It's Father's Day.
It really crept up on me this year. I don't know why, but everything is coming at me quicker it seems.
I know that my girls dominate this blog. They're almost all that I photograph & talk about. Those two stir up more emotion in me, whether it be good or bad, that it seems my days are consumed with them. And, they are. I mean, I'm home with them NON-stop. I'm responsible for raising them, for ensuring that they grow up to be good people. I'm responsible for two little lives, and it's not like it's a job that ends everyday at 5 o'clock or something. So, yes, sometimes I tend to focus on them a lot in this blog. Too much maybe. Maybe it's only too much relatively speaking.
So, tonight I'm gonna talk about my hubby...the father my children. It's Father's Day, and though I let it creep up on me, I'd like to make sure that he knows that I appreciate him, that I adore him. I don't say it often enough, I'm sure. It's hard to come up with the words to embody our relationship, what he means to this family. When he's the whole world to do you go about summing THAT up, you know? But...I'll try. :-)
To me he is the perfect compliment. His neatness is the answer to my sloppiness. His drive is the answer to my unambition. His solidity balances my over-emotion. His insanely good memory is the solution to my terrible memory. I could go on.
You know, this man learned photography for me. He saw my passion for it, he saw that it created an outlet for me, made me a better wife & mother, and he wanted to encourage that, be a part of it. He took up my hobby so that we could do it together. He set aside his monetary wants to make it possible for me to buy the things that would allow me to delve even deeper into this passion of mine. I don't know what he saw in the beginning...before I verbally expressed my love for this, but he saw something in me. He saw all the little minute changes in my spirit or demeanor as I found something I loved...before I realized those things myself. He's tuned in to me.
He is my comfort & my safety. No matter what has happened, no matter the circumstance, I feel a calmness in his arms. Before a tear can even fall from my eye, he's come close to me to wrap me in comfort & love. He is gentle & tender with me when I'm crushed, yet at the same time he lets me know that he'll be my strength. If I fall apart as a mother or a housekeeper or whatever my daily duties may be, he silently picks up my slack.
He dreams with me. Gosh, we have big dreams. And they're elaborate because we can talk about them for hours.
Through all of this & all that he is to me (there's SO much more,) there's one thing that makes our lives together SO much fun. He & I share the same wacky, sarcastic, and sometimes embarrassing sense of humor. DAILY we laugh together, and DAILY our daughters look at us as though we have two heads each. Sometimes I think they've got to be wondering what in the world is wrong with us. I know they'll be embarrassed by us as soon as they're old enough to realize that we're not normal. For now, though, I think they like it alright. :-) I think they feel like there's a sense of fun in our home. I hope so, anyway...
As for his relationship with our girls...I could ask for nothing more. All of these things that he is to me, I see him being to them, as well. He's got it rough, if you think about it. There's ONE of him & THREE of us. That's what he's got to look forward to. But, he embraces it. He throws an annual princess party for them (which I'm not invited to...I'm forced to have a night out.) He indulges them with Barbie movies. <-----THAT is a big deal. If you've ever seen a Barbie movie, you know what a big deal that is! Haha!
He recognizes their differences. He sees their strengths & weaknesses, and he loves them individually & accordingly. There is no better person with which to navigate this thing called parenting.
Like I said...he means the whole world to this family. Heck, our home crumbles when he's gone for a day. Haha! There's so much more that I could say about him. So. Much. More.
Anyway...Happy Father's Day, Curt. I love you.
I know that my girls dominate this blog. They're almost all that I photograph & talk about. Those two stir up more emotion in me, whether it be good or bad, that it seems my days are consumed with them. And, they are. I mean, I'm home with them NON-stop. I'm responsible for raising them, for ensuring that they grow up to be good people. I'm responsible for two little lives, and it's not like it's a job that ends everyday at 5 o'clock or something. So, yes, sometimes I tend to focus on them a lot in this blog. Too much maybe. Maybe it's only too much relatively speaking.
