Wow. I have so much to say…so much to try to remember. I can hardly figure out where to begin. Yes, we made it to China safely! Sorry for not updating before now.
I have to say, though…I think I may have brought the rain. As if I haven’t had enough rain in Texas, the rainy season just happened to be starting up just as we arrived in China. One of my very first sights upon arriving was a flooded city. Great.
Unfortunately, it has been raining 24 hours a day. Literally. It’s not letting up. And, while we’re not letting that keep us from getting out and about, it’s kind of deterring me from taking pictures. It’s hard to hold an umbrella, set up a shot, snap a picture…all in the rain. And, well, how am I supposed to be getting down on the ground if there are puddles everywhere?
BUT anyway… So, we had plans to leave Friday morning to go out to some minority villages about 4 hours away. Luckily, it quit raining on Friday. I’m so thankful for that because I do NOT want to miss taking photos out in the villages. So, here I am today, back from the villages & 400 pictures later. Ay yi yi. You can imagine my post processing nightmare, I’m sure.
My parents have this wonderful little friend named Julie. She is THE sweetest thing. Julie actually grew up in the village that we were going to visit. This is why we were going to that particular village. My parents have a special friendship with her entire family. SO, Julie and all of us headed toward her family home, where they would so graciously cook for us & serve us dinner.
On our way to the villages, we drove 4 hours through winding mountain roads. Gosh…I cannot even begin to tell you how beautiful the land is here. It is beyond amazing. I wish somehow I could fully share my experience with you. It seems that I’ve always been short on words. Well, not short on words quantity-wise, but definitely short on words quality-wise. I can never seem to fully express what I’m wanting to convey. I’ve said it before…my words just aren’t adequate. I do my best, but I’m lacking. All this to say, I feel like in this moment, on this trip, my photos are lacking. They are inadequate. Yes, they may be fun to look at. They may capture some really great moments (or not,) but they just don’t capture it all. They do not paint the entire picture for you, and that kind of bums me out. I have a terrible memory. These days, this blog & my photos are where I store my memories. My mind fails me. And, so, I know that over a period of time, sooner rather than later, I will start to forget the big picture…the entirety of it. Bummer.
Let me get on with this story. Sheesh. I ramble.
On our drive, we happened across what they (someone) claims to be the world’s tallest non-suspension bridge. I believe it. Man, it’s just amazing to me that someone built that thing. And, that it works. Haha! It’s a two lane, two way bridge, and they happened to have one lane shut down for construction of some sort. (Yes, that leaves one lane and the shoulder of the tallest non-suspension bridge in the world for two way traffic to share.) Because of that, we pulled over, got out, and made our way out onto the bridge in the shut down lane. Honestly, I’m surprised that Heather & Mom had anything to do with this. (They’re both TERRIBLY afraid of heights.) But, they did, as the pictures prove.
So, here are a few pictures from that little adventure:
The girls looking over the edge:
Craig & Julie checking things out. And, yeah, this picture looks much scarier than it actually was. They are not just at the edge of a huge cliff or anything, though it looks that way! :-)
Back in the car, and back on the road… A bit more driving, and we arrived at Julie's village. A view from the highway:
I think this is a view of a neighboring village taken from the same spot on the highway. Just a guess, though. I don't really know. Haha! I LOVE the roofs!
You can tell from the top picture that we couldn't take the main highway to get to the village, right!?! Yeah...well...this is where I felt my life might be in danger. Haha! Remember how I said it's been raining NON-stop? Well, imagine what all that rain must do to a dirt road. I'm not talking a gravel-y road or anything...I'm talking red dirt. The kind that makes really, really slick red mud. Yep...up a mountain, winding & scenic road, right? Ummmm...not so much. Yes, it was all of those things, but it was not a drive that instills nice, relaxing, I'm-sight-seeing vibes in you or anything. This is a ONE lane road. ONE lane for two way traffic. ONE lane that runs pretty much right alongside the edge of the mountain with NO guardrails or anything. I'm sure my parents think I'm being high drama, but I don't care. It was NUTSO! At one point, you pretty much have to make a U-turn to turn off onto a second very similar road. Well, the road we're turning onto goes uphill fairly steeply. You can't just whip the wheel & make a U-y either. We're talking a three point turn. So, upon the first backup, I thought we were going over the edge of the mountain. OH. MY. GOSH. I think my life flashed before my eyes. No, seriously. Craig says otherwise, but I don't care what Craig says. We're talking almost NO wiggle room for a vehicle to get through, so, yeah...we're already too close to the edge.
