This is gonna be one MONSTER of a post!
No, but really, the kid LOVES school. I knew she would. She's definitely wired for it. She likes structure & schedules. She likes everything to be in it's place. She likes to learn, and she LOVES to be the good little girl. (For everyone else, anyway! Not so much at home.
So, let me share a few first day of school pictures with you. I KNOW you've been to my blog multiple times a day for the past week just itchin' to see them, right!?! Bwahahaha!!! I amuse myself. Actually, I'll be surprised if I have any visitors left...I've been terrible.
Here's my girl: (still at home...feeling pretty good...feeling excited.)
Just arriving at school...still feeling pretty confident. (Look at her in her little uniform! Too cute!)
She's getting closer to the kids. Notice: she's starting to fidget with her hands a tad.
Oh, yeah, she's definitely starting to feel nervous. Not only is she fidgeting with her hands, but she's also starting to do odd things with her mouth. This girl WEARS her nervousness on her sleeve, that's for sure. Poor thing.
Oh, and the kids standing DIRECTLY beside her...yeah, those big ol' kids are HER CLASSMATES! They are all KINDERGARTNERS! Can you believe it!?! No wonder she's nervous! And, full blown nervousness! (Pun intended. I feel like my aunt Lois or Mary Lively! Haha!)
But, yeah, all in all, GREAT experience for her! In fact, I'm pretty sure the anxiety melted away as soon as they got in their classroom. Emma just LOVES her teacher! LOVES her! (Plus, her best little boy friend [read: future husband if mom has her way] is in her class, too.)
So, that's that.
Now, onto other things. (I'll get to how it's going with Maya in a minute!)
If I'm being honest, I've got to say that I've felt totally uninspired in photography since I got back from China. I think I've picked up my camera four times, and, well, you're seeing photos from three of those times right here in this post! Ha! I don't know what it is. I don't know why I've been uninspired, I just have.
I look at other photographers' work, and I'm just awed. I'm blown away by their ART. I feel like I'm at a point in my photography that I can consistently produce nice photographs. I don't feel, though, that I'm producing art. I've always had a need to be creative, to do SOMEthing, anything that involves creating. I feel like what I'm doing with photography allows room for creativity, for sure. Don't get me wrong on that. I just don't feel like I'm able to see a whole scene, see a feeling, see that SOMEthing that makes it truly art. I don't know.
Lots of the work I've been loving lately has been post processed to create whatever it is I love. It may be a perfectly normal photograph, a photograph I can capture all day long, that has been turned into something AMAZING later. It's also the "later" that I can't get. I try. I do. And, maybe it's just a passing fad. I don't know. I really don't care, either. I'm in the mood to create, and what I'm doing isn't satisfaction enough, so I'm going for it. Fad or not.
So, with that in mind, I went out into the front yard with the girls the other evening. I thought I'd like to try to get a little sunflare (which it was VERY little...ugh...) and post process it into a more vintage feel. Maybe? Desaturate it some, muted colors to start with, hazy feel... I don't know that I really made it happen, but it was fun to play anyway.
Here are the results of my efforts: (Way to hustle, right!?! <----I REALLY hope someone "gets" that.)

Then, yesterday when the big sis was at school, Maya & I decided to get some shots of her in her room. I just love their room. It's really a lot of fun, but with all the bright colors going on I get all sorts of color casts. It usually frustrates me enough to keep me out of there, but Maya's been doing this new thing in her room that I HAD to have proof of. So, in I went. I'm actually REALLY pleased with how these came out. I think they're some of my newer faves. :-) Just a girl in her room...havin' fun, being a maniac, makin' a mess, loungin' on the ground readin' a know...typical stuff for a 3 year old.
