One from May that I just didn't get around to posting...
Well, here's an oldie but a goodie. :-) Haha!
No, really, though. I took this at the end of May when I was experimenting with flash. I was having Emma jump on the couch (which is not usually allowed) to see just how low I could go with my shutter speed & still freeze the action. Well, I never got a good shot of her jumping, though it did freeze the action. BUT, I thought this one was cute anyway.
Any of you who know me & have been in our family room know that this picture is a bit off. Yes, those are pink walls. No, we did not paint. Our walls are actually a goldish, buttery color. But, that clashed. Sometimes I daydream about what my house would look like if Curt liked vibrant girly colors. So, I just did a little photoshopping to check it out. I do like it, though I'm sure I'd grow tired of pink walls pretty quickly. I don't know...maybe not. :-)
It almost doesn't look like her, does it? She's really growing up on me. :-( Kindergarten, here we come.
No, really, though. I took this at the end of May when I was experimenting with flash. I was having Emma jump on the couch (which is not usually allowed) to see just how low I could go with my shutter speed & still freeze the action. Well, I never got a good shot of her jumping, though it did freeze the action. BUT, I thought this one was cute anyway.
Any of you who know me & have been in our family room know that this picture is a bit off. Yes, those are pink walls. No, we did not paint. Our walls are actually a goldish, buttery color. But, that clashed. Sometimes I daydream about what my house would look like if Curt liked vibrant girly colors. So, I just did a little photoshopping to check it out. I do like it, though I'm sure I'd grow tired of pink walls pretty quickly. I don't know...maybe not. :-)

She IS growing up and her hair's getting so long! It's a cute photo. I like the pink walls. I've had my pink walls in my office for about a year and a half and I'm not tired of them at all. Mom
That's funny.. when I first saw the photo I thought oh my gosh she just gets cooler and cooler... she has pick walls... well you are still cool and a great source of inspiration! I would love to see a picture of your frames.. it looks really nice, just wish I could see them all. thanks.
she is getting so big! and she is just adorable too. i love the pink i was getting all jealous thinking how that would so not go with my furniture! :)
K-that is soooo stinking cute! I love the pink walls......I really think you should do it! If only we could have our way all of the time. It really makes the photo though, I love that it matches her dress! CUTE CUTE CUTE!
Very cool and great pic Amy. Just curious how you did the wall in photoshop? I know you made it pink but how did you make it go from light to a darker pink?
do I sense a flash in this image? I can't imagine how the light would be coming from that angle but it looks soooo natural. nice work! oh, and I love the pink wall. I totally think Curt should let you do that.
So cute :) love the walls- I would have never guessed they were PS'ed!
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