A sweet family...
Well, this past Thursday, I had the opportunity to photograph a really nice family. I just loved spending time with them and watching them interact with each other. The little one - I'll call "K" - just turned two, and he has such a sweet, happy little disposition. He was such a joy to photograph. And, his parents were so, so good with him. They encouraged him to say "please," "thank you," and "yes ma'am." It's nice to see young ones being raised with good manners. And, he's such a cutie, too.
Anyway, my internet has been down, so I'm actually having to update my blog at my sister's house. J&J, I apologize for being a little late with this post. I hope you enjoy these pictures. This is just a small sampling. There are many more to come. :-)

I think this is my favorite from the shoot. Look at him! Isn't he the cutest thing EVER!?!

Anyway, my internet has been down, so I'm actually having to update my blog at my sister's house. J&J, I apologize for being a little late with this post. I hope you enjoy these pictures. This is just a small sampling. There are many more to come. :-)

WOW! - Amy, it was well worth the wait. We look forward to seeing the rest. We really enjoyed the shoot and appreciate all your hard work. May the Lord continue to bless you in all you do.
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Amy- wow- these are just fabulous!! The color, the sharpness, jus perfection!!
These are stunning! Amy you have so much talent!
LOVE THESE!!! I'm with you... I LOVE the one on the porch! But I really like the one of mom reading, too... very motherly AND very teacherly!!! Your photos are beautiful, but best of all, you really capture the personalities of people... there are not too many I've seen who do that as well as you, Amy!!!
I want my formal photo shoot!!! ;)
Have you started doing sessions, Amy?? If so, you go girl! :) You're gonna make a whole lotta people very happy with your talent. Great photos, as usual!
Let me just be the first to say... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMY!!!! What is this... 29??? Only one more year of your 20's left... you'd better relish it!!!
I love you, my extremely talented and very creative (though can be rather irritable from time to time) little sister!!! You're the best!!!
Happy birthday Amy! I can't wait to see you - just 10 more days! Love, Mom
Happy Belated Birthday, Amy.
He is so cute, love the dimples.
Also, hope your birthday was great!
These are awesome, Amy! I love your fave but I think the last one is my fave!
Happy B-day!
Oh, LOVE the family one on the fence. Your colors are always AWESOME! You have quickly become one of my favorite photographers and I check your blog often! Love them all!!!
Amy, these are amazing! You did such a great job on these, the family looks beautiful. And you're right, that's a very very cute kid. I love the peeking through the fence one, it's so full of character. I hope we can see more! And I'm loving all your other recent stuff too, and China sounds amazing and.. I don't know what else. I missed checking in here while I was away :)
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