ANYway... I go on about random things, don't I?
After getting stuck in the mud once, we arrive. Here's where my words will fail me. Here's where my pictures do no justice. We walked through the village, through what almost seemed like small little corridors between the homes, on to Julie's family's home. The ground was wet from the rain with moss covering some areas, both on the ground and the structures around us. There were so many nooks, crannies, offshoots along the way. So many things to catch my eye. Almost everywhere I looked, I saw a little path that interested me, that piqued my curiosity. I wanted to follow each one to see where it might lead me. The textures, the muted tones of the walls, the roofs, the walkways...I've never seen anything like it. I wish I could keep the movie in my brain playing forever, but it's already starting to fade.
We made our way up to Julie's home. Her parents & grandparents were so welcoming. Though I couldn't understand a WORD they said to me, I could see it all over their faces that they were proud to have us, happy to be hosting us for dinner. Who needs words, right?
After visiting for a few minutes and before dinner, Julie took Craig, Heather & I out for a little tour of the village. And, when I say village, it really, really is a village. There were children running & playing freely, neighbors out working...whatever. There were just people. Everywhere. I have to say...many Chinese people that I've run into so far are not keen on being photographed. For some reason, they feel that they don't look presentable. I, however, find them so beautiful, so fascinating, so full of character just as they are. I found that though they live a different lot in life, a lot that is foreign to me or one I can't imagine living, they are happy...joyful. Man, they're SO happy. And that makes them SO incredibly beautiful. They take you in with their smiles, their giggles. I found myself drawn in and studying the beauty that each of them add to the world. I admire the lives they live, the way the village works. I admire that they raise their own food & each other's children.
I don't know what else I can say about the people. They just touched my heart in a way that no one ever has. I hope that I was able to capture their true spirits. Atleast just a little.

A couple of village women hauling...I don't I don't know where. :-)

This sweet little girl was so unsure about us. Poor little thing. I think we made her nervous. She was grabbing at her hands, pulling on her fingers, rubbing them together, etc. Obviously a nervous thing. The funny thing about that...Emma does the exact same thing when she's nervous. Isn't it crazy how kids all over the world are really just alike?
This is all the color & texture I was talking about... stinkin' cute is this bebe!?!

This little girl came cruising down this path with her little sister on her back. Lucky, lucky me. And look how happy she is to be carrying her! Isn't it precious!?!
Little sister in a princess dress. :-) I think she's got two long lost sisters in Texas named Emma & Maya! Haha!
And, after strolling around a bit, it's back to Julie's for dinner:
After visiting over a really, really delicious meal (including bamboo prepared three different ways - who KNEW it could be so yummy!?!) Julie took us on a tour of their home. We went upstairs into a little room where stacks of rice are stored, as well as tea...both dried and fresh. Julie began to show us how they go about drying & rolling the tea.
I gave it a try, as did Craig. It was WAY harder than it looks. I kept throwing a little off the sides accidentally... Haha! I set this shot up for Heather to take of me working the tea with Julie.
These are Julie's parents. Aren't they so cute!?! See what I mean about happy...they're just happy! And he looks like he adores her, doesn't he!?!
This is Julie's grandmother (her father's mother.)
This is the same grandmother in her traditional minority group dress.

This is Julie's other grandmother (her mom's mom.)
And her other grandfather (her mom's dad.)
So, was such a busy, FULL day. And, I mean full in a good way. Fulfilling, you know? I'm so glad that we got to go, and I'm so glad that Julie's family was kind enough to host us.
When I started post processing tonight, I had initially thought that I would share the whole weekend with you all. BUT, this is just the ONE day. It's SO late, and I'm SO tired. Though I wanted to share it all now because it all kind of goes together, I've got to wait. The next day (which happens to be earlier today) was just as cool! Watch for that...