These first two were taken with the kit lens. I'm pretty impressed, myself! I'm loving the first one just because she's reading a leap pad book with the disaster that is her room in the background. It's just...very Maya. :-)

Oh, I did say I'd tell you how Maya's doing with her big sis & BFF being in school all day. Well, ummm...she's become a tad bit high maintenance. There's just no other way to say it. The kid wants to be by my side NONstop. I'm serious. This is no exaggeration. She wants me to snuggle her, come to her "show" (the joys,) let her sing endless made up songs to me, feed her, sit by her, play with her, whatever...
And, you know, I'm still in the feeling bad for her stages. She's SOOO enthusiastic when Emma gets home that it just breaks my heart. She RUNS to the garage door each day when she hears it go up, flings it open, and stands there jumping up & down, clapping & chanting Emma's name. Poor thing. Anyway, so I feel obligated to do these things with her during the day. She just needs a buddy, right!?! So, it's almost daily now that I've attended her "shows." You'd think it would evolve some, the storyline would develop more. Nope. Same thing every day.
So, because I feel obligated, the other day I cleaned the family room whilst basically giving the kid a piggy back ride. This was not my idea. Nothing about lugging a 35 pounder on my back while I do something I already despise - dusting & cleaning base boards - sounds AT ALL fun. But, if I got down low enough, she'd come at me, full sprint, and leap onto my back, fling her arms around my neck, much of the time choking me. It wasn't a game, either. I don't think she thought this was exceptionally fun. She just truly wanted to be close to me & she'd see her opportunity. And, well, I didn't have the heart to tell her to get the heck off my back! If Emma had been home, if Maya hadn't been so pathetic ever since Emma started school, well...I'd for SURE be flinging her off of there in record time. Who wants to CLEAN with a kid on their back!?! Seriously!?! Whatever. Surely this can't last long, right? She'll get over Emma going to school. Gosh, I hope so.
So, extra prayer here & there for my sanity would be much appreciated. :-)
Oh Amy, it's so good to read you, you and your little family missed me... you are right, I came to see your blog every day to have news of the first school day of Emma!!! Your photos are always so gorgeous, even if you didn't take a lot... Your text made me laugh, I like so much the way you tell all these things and your feelings... thank you!
It's so fun to read your update. I don't think I'd stop checking your blog daily even if you only posted once a month!! haha, I'm addicted.
I love the new post processing. I like your regular style so freaking much, but it's fun to see something new.
I could go on all day about how amazing your pictures are. They totally inspire me, so whether or not you think they're art, at least they're inspirational ;)
I feel so sorry for little Maya. And also sorry for you, hehe. I can't imagine only have one at home now and my girls don't even play well together.
Oh and the part where you were saying she comes and jumps on your back made me cringe...both my daughters do that and it drives me absolutely crazy.
I'll give them piggybacks or horsey rides or whatever, but when they randomly jump on you and strangle you...yikes.
one more thing- that picture of Maya looking at Emma all silly...that's my favorite picture you've ever posted..SO awesome!
One in school, one at home. . . that will be my life next year. I'm so worried about how my little Emmy will react when her big sister isn't home with her, either, but it's nice to kind of get an idea from your girls! :) I'm amazed at the results you got with your kit lens! These shots of Maya in her bedroom are awesome, girl.
First let me say ... your work is amazing! You are very talented and when I see your pictures I see such wonderful "art". Your girls are so frickin cute!
lol, I check your blog more than once daily hoping for lots of pictures and you write so beautiful.
I like that artsy photos!! And it's fun to play around and see what you can do.
Maya will be fine in no time. You are such a wonderful sweet mom! How could she not?
Hang in there, and keep posting, I check it work to improve my mood during the day. Your posts always make me smile.
Jen Cagle
I really liked the ones of Maya in her bedroom, and the two where Emma and Maya are looking at each other (the one of them laughing, and the one where Emma's looking "pret-ty irritated").
As for the bit about wanting to create art... I was thinking this week about how I'm a mini rebel, photography-wise. Maybe it's time to throw the rule book out. Ignore the golden rule of thirds, and put them in the centre of frame! Or something else equally rebellious ;-)
As for art, you mentioned "I know many, MANY people probably will NOT like this one, but that's okay. This one I did for me."...