So, tonight I'm gonna talk about my hubby...the father my children. It's Father's Day, and though I let it creep up on me, I'd like to make sure that he knows that I appreciate him, that I adore him. I don't say it often enough, I'm sure. It's hard to come up with the words to embody our relationship, what he means to this family. When he's the whole world to do you go about summing THAT up, you know? But...I'll try. :-)

You know, this man learned photography for me. He saw my passion for it, he saw that it created an outlet for me, made me a better wife & mother, and he wanted to encourage that, be a part of it. He took up my hobby so that we could do it together. He set aside his monetary wants to make it possible for me to buy the things that would allow me to delve even deeper into this passion of mine. I don't know what he saw in the beginning...before I verbally expressed my love for this, but he saw something in me. He saw all the little minute changes in my spirit or demeanor as I found something I loved...before I realized those things myself. He's tuned in to me.
He is my comfort & my safety. No matter what has happened, no matter the circumstance, I feel a calmness in his arms. Before a tear can even fall from my eye, he's come close to me to wrap me in comfort & love. He is gentle & tender with me when I'm crushed, yet at the same time he lets me know that he'll be my strength. If I fall apart as a mother or a housekeeper or whatever my daily duties may be, he silently picks up my slack.
He dreams with me. Gosh, we have big dreams. And they're elaborate because we can talk about them for hours.
Through all of this & all that he is to me (there's SO much more,) there's one thing that makes our lives together SO much fun. He & I share the same wacky, sarcastic, and sometimes embarrassing sense of humor. DAILY we laugh together, and DAILY our daughters look at us as though we have two heads each. Sometimes I think they've got to be wondering what in the world is wrong with us. I know they'll be embarrassed by us as soon as they're old enough to realize that we're not normal. For now, though, I think they like it alright. :-) I think they feel like there's a sense of fun in our home. I hope so, anyway...
As for his relationship with our girls...I could ask for nothing more. All of these things that he is to me, I see him being to them, as well. He's got it rough, if you think about it. There's ONE of him & THREE of us. That's what he's got to look forward to. But, he embraces it. He throws an annual princess party for them (which I'm not invited to...I'm forced to have a night out.) He indulges them with Barbie movies. <-----THAT is a big deal. If you've ever seen a Barbie movie, you know what a big deal that is! Haha!
He recognizes their differences. He sees their strengths & weaknesses, and he loves them individually & accordingly. There is no better person with which to navigate this thing called parenting.
Like I said...he means the whole world to this family. Heck, our home crumbles when he's gone for a day. Haha! There's so much more that I could say about him. So. Much. More.
Anyway...Happy Father's Day, Curt. I love you.
Yeah, you two go together like peanut butter and jelly. See you tonight!
That was nice to read... I'll be sure to remind you of this post the next time he's irritating the crap out of you!!! haha!
oh... and nice pic!
Happy Father's Day, Curt! You are pretty awesome!
Nicely said! We are glad you and the girls have him. Really nice picture too! Mom
Love that shot, Amy. And such a sweet Father's Day tribute to your hubby! Ok, I'm inspired, I need to do one for mine. :) L
Man, I love that shot of your hubby! My hubby always turns away or blocks my camera when I aim it towards him. I would love to get some shots like this if he would only let me!
Love your conversion, too.
Oh, Amy, that was beautiful! Curt and you sound like you go beautifully together.
It's a nice made a written love letter to my husband too, Amy, thank you for that...yes, behind a great photographer is a great husband/wife. I love your blog!!!!!!
What a lovely post! [hug]
WOW! What a wonderful tribute to Curt. I love the picture also. Thank you for sharing your heart. It touched me very much.
Amy, I love your welcome page!!! so stunning!!!! you are such an inspiration!!!!!
Great photo and a fabulous tribute to your DH :)
Your words are wonderful! It is encouraging and uplifting to hear such love and admiration!
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