Oh, also, just so you all know...I'm post processing on a laptop. I totally don't trust the screen, and I'm quite frustrated with the whole thing. I want my trusty ol' CRT. Alas, I do not have it. I'm having to make it work. So, yeah, I have NO idea what these photos really look like. They could be really dark or really blown, really contrasty or too muddy. I know for sure that I didn't even fool with color balance at all...whatever. Ha! Some of these I actually tried to post process the way I normally do, but I quickly became discouraged with that, so I moved on to soft light layer & vignette only for a good portion of these. What I'm trying to say is this: IGNORE the post processing. Haha!
Tomorrow I've got two little shoots going on. One is with Julie & her new type photos. The other is with a really nice young woman named Annie. I think they're both gonna be a lot of fun! Watch for those...
I have to say, though…I think I may have brought the rain. As if I haven’t had enough rain in Texas, the rainy season just happened to be starting up just as we arrived in China. One of my very first sights upon arriving was a flooded city. Great.
Unfortunately, it has been raining 24 hours a day. Literally. It’s not letting up. And, while we’re not letting that keep us from getting out and about, it’s kind of deterring me from taking pictures. It’s hard to hold an umbrella, set up a shot, snap a picture…all in the rain. And, well, how am I supposed to be getting down on the ground if there are puddles everywhere?
BUT anyway… So, we had plans to leave Friday morning to go out to some minority villages about 4 hours away. Luckily, it quit raining on Friday. I’m so thankful for that because I do NOT want to miss taking photos out in the villages. So, here I am today, back from the villages & 400 pictures later. Ay yi yi. You can imagine my post processing nightmare, I’m sure.
My parents have this wonderful little friend named Julie. She is THE sweetest thing. Julie actually grew up in the village that we were going to visit. This is why we were going to that particular village. My parents have a special friendship with her entire family. SO, Julie and all of us headed toward her family home, where they would so graciously cook for us & serve us dinner.
On our way to the villages, we drove 4 hours through winding mountain roads. Gosh…I cannot even begin to tell you how beautiful the land is here. It is beyond amazing. I wish somehow I could fully share my experience with you. It seems that I’ve always been short on words. Well, not short on words quantity-wise, but definitely short on words quality-wise. I can never seem to fully express what I’m wanting to convey. I’ve said it before…my words just aren’t adequate. I do my best, but I’m lacking. All this to say, I feel like in this moment, on this trip, my photos are lacking. They are inadequate. Yes, they may be fun to look at. They may capture some really great moments (or not,) but they just don’t capture it all. They do not paint the entire picture for you, and that kind of bums me out. I have a terrible memory. These days, this blog & my photos are where I store my memories. My mind fails me. And, so, I know that over a period of time, sooner rather than later, I will start to forget the big picture…the entirety of it. Bummer.
Let me get on with this story. Sheesh. I ramble.
On our drive, we happened across what they (someone) claims to be the world’s tallest non-suspension bridge. I believe it. Man, it’s just amazing to me that someone built that thing. And, that it works. Haha! It’s a two lane, two way bridge, and they happened to have one lane shut down for construction of some sort. (Yes, that leaves one lane and the shoulder of the tallest non-suspension bridge in the world for two way traffic to share.) Because of that, we pulled over, got out, and made our way out onto the bridge in the shut down lane. Honestly, I’m surprised that Heather & Mom had anything to do with this. (They’re both TERRIBLY afraid of heights.) But, they did, as the pictures prove.
So, here are a few pictures from that little adventure:

ANYway... I go on about random things, don't I?
After getting stuck in the mud once, we arrive. Here's where my words will fail me. Here's where my pictures do no justice. We walked through the village, through what almost seemed like small little corridors between the homes, on to Julie's family's home. The ground was wet from the rain with moss covering some areas, both on the ground and the structures around us. There were so many nooks, crannies, offshoots along the way. So many things to catch my eye. Almost everywhere I looked, I saw a little path that interested me, that piqued my curiosity. I wanted to follow each one to see where it might lead me. The textures, the muted tones of the walls, the roofs, the walkways...I've never seen anything like it. I wish I could keep the movie in my brain playing forever, but it's already starting to fade.
We made our way up to Julie's home. Her parents & grandparents were so welcoming. Though I couldn't understand a WORD they said to me, I could see it all over their faces that they were proud to have us, happy to be hosting us for dinner. Who needs words, right?
