Not enough time...
Okay, well, first I want to thank you all for your nice words on my last post. I'm so flattered that they evoked emotion of some sort in so many of you. Can you imagine what it must have been like to be in the middle of it, to watch it, to breathe it. Going to the villages really has been the highlight of my time here so far!
Now...where to start!?! When I say there is not enough time in the day, I'm SO stinkin' serious right now! I feel terrible that I have not updated my blog again until tonight. The thing is, I took 400, yes, FOUR HUNDRED pictures in the villages. And, I'm in CHINA! Who wants to post process 400 pictures while visiting China!?! It's like, "Amy...what would you like to do today while in China? Oh, you'd like to post process? Great." Haha! I mean, no one is telling me I have to have them all post processed before I go, but I know my parents would love for me to have some done to leave for them. Plus, the super sweet young couple that I photographed would LOVE to have some before I leave, too, I'm sure. So...after L-O-N-G days out on the town, I come back here and try to make myself sit down at the computer.
Anyway, so, that's why I haven't been updating the blog.
I'm going to give you a few sneak peeks from the second day at the villages. I think I'm too tired to go into much detail about the whole thing right now, but can I just tell you that it was a crazy awesome day!?! We had breakfast with the sweetest, kindest little family. The woman is a friend of my parents. Her husband was also there, as was her parents & her niece. The niece is 2 years old...almost 3. She is the MOST gorgeous little girl. I just wanted to pack her up & take her home with me! Outta control cute... Anyway, this little one was so spunky, so sweet, so giggly...just good natured all around. You'll see a picture of her on down the way. You'll know her when you see her. :-)
We also went into town to go to the market. It's...ummm...interesting. It's so different than the way we do things in the States. I've only got one picture to share from that for right now, but hopefully you'll see more later.
Okay, okay...I'm just gonna get on with the posting.
This first woman is wearing traditional clothing for her people group. It's so neat to walk around the little town and see SO many people wearing traditional clothing like this. She's 61 years old, she told us, and she was so willing to let me photograph her. (Did I mention that almost all the time, they don't like to be photographed?)

This next photograph is of a woman also in traditional dress for her people group, which I believe is the same people group as the first woman. Maybe this one's the formal stuff? I don't know... Anyway, I DO know that she performs on stage in shows about the different people groups in China. I know she dances, and I believe she sings, as well. She was really nice.

This third woman...this one I love even though it's just a head shot. She told us that she was 86 years old and she STILL WORKS! And, by "still works" I mean she still goes out and works and harvests the crops, carries heavy loads in a basket on her back (supported by a strap across her forehead.) And, not only that, but I'm SURE much of it is up on the mountain sides, so she must walk up & down them, right!?! Man. Can you believe that!?! She also told us that her mother is 107 years old. :-) I think there is so much character in her face. Each wrinkle represents a story she has to tell... Beautiful.

This next one is at the market. I just thought it was fun. :-)

This is a home right there in town. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...

Tell me you see the woman standing in the doorway?, here's the little girl that I wanted to take home. You understand now, right!?! Isn't she AMAZING!?! She had the most beautiful little personality, too.

And, last one (for now) from the villages...this is the little one's grandfather. He's a super friendly guy. :-)

