One 5th birthday, one doctor visit, one ER visit, three prescriptions, one breathing treatment, one missed birthday party later...
Here I am! Yes, I know I've been TERRIBLE at keeping up with this blog. I'm sorry. I really am. There is SO much that I want to be sharing with you all, but, well, I can't seem to get caught up. I've got hundreds of pictures to proof from China still, I've got a shoot from before I left that I'm still trying to finish up, I had to do a shoot for my employer this past week. Plus, my first born turned 5 on Thursday!!! Can you believe it!?! I mean, sure, you probably can, but I can't! Where does the time go? She starts kindergarten on WEDNESDAY! What!?! I have a school age child!?! Dang.
Anyway, so, aside from being crazy busy, half of our household is ailing. Poor, sweet Emma... the girl turns 5 on Thursday & is anxiously awaiting her birthday party scheduled for today. And, well, last night she starts getting croupy. Emma has always had respiratory problems. Anytime she comes down with any sort of cold, you can count on croup rearing it's ugly head. So, last night we enjoyed yet another early, early morning breathing treatment (think 1:00am.)
And, then there's me. I apparently got "bit by a spider" on my knee." Oh, wait...maybe that's a staph infection. Who knows. I've gotten contradictory diagnoses. Either way, I've been laid up since Thursday. I mean, it appeared on Sunday night, but it wasn't until I visited the DR. on Thursday that I was told to stay off it, keep it elevated, blah, blah, blah. I never had bed rest or anything like that when I was pregnant. Being told not to be on my feet at only did it for three days, and even then only half way. It sucked! Ha!
But, On Friday, it had gotten worse, so I was dragged by the hubster to the ER. He apparently talked with some coworkers that morning about "spider bites," and they all assured him I might die if I don't take care of this. Okay...that's high drama. But, seriously...I didn't want to go. He made me. Anyway, so, with three prescriptions, I'm feeling better! Wahoo.
Now, back it up to Wednesday. (Could this post be any more confusing!?!) Curt & I took some photos for our employer. They will be used as centerpieces at the Dallas Cowboy's Kickoff Luncheon. Pretty cool. There were several kids involved in this, but as they're not my kids, and I don't have model releases for them, I'll just share one of Emma. I LOVE the way this one came out. I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! :-) She's a cutie! She's starting kindergarten. :-( Did I already mention that?
Anyway, here she is.
Anyway, so, aside from being crazy busy, half of our household is ailing. Poor, sweet Emma... the girl turns 5 on Thursday & is anxiously awaiting her birthday party scheduled for today. And, well, last night she starts getting croupy. Emma has always had respiratory problems. Anytime she comes down with any sort of cold, you can count on croup rearing it's ugly head. So, last night we enjoyed yet another early, early morning breathing treatment (think 1:00am.)
And, then there's me. I apparently got "bit by a spider" on my knee." Oh, wait...maybe that's a staph infection. Who knows. I've gotten contradictory diagnoses. Either way, I've been laid up since Thursday. I mean, it appeared on Sunday night, but it wasn't until I visited the DR. on Thursday that I was told to stay off it, keep it elevated, blah, blah, blah. I never had bed rest or anything like that when I was pregnant. Being told not to be on my feet at only did it for three days, and even then only half way. It sucked! Ha!
But, On Friday, it had gotten worse, so I was dragged by the hubster to the ER. He apparently talked with some coworkers that morning about "spider bites," and they all assured him I might die if I don't take care of this. Okay...that's high drama. But, seriously...I didn't want to go. He made me. Anyway, so, with three prescriptions, I'm feeling better! Wahoo.
Now, back it up to Wednesday. (Could this post be any more confusing!?!) Curt & I took some photos for our employer. They will be used as centerpieces at the Dallas Cowboy's Kickoff Luncheon. Pretty cool. There were several kids involved in this, but as they're not my kids, and I don't have model releases for them, I'll just share one of Emma. I LOVE the way this one came out. I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! :-) She's a cutie! She's starting kindergarten. :-( Did I already mention that?
Anyway, here she is.

She IS a cutie and she is a big girl! Looking forward to some first day of school pictures. They grow up quick, seems like just a blink of an eye since YOU started kindergarten.
I'm glad you're feeling better, we were worried about you on this side of the world too - that's when a mom wants to be there making sure you're off your feet and helping take care of things!!!
That's a lovely photo :-) I wodner what it would look like, with the Lomo treatment, on PS? Changing the tones slightly [ponder] (I saw a post someone made with a photo, and then when it had been Lomo-ised, and it was cool).
Sorry your week was so crazy! I'm glad things are starting to look up! Awesome pic by the way!!!
What a great photo! My trio turned 5 this week also :) Doesn't 5 just seem SO much older? All of a sudden they don't seem so little anymore...
Great photo Amy...did you PS the black face paint or was that really painted on her? Either way I think it makes her eyes pop even more. I'm sending my first off to kindergarden this year too in just 9 short days. I would love to know what 1st day photo ideas you have :)
What a great picture, would love to see them all! Fabulous idea too with using these pics, even though it's the Cowboys;)
that shot is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
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