After visiting for a few minutes and before dinner, Julie took Craig, Heather & I out for a little tour of the village. And, when I say village, it really, really is a village. There were children running & playing freely, neighbors out working...whatever. There were just people. Everywhere. I have to say...many Chinese people that I've run into so far are not keen on being photographed. For some reason, they feel that they don't look presentable. I, however, find them so beautiful, so fascinating, so full of character just as they are. I found that though they live a different lot in life, a lot that is foreign to me or one I can't imagine living, they are happy...joyful. Man, they're SO happy. And that makes them SO incredibly beautiful. They take you in with their smiles, their giggles. I found myself drawn in and studying the beauty that each of them add to the world. I admire the lives they live, the way the village works. I admire that they raise their own food & each other's children.
I don't know what else I can say about the people. They just touched my heart in a way that no one ever has. I hope that I was able to capture their true spirits. Atleast just a little.

When I started post processing tonight, I had initially thought that I would share the whole weekend with you all. BUT, this is just the ONE day. It's SO late, and I'm SO tired. Though I wanted to share it all now because it all kind of goes together, I've got to wait. The next day (which happens to be earlier today) was just as cool! Watch for that...
Oh, also, just so you all know...I'm post processing on a laptop. I totally don't trust the screen, and I'm quite frustrated with the whole thing. I want my trusty ol' CRT. Alas, I do not have it. I'm having to make it work. So, yeah, I have NO idea what these photos really look like. They could be really dark or really blown, really contrasty or too muddy. I know for sure that I didn't even fool with color balance at all...whatever. Ha! Some of these I actually tried to post process the way I normally do, but I quickly became discouraged with that, so I moved on to soft light layer & vignette only for a good portion of these. What I'm trying to say is this: IGNORE the post processing. Haha!
Tomorrow I've got two little shoots going on. One is with Julie & her new type photos. The other is with a really nice young woman named Annie. I think they're both gonna be a lot of fun! Watch for those...
very nice, and very accurate... except that the bridge was two lanes EACH direction... maybe that's what you meant, but i read it as two total.
anyway, though, very accurate, and VERY nice pics! and, seriously, we WERE near DEATH on that road to the village!!! anyone who tells you otherwise is LYING!!!
Beautiful pictures! Sounds like you are making some wonderful memories. I am praying for you, your precious girls and hubby each day. Love you,
The photos and the words are both high quality if you ask me. You do a great job of capturing what happened (although we were never going to die). Mom
oh, amy! i don't even have words... these are fan-freaking-tastic! i have always loved your work but this trip is really bringing out the best in your work.
each picture touched me, each and EVERY one. i almost had tears staring at the beauty, the sheer beauty of them! not just your photography but man, the LOVE and JOY these people have, it's so apparent. the girl carrying her sister in a sling, the beautiful woman rolling tea (MAN, the shadows and light meeting is just GORGEOUS) in that one.
have a wonderful time and don't worry about your words. you express yourself wonderfully. i was almost there with you. and i am terrified of heights and winding mountain roads so i totally believe you were near death, lol.
Simply amazing! Your photos are amazing and your story telling so interesting. I must ask ... what lens do you use? Do you run actions on your photos? You a true inspiration to the world of photography!!!
you have totally made me miss china sooooo much....every single thing you said made me rewind all my trips and miss it tons. glad ur having such a great time. please tell annie i said hi and love to her and ur parents.
Looking at the faces is amazing but being allowed to know the hearts of these folks and in some small way being allowed to reflect love and mercy from Father WOW! Now that is an adventure! I would travel these roads as we have a million times:) I am just so thankful the two of you got to experience a little of what has taken us away for so long. Thanks for working like a water buffalo:)
Love you
incredible! You seriously need to teach PSing skills, they just rock!
Ignore your post processing??? No way, these photos and your work to them are absolutely stunning! They are all so rich in color and contain so much detail. Great captures and compositions on them all...looking forward to seeing the rest of your trip photos.
I absolutely *love* your photos and these ones from China are amazing! The sharpness, color, composition, etc., etc., etc.! I have a 30D too, but don't know what I'm doing wrong cuz my photos are never as sharp nor as rich in color as yours! Would love to know what settings you use on your 30D, your lenses, and your PS tips! Anyway, I'm eagerly waiting for your other pictures - it's as if we're there in China =)
Wow...I'm totally in awe here!! You have captured some amazing photographs! I agree, your PP work is awesome and really adds to your amazing images!!