I view my photos that way. So I've not PSed my photos to make them acceptible in a photographer's gallery, and I tend to centre my photos - they might not win technical awards, but I don't care - *I* like them, and find (my favourites) pretty. That's all I ask from a photo, so if I get that feeling, I'm happy.
Simple, but it works. So if you get what you want out of a photo, call it a success! [hug]
Oh Amy, I'm feeling your senitments about the first day of kindergarten. I just sent my oldest off to her first kindergarten day this week too. I love how your photos tell the story about her first day jitters all by themselves. I'm sure our girls will do just great in their new schedules.
Sorry you are feeling uninspired at the moment...if it's any consilation I think your images are amazing and artful. They evoke a lot of emotion and feeling. You will only grow from trying new things tho so that's a good thing to do. Just don't be so hard on are a very talented photographer and a hilarious story teller. Crack me up with your daughter riding piggyback as you cleaned up. Sounds like me making dinner, loading the dishwasher, doing laundry, etc, etc with my 1 year old perched on my hip the whole time. She's definitely a mama's girl :) Stay confident, ok? have ILP mail :)
LOVED all the photos of her 1st day of school....storytelling by photos at it's best. :)
I LOVE your style so much! But can relate to your feeling of being stuck somewhat. I feel like I'm consistent...but often lack the vision :)
{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}} Oh how I miss you when you're gone! It's fun to read up on you & the girls. I love the images as usual - you just rock no matter what you do!
Hi Amy!
Okay, first of all it is so encouraging to me to hear that someone like you is "stuck" (sorry!!)...I really look up to you and a bunch of other photogs...I really do study your stuff...trying to better my own photography. Your work is amazing and I do like the one that you thought no one would like (even though it totally reminds me of when I need to clean my lens!! lol!!) no seriously, I like the feel of it...really. And I agree, if you love it then what else really matters???
Secondly, I don't know if this happened to you when you had just your first and then your second beautiful babe was on the way...did you ever have thoughts about how you were going to do life with TWO??? I know our beautiful beginning with two was less sugar more spice! And now you are back to where "I" thought it was easier...hmmm...funny how perspectives are different :0) Although, my second is just 12 months now so they are just beginning to sort of play, I mean "tolerate" each other or rather the first is tolerating the second. Little Benjamin wants to play with Caleb so badly, but is always "in the way" or "messing up his stuff"...I hope it changes and they really do become best friends.
I also really really liked your pics of Maya and's those moments that only Mom and Dad can really "know" or get to witness sometimes and you have single handedly recorded them and made them timeless..something to see and feel so clearly for the rest of your and her life. I think those were some of my favorites. Also the ones of Maya in the sun...the one where she's laying down and face up with the sun just making her glow - that one is so sweet!! Love, love, love them!
You mentioned being so changed in/after seems like a very good thing for you....change from growth is wonderful!
Have a great one Amy!
Rosie.......... :0) (IL)
You totally crack me up!! I can see that being my girls in a few years.
I love your mention of the love language.......I am a huge fan of the book.
I hope you and the chicas are having a wonderful weekend.
I LOVED this post. I've really wanted to see Emma in her uniform and I LOVE the ones of the girls together. You take such amazing photographs. Talk to you later!
Naturally, I liked all the pictures...especially the grainy one of Maya Papaya. Oh, and when I take over their room I too like to hang my feet from the top bunk like a vampire. And that was pretty awesome how you caught them giving each other goofy looks outside...definitely a magnet-worthy shot.
Miss you guys!
I haven't been able to comment earlier because our connection is SO SLOW where we are now. I check your blog multiple times daily! The new pictures are great and I absolutely love the one you did for yourself.
Write me.
By the way, can you send me the one you did for yourself so I can scrapbook it?
Incredible beautiful photos, love your style.
Super Amy!
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