I think I lost 5 pounds in there. Sheesh, it was hot! I tried to stick it out as long as I could, but I just couldn't handle it. Later, though, I did go back in for a few pictures. They could hang out in there all day together, a billion degrees or not. So sweet...

I only post processed three or four of these because I feel guilty working on them when I've got a BILLION other things to finish up, so that's all you get. :-) Maybe when things slow down around here, I'll come back to it.

My little kindergartner. Look how sweet & happy she is. She'll be okay, right?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

One 5th birthday, one doctor visit, one ER visit, three prescriptions, one breathing treatment, one missed birthday party later...

Here I am! Yes, I know I've been TERRIBLE at keeping up with this blog. I'm sorry. I really am. There is SO much that I want to be sharing with you all, but, well, I can't seem to get caught up. I've got hundreds of pictures to proof from China still, I've got a shoot from before I left that I'm still trying to finish up, I had to do a shoot for my employer this past week. Plus, my first born turned 5 on Thursday!!! Can you believe it!?! I mean, sure, you probably can, but I can't! Where does the time go? She starts kindergarten on WEDNESDAY! What!?! I have a school age child!?! Dang.

Anyway, so, aside from being crazy busy, half of our household is ailing. Poor, sweet Emma... the girl turns 5 on Thursday & is anxiously awaiting her birthday party scheduled for today. And, well, last night she starts getting croupy. Emma has always had respiratory problems. Anytime she comes down with any sort of cold, you can count on croup rearing it's ugly head. So, last night we enjoyed yet another early, early morning breathing treatment (think 1:00am.)

And, then there's me. I apparently got "bit by a spider" on my knee." Oh, wait...maybe that's a staph infection. Who knows. I've gotten contradictory diagnoses. Either way, I've been laid up since Thursday. I mean, it appeared on Sunday night, but it wasn't until I visited the DR. on Thursday that I was told to stay off it, keep it elevated, blah, blah, blah. I never had bed rest or anything like that when I was pregnant. Being told not to be on my feet at only did it for three days, and even then only half way. It sucked! Ha!

But, On Friday, it had gotten worse, so I was dragged by the hubster to the ER. He apparently talked with some coworkers that morning about "spider bites," and they all assured him I might die if I don't take care of this. Okay...that's high drama. But, seriously...I didn't want to go. He made me. Anyway, so, with three prescriptions, I'm feeling better! Wahoo.

Now, back it up to Wednesday. (Could this post be any more confusing!?!) Curt & I took some photos for our employer. They will be used as centerpieces at the Dallas Cowboy's Kickoff Luncheon. Pretty cool. There were several kids involved in this, but as they're not my kids, and I don't have model releases for them, I'll just share one of Emma. I LOVE the way this one came out. I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! :-) She's a cutie! She's starting kindergarten. :-( Did I already mention that?

Anyway, here she is.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

More from day one in the village...

Well, I'm back! Finally! Hopefully I'm back for good. :-)

So, I've got some more pictures to share from the first day in the village. I've actually got lots of photos to share, but I figure I can break each day into a different post & make it easier on myself.

Now that I'm home, I'm having really mixed feelings. Of course I'm glad to be back & be with my family. I am. It's just that I'm really sad knowing there's a good chance that was my last trip to China. With my parents moving home next year, I don't know that I'll ever get back there. You know how people say that when you're on vacation or in a different country, there comes a point when you're ready to be home? Well...I never felt that. And, you'd think I would since things are so different there. I was ready to be with my family, of course, but I never tired of the country.

Before I went, I had a list of wants. A long list. I obsessed about making sure I looked okay when I went out. I mean, not any more than the average person...probably less actually, but still...I cared. A lot. After visiting the villages, well, and just Kunming actually, I came home uninterested in shopping much. (And, I LIKE to shop.) All the camera gear on my doesn't seem so dire anymore that I get it. Whatever. I care a little less about my appearance. I do care, for sure. But, I mean, it was kind of liberating being somewhere that it just doesn't matter like it does here. I haven't been blow drying my hair. I haven't made a point of NOT doing's just...I don't know. It's like, when I got home, when the plane hit me like a ton of bricks. Driving home, looking around... I kinda felt ashamed. We really have it all here. Oftentimes too much. And, yet, I find myself wanting more!?! What is that!?! How ungrateful. So, yeah, I appreciate the perspective the trip has given me. And, I'm already ashamed that it probably won't take long for me to forget and revert to my old more, more, more ways. We'll see...

Looking back...visiting the village is definitely my most favorite part of the trip. I mean, how could it not be!?! So, here are a few more pictures from the first day.

Here are these two cuties, again. This is from when they first spotted us. They were up on the roof of their home (I assume) and were peaking over the little wall.

This is the rooftop of Julie's home. I just thought it was so interesting, and I LOVED the moss. The whole roof is like this!
And a couple of Julie's parents:
I think this next one of Julie's mom has quickly become one of my favorites from the day. I turned around to find her standing here looking out over the village and onto the surrounding land. Do you think she knows how amazing it all is? How could she not, right!?! I keep telling myself that she's just admiring the beauty of the world around her.
I caught this sneaky little guy peeking at us from a neighboring home. He was pretty cute. A little shy, too. :-)
Just one I liked of the dog. Haha!
Julie's mom in the kitchen washing dishes.

So, yeah...that's it for now. I've got lots lined up to share another day, but I still have some post processing to do, as well. Thanks for looking, and thanks for all the super nice comments you guys have been leaving. I'm feeling like a rockstar! Ha!

I have one last little thing to share. And, well, I hope it doesn't cheapen this post any. I debated about whether or not to share this here, but I just love it, so what the heck!?! Ha!

Okay, so, many of you may know about my love for old school Michael Jackson. (Haven't I mentioned it here before!?!) I know, I know. I've heard all the terrible things about him. Yes, he's an absolute freak of nature. Yes, yes, yes...I know. BUT. But I love his old stuff anyway, particularly Billie Jean. And, well, I've always loved the Thriller dance. I know. I'm a dork. I should be embarrassed, and I should never admit that to anyone. Yet, here I am admitting it to the whole world. :-) I don't care, though. It ROCKS! So, imagine how happy it made me to stumble upon this video:

Some of you may have already seen this. For those that haven't, this video was shot in a prison in the Philippines. They have the inmates doing choreographed dances for exercise. Oh my...I think this is just too stinkin' funny. They're ROCKIN' the Thriller dance! Maybe I shouldn't have posted this, but oh well.

That's all for now...

Friday, August 3, 2007

just wanted to let you all know...

I'm not ignoring you guys and I haven't abandoned you. I have no internet access still. I'm getting really frustrated about that but whatev.

Anyway, I'm updating from my phone, and it happens to take me about 20 years to type out anything on this thing. Sooooo...when I get internet, I've got lots to share!

I hope to be back soon! Thanks for all the fabulously nice things you guys have said!