So, yeah...I've got WAY more to tell you & show you from that day, but I just can't muster the energy to do all the post processing. Soon, though.
Okay, there's the first half of the post. Now, let me tell you a little about our time spent in Kunming. First and foremost, who wants to move here with me? Anyone? I've got three words for you: SUPER. CHEAP. MASSAGE. Haha! Seriously...we had a little girl's night out last night. There was about 7 of us, and we decided we'd like to go get foot massages. It's not a pedicure, just the massage. Well, we get to the place, and ask how much for a foot massage for each of us.'s where it gets CRAZY! They told us we could each get a foot massage AND a back massage for what works out to be about $2.50 US dollars!!! WHAT!?! Ummm...if THAT'S not reason enough to move here, I don't know what is!!! Can you believe it!?! I'm still in shock. And, they were no chintzy massages. Both of them together lasted over an hour! For $2.50!!! Ahhhh...
So, that might be the second highlight of my trip! Bwahahahaha!!!
No, but really...we've done some fun stuff, eaten some CRAZY foods, shopped some really cool shops. I just love it. It's fun just being here. I've tried more new foods this week than I probably have in the past entire year!!! So far, we've had Thai food, Indian food, Chinese food, Cantonese food, Japanese food (I hear it's got a Chinese twist on it, though), American food...all this week alone. I LOVED it all. Seriously. I'm kinda bummed because I don't think the US has food this good. Atleast not where I live. I've tried lamb, goose, duck, and tofu. (I know it's not all that crazy, but I've never had any of those things before. Well...goose once before the last time I was in China.) Fun stuff.
I've also met some wonderful new friends. :-) I'm sad that we're leaving soon. I feel like I'm just getting to know them, though I love them already! I talked a little about Julie in my last post. It was her family that hosted us out in the village for dinner. Well, she was recently married, but they didn't have wedding pictures done. So, I got to do them!!! It was TONS of fun. I have to say...I felt like a rock star photographer on this shoot! Haha! I had 11, ELEVEN, people following us, helping, carrying this or that, whatever. That includes my mom & Craig & Heather & many of their friends. That does NOT include myself or the bride & groom. So, yeah...a group of 14 of us cruising around town taking pictures! If only my life were that good... I had someone carrying my camera bag for me, the step ladder... It was raining, so I had people holding umbrellas over me, I had people moving benches around & stuff. Crazy fun. Rock star. I'm telling you. Ha! No, I think everyone just wanted to be a part of it because Julie & her husband are just such wonderful people... I wouldn't have wanted to miss this, either.
So, here are a few shots from that little session. Keep in mind that I'm NOT a wedding photographer. I'm not even an engagement shoot photographer. Heck, I hardly photograph adults at all. But, this worked out okay, and it was TONS of fun! (Also keep in mind that my photoshop skills have been SLOP-PY. I'm post processing on a laptop. Yes, I've said that before, but what I haven't said is that I'm not using a normal mouse. Just the touch pad on the computer. Yep. Fun.) Oh, and because it's rained NON-stop here, we had to just make it work. We looked for anything covered, and we settled for what we could find. I think most of them are great little locations, though I don't love the buildings in the background of some of these. This is also only a small sampling.

And, I think this one is my favorite. I just like it. Plus, as cheesy & abstract as it is, I feel like the place settings parallel their marriage at the most basic level. In front of her you see the plate. In front of him you see the silverware. Together they make a whole. Isn't it cute?!? (Plus, the different colors ROCK, and I'm diggin' the lighting, too. Haha!)
So, anyway. I'm about to fall asleep in front of this computer. Just know that there is SO much more to share. One of these days...
Now...where to start!?! When I say there is not enough time in the day, I'm SO stinkin' serious right now! I feel terrible that I have not updated my blog again until tonight. The thing is, I took 400, yes, FOUR HUNDRED pictures in the villages. And, I'm in CHINA! Who wants to post process 400 pictures while visiting China!?! It's like, "Amy...what would you like to do today while in China? Oh, you'd like to post process? Great." Haha! I mean, no one is telling me I have to have them all post processed before I go, but I know my parents would love for me to have some done to leave for them. Plus, the super sweet young couple that I photographed would LOVE to have some before I leave, too, I'm sure. So...after L-O-N-G days out on the town, I come back here and try to make myself sit down at the computer.
Anyway, so, that's why I haven't been updating the blog.
I'm going to give you a few sneak peeks from the second day at the villages. I think I'm too tired to go into much detail about the whole thing right now, but can I just tell you that it was a crazy awesome day!?! We had breakfast with the sweetest, kindest little family. The woman is a friend of my parents. Her husband was also there, as was her parents & her niece. The niece is 2 years old...almost 3. She is the MOST gorgeous little girl. I just wanted to pack her up & take her home with me! Outta control cute... Anyway, this little one was so spunky, so sweet, so giggly...just good natured all around. You'll see a picture of her on down the way. You'll know her when you see her. :-)
We also went into town to go to the market. It's...ummm...interesting. It's so different than the way we do things in the States. I've only got one picture to share from that for right now, but hopefully you'll see more later.
Okay, okay...I'm just gonna get on with the posting.
This first woman is wearing traditional clothing for her people group. It's so neat to walk around the little town and see SO many people wearing traditional clothing like this. She's 61 years old, she told us, and she was so willing to let me photograph her. (Did I mention that almost all the time, they don't like to be photographed?)