Amy, I read your words in this post and thought "hey, awesome, sounds like a rockin' trip.. Adventure, new friends, what fun." Then I got to the pictures and the tears started to flow. What have you done to me? I'm still crying! These are some of the most powerful images I've seen, pretty much ever. These are the images that I wish every day I could capture. Every single one is so beautiful. Ugh, it's like you said above, I have words but not the right ones. I can't even describe what I'm trying to say.. And I'm still crying.
And shit, this is one day. I'll need therapy by the time I look at your whole trip.
Thank you for sharing. And for taking your camera. And for going. And for being so so talented.
They are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to see more! You girls be careful and enjoy the time that you have with your family.
Jennifer C.
you are so out doing yourself...i am awh...and am speechless by your captures of your trip...they are simply amazing. What a talent you have. I just can't wait to see more and will be stacking your blog on a regular bass now....great job and thanks for sharing...
these are beautiful. your words are perfect for conveying what you are i'm putting china on my list of places to visit! love the pics-they are as quality as your "regular" ones.
wow! these are amazing images! you've definitely captured the spirit of the people and the beauty of the scenery and land!
can't wait to see more!
Wow! These pictures are truly amazing! The colors are so vibrant and it makes me feel like I could touch my screen and be right there too! I wish. . .
Your skills really inspire me. Thank you :)
I can't wait to see more!
Well I'm no expert, but the colours look good to me, they looked great!
Beautiful picures [hug]
Oh my! I can't wait to see more! Really, these are fantastic. You have captured such insightful images of these people.
And that bridge--heart attack! I got dizzy just glancing at your photos!
This whole entire story is incredable. I saw how much you wrote, saved the link and when I got a chance, came back with a big huge drink of fresh sqeezed concord grape juice with ice. YUMM!! So it was a huge treat for me to read all about your story and enjoy my drink.
But no, seriously, I am so jealous about all those adventures you went on. They made my traveling senses drool!
Thank you for sharing, it made it to be the end to a really great afternoon.
-Melissa E Earle
Oh my goodness - these are stunning photos! I love getting a glimpse into the village you visited through your photos. Enjoy the rest of your trip. I can't wait to see more photos!
OMG Amy- these are AMAZING!!! Seriously STUNNING. I *LOVE* the one of the baby in the backsling. Perfection! And the one of the girl carrying her sister- just a perfect capture.
Your color and DOF are as always- PERFECT. I'm drooling with envy :)
Can't wait to see more!!!
That is a long post.....don't have time to read yet but I'm dying over your pictures!!!! They say so much themselves. There is soooo much feeling in them and in the look of each person you photographed. I bet it's hard for you not to want to take one of those little girls home with you.....they are BEAUTIFUL! I can't say enough about your photos.....the lighting is AMAZING! Hope you are having so much fun!
Wow! Wow! Wow!!! Amy, these are gorgeous! I'm just drinking in each one. The colors, the stories behind them, the beauty of what each photo portrays. I've always wanted to go there and you've just made me want it more. And I think you've done a marvelous job of capturing so much of the unique beauty there. Thanks for sharing these!
WOW, Amy, the way you have captured life there is just beautiful and stirring ... especially the portraits.
Wowsers Amy! You are doing such a wonderful job at capturing the essence. TFS! and i look forward to more!
Wowsers Amy! You are doing such a wonderful job at capturing the essence. TFS! and i look forward to more!
oh my goodness, Amy, you've left me completely speechless! I think you've found your calling in life [after being a mommy of course =) - these are breath-taking. speechless i tell ya!
Just found your blog.
I can just agree with the others, the pics are amazing. I will definatly come back to see more :)
ck and comment again because I couldn't stop thinkingof these today!!! They are so gorgeous and rich and should be published etc etc etc. Just really gorgeous! Share your secrets ;)
I've been to these very same places yet my photos didn't turn out near so good! Julie's family photos are amazing!
Amy your images of China are amazing...........wonderful work! I hope I can leave this comment not being a blogger!
I just had to tell you your work is stunning........I esp. like the one of the onions taken from above in the!
My gosh, Amy, I love how you write your stories...I love it!!!!
What gorgeous photographs! Amazing work, absolutely amazing!
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