This next photograph is of a woman also in traditional dress for her people group, which I believe is the same people group as the first woman. Maybe this one's the formal stuff? I don't know... Anyway, I DO know that she performs on stage in shows about the different people groups in China. I know she dances, and I believe she sings, as well. She was really nice.

This third woman...this one I love even though it's just a head shot. She told us that she was 86 years old and she STILL WORKS! And, by "still works" I mean she still goes out and works and harvests the crops, carries heavy loads in a basket on her back (supported by a strap across her forehead.) And, not only that, but I'm SURE much of it is up on the mountain sides, so she must walk up & down them, right!?! Man. Can you believe that!?! She also told us that her mother is 107 years old. :-) I think there is so much character in her face. Each wrinkle represents a story she has to tell... Beautiful.

This next one is at the market. I just thought it was fun. :-)

This is a home right there in town. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...

Tell me you see the woman standing in the doorway?, here's the little girl that I wanted to take home. You understand now, right!?! Isn't she AMAZING!?! She had the most beautiful little personality, too.

And, last one (for now) from the villages...this is the little one's grandfather. He's a super friendly guy. :-)

So, yeah...I've got WAY more to tell you & show you from that day, but I just can't muster the energy to do all the post processing. Soon, though.
Okay, there's the first half of the post. Now, let me tell you a little about our time spent in Kunming. First and foremost, who wants to move here with me? Anyone? I've got three words for you: SUPER. CHEAP. MASSAGE. Haha! Seriously...we had a little girl's night out last night. There was about 7 of us, and we decided we'd like to go get foot massages. It's not a pedicure, just the massage. Well, we get to the place, and ask how much for a foot massage for each of us.'s where it gets CRAZY! They told us we could each get a foot massage AND a back massage for what works out to be about $2.50 US dollars!!! WHAT!?! Ummm...if THAT'S not reason enough to move here, I don't know what is!!! Can you believe it!?! I'm still in shock. And, they were no chintzy massages. Both of them together lasted over an hour! For $2.50!!! Ahhhh...
So, that might be the second highlight of my trip! Bwahahahaha!!!
No, but really...we've done some fun stuff, eaten some CRAZY foods, shopped some really cool shops. I just love it. It's fun just being here. I've tried more new foods this week than I probably have in the past entire year!!! So far, we've had Thai food, Indian food, Chinese food, Cantonese food, Japanese food (I hear it's got a Chinese twist on it, though), American food...all this week alone. I LOVED it all. Seriously. I'm kinda bummed because I don't think the US has food this good. Atleast not where I live. I've tried lamb, goose, duck, and tofu. (I know it's not all that crazy, but I've never had any of those things before. Well...goose once before the last time I was in China.) Fun stuff.
I've also met some wonderful new friends. :-) I'm sad that we're leaving soon. I feel like I'm just getting to know them, though I love them already! I talked a little about Julie in my last post. It was her family that hosted us out in the village for dinner. Well, she was recently married, but they didn't have wedding pictures done. So, I got to do them!!! It was TONS of fun. I have to say...I felt like a rock star photographer on this shoot! Haha! I had 11, ELEVEN, people following us, helping, carrying this or that, whatever. That includes my mom & Craig & Heather & many of their friends. That does NOT include myself or the bride & groom. So, yeah...a group of 14 of us cruising around town taking pictures! If only my life were that good... I had someone carrying my camera bag for me, the step ladder... It was raining, so I had people holding umbrellas over me, I had people moving benches around & stuff. Crazy fun. Rock star. I'm telling you. Ha! No, I think everyone just wanted to be a part of it because Julie & her husband are just such wonderful people... I wouldn't have wanted to miss this, either.
So, here are a few shots from that little session. Keep in mind that I'm NOT a wedding photographer. I'm not even an engagement shoot photographer. Heck, I hardly photograph adults at all. But, this worked out okay, and it was TONS of fun! (Also keep in mind that my photoshop skills have been SLOP-PY. I'm post processing on a laptop. Yes, I've said that before, but what I haven't said is that I'm not using a normal mouse. Just the touch pad on the computer. Yep. Fun.) Oh, and because it's rained NON-stop here, we had to just make it work. We looked for anything covered, and we settled for what we could find. I think most of them are great little locations, though I don't love the buildings in the background of some of these. This is also only a small sampling.

oh snap! I love the umbrella/bike one. SWEET! And there's nothing wrong with processing on a laptop! I do all my processing on one with "just the touch pad on the computer." I think you'll see when you get home and look at the images on your trusty old CRT, this is absolutely some of your best work AND post processing.
BTW... I'm pretty sure that you ARE a wedding and engagement photographer. No one will argue that.
i think you'll have a job being an engagement photographer very soon here! love all the pictures as always. tell you mom and craig hello and ya'll have a safe trip home. i haven't told you benjamin has moved!
I haven't commented in awhile but check your blog constantly and I have to rock! The colors, the composition. Man, I think I want to go to China! And, if you ever...and I mean ever want to teach a photoshop workshop sign me up immediately! Your post processing blows my socks off! Seriously! Save me a spot!
I'm with favorite is the umbrella/bike one.
Oh ipeagreen on twopeas ;)
oh amy...this again..are fabulous...wowzers...i feel so much when l see these and l just think it is so amazing when this happens from a photograph! Your shots truly capture the time, the moment and the feeling. I just love the angle shot of the market...your colours are so rich and inviting. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us in your busy schedule...i look forward to see so much more.
PS...the wedding photos are amazing
well get ready for an overwhelming amount of comments again...really just beautiful and you did fabulous work on the wedding beautiful!
amy, i think someone is going to hire you for national geographic. that's all i have to say! :)
Utterly amazing.
Just amazing.
You've captured these women SO beautifully- and your wedding/engagement photos are STUNNING!!!
Hey Amy: Thanks for getting Julies in the works. She is so excited about these pictures but she would never ask you to get them done. I know this will really bless her. The ones of the lady's are great and of course you know I love grandpa and granddaughter:)
Not a wedding photographer, are you crazy?
Beautiful, of couse!
Amy...your photos are stunning girl! I could look at your photos all day and never get bored, seriously.
I love the details you share about your trip, I LOVE talkative bloggers...your blog is such a treat, lots of talking and lots of pictures.
WOW!!!! these are amazing!!! these are just amazing, amazing! love them all! your colors are vibrant and the shots are incredible. love every single one...are baby girl is from taiwan and i would love to go back and photograph some of the culture....:)
amazing amy.
oh yeah...can i just say all i can think of is "understanding exposure" when I look at that guy sitting in front of the green door---that looks so familiar...bryan peterson Look OUT! :0
I agree with so many of these comments Amy. National Geographic, wedding photographer, editorial photographer. You're post processing does rock and I would love to know you're process.
This body of work shows you have much talent as a photographer. It's not images of your girls, it's landscape, food, wedding, intimate portraits of strangers. I'm wowed.
I think you proved that you can be whatever kind of photographer you want. See you soon!
This comment has been removed by the author.
I think you proved that you can be whatever kind of photographer you want. We miss you!
I loved the pictures, thank you for posting them, Mommy, I love you.
I hope you have a good airplane flight back and a good morning in China tomorrow. We saw the pictures at Admin, come see me at
Amy, Your photos are fantastic. Your post processing brings the photos even more alive.
I've lost all words. I seriously can't tell you how awesome you are! I LOOOOOOOVE the umbrella picture. I'm green with envy!
I loved your words, your pictures....everything. I want to visit someday. :)
You're right, the little girl is adorable. It sounds like being in the villages was a very humbling experience. Lovely.
Holy cow Amy I LOVE the wedding pictures! I have to agree with everyone else that the color of the pictures are awesome. Like I said, my family has been blown away by them and says they should be in National Geographic magazine.
Have a good trip back home, I am having fun but wish that I could be there to hear all your stories and go out for a Sonic drink. See you August 3rd!!!!
Add me to the list of those who want to know about your post processing.. Every single one of these seriously ROCKS, that little girl is beautiful, the older people look like so wise, and that umbrella picture made my day. I would have that huge on my wall, and I don't even know these people!
Oh and I LOVE the market one too, I'd pay big bucks to have that hanging in my kitchen. Thanks for sharing Amy, really, you're such an inspiration!
WOW! I just stumbled onto your blog and HOLY SMOKES! AMAZING!!!!
Dont ever say you are not an engagement or wedding photographer. The pictures are awesome. You are a truly amazing photographer.
These are all gorgeous!!! I love China!!! enjoy the dimsums!!! yum yum!!! love the colors, amy!!! the images are obvious--AMAZING!!!
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