More from day one in the village...
Well, I'm back! Finally! Hopefully I'm back for good. :-)
So, I've got some more pictures to share from the first day in the village. I've actually got lots of photos to share, but I figure I can break each day into a different post & make it easier on myself.
Now that I'm home, I'm having really mixed feelings. Of course I'm glad to be back & be with my family. I am. It's just that I'm really sad knowing there's a good chance that was my last trip to China. With my parents moving home next year, I don't know that I'll ever get back there. You know how people say that when you're on vacation or in a different country, there comes a point when you're ready to be home? Well...I never felt that. And, you'd think I would since things are so different there. I was ready to be with my family, of course, but I never tired of the country.
Before I went, I had a list of wants. A long list. I obsessed about making sure I looked okay when I went out. I mean, not any more than the average person...probably less actually, but still...I cared. A lot. After visiting the villages, well, and just Kunming actually, I came home uninterested in shopping much. (And, I LIKE to shop.) All the camera gear on my doesn't seem so dire anymore that I get it. Whatever. I care a little less about my appearance. I do care, for sure. But, I mean, it was kind of liberating being somewhere that it just doesn't matter like it does here. I haven't been blow drying my hair. I haven't made a point of NOT doing's just...I don't know. It's like, when I got home, when the plane hit me like a ton of bricks. Driving home, looking around... I kinda felt ashamed. We really have it all here. Oftentimes too much. And, yet, I find myself wanting more!?! What is that!?! How ungrateful. So, yeah, I appreciate the perspective the trip has given me. And, I'm already ashamed that it probably won't take long for me to forget and revert to my old more, more, more ways. We'll see...
Looking back...visiting the village is definitely my most favorite part of the trip. I mean, how could it not be!?! So, here are a few more pictures from the first day.
Here are these two cuties, again. This is from when they first spotted us. They were up on the roof of their home (I assume) and were peaking over the little wall.

This is the rooftop of Julie's home. I just thought it was so interesting, and I LOVED the moss. The whole roof is like this!
And a couple of Julie's parents:
I think this next one of Julie's mom has quickly become one of my favorites from the day. I turned around to find her standing here looking out over the village and onto the surrounding land. Do you think she knows how amazing it all is? How could she not, right!?! I keep telling myself that she's just admiring the beauty of the world around her.
I caught this sneaky little guy peeking at us from a neighboring home. He was pretty cute. A little shy, too. :-)
Just one I liked of the dog. Haha!
Julie's mom in the kitchen washing dishes.

So, yeah...that's it for now. I've got lots lined up to share another day, but I still have some post processing to do, as well. Thanks for looking, and thanks for all the super nice comments you guys have been leaving. I'm feeling like a rockstar! Ha!
I have one last little thing to share. And, well, I hope it doesn't cheapen this post any. I debated about whether or not to share this here, but I just love it, so what the heck!?! Ha!
Okay, so, many of you may know about my love for old school Michael Jackson. (Haven't I mentioned it here before!?!) I know, I know. I've heard all the terrible things about him. Yes, he's an absolute freak of nature. Yes, yes, yes...I know. BUT. But I love his old stuff anyway, particularly Billie Jean. And, well, I've always loved the Thriller dance. I know. I'm a dork. I should be embarrassed, and I should never admit that to anyone. Yet, here I am admitting it to the whole world. :-) I don't care, though. It ROCKS! So, imagine how happy it made me to stumble upon this video:
Some of you may have already seen this. For those that haven't, this video was shot in a prison in the Philippines. They have the inmates doing choreographed dances for exercise. Oh my...I think this is just too stinkin' funny. They're ROCKIN' the Thriller dance! Maybe I shouldn't have posted this, but oh well.
That's all for now...
So, I've got some more pictures to share from the first day in the village. I've actually got lots of photos to share, but I figure I can break each day into a different post & make it easier on myself.
Now that I'm home, I'm having really mixed feelings. Of course I'm glad to be back & be with my family. I am. It's just that I'm really sad knowing there's a good chance that was my last trip to China. With my parents moving home next year, I don't know that I'll ever get back there. You know how people say that when you're on vacation or in a different country, there comes a point when you're ready to be home? Well...I never felt that. And, you'd think I would since things are so different there. I was ready to be with my family, of course, but I never tired of the country.
Before I went, I had a list of wants. A long list. I obsessed about making sure I looked okay when I went out. I mean, not any more than the average person...probably less actually, but still...I cared. A lot. After visiting the villages, well, and just Kunming actually, I came home uninterested in shopping much. (And, I LIKE to shop.) All the camera gear on my doesn't seem so dire anymore that I get it. Whatever. I care a little less about my appearance. I do care, for sure. But, I mean, it was kind of liberating being somewhere that it just doesn't matter like it does here. I haven't been blow drying my hair. I haven't made a point of NOT doing's just...I don't know. It's like, when I got home, when the plane hit me like a ton of bricks. Driving home, looking around... I kinda felt ashamed. We really have it all here. Oftentimes too much. And, yet, I find myself wanting more!?! What is that!?! How ungrateful. So, yeah, I appreciate the perspective the trip has given me. And, I'm already ashamed that it probably won't take long for me to forget and revert to my old more, more, more ways. We'll see...
Looking back...visiting the village is definitely my most favorite part of the trip. I mean, how could it not be!?! So, here are a few more pictures from the first day.
Here are these two cuties, again. This is from when they first spotted us. They were up on the roof of their home (I assume) and were peaking over the little wall.

This is the rooftop of Julie's home. I just thought it was so interesting, and I LOVED the moss. The whole roof is like this!

I have one last little thing to share. And, well, I hope it doesn't cheapen this post any. I debated about whether or not to share this here, but I just love it, so what the heck!?! Ha!
Okay, so, many of you may know about my love for old school Michael Jackson. (Haven't I mentioned it here before!?!) I know, I know. I've heard all the terrible things about him. Yes, he's an absolute freak of nature. Yes, yes, yes...I know. BUT. But I love his old stuff anyway, particularly Billie Jean. And, well, I've always loved the Thriller dance. I know. I'm a dork. I should be embarrassed, and I should never admit that to anyone. Yet, here I am admitting it to the whole world. :-) I don't care, though. It ROCKS! So, imagine how happy it made me to stumble upon this video:
Some of you may have already seen this. For those that haven't, this video was shot in a prison in the Philippines. They have the inmates doing choreographed dances for exercise. Oh my...I think this is just too stinkin' funny. They're ROCKIN' the Thriller dance! Maybe I shouldn't have posted this, but oh well.
That's all for now...
Amy your photos are STUNNING!! I can't wait to see more from your trip :)
Oh- and welcome home! I bet your girls and hubby are happy to have you home :)
amy, you crack me up!!!
the pictures are just beautiful and i can't wait to see the rest of them.
and i feel sad for you that you won't be going back to china. BUT, you never know... you will always hold the memories in your heart, even if you think you have forgotten them. :)
If you want something badly enough, you'll find a way to make it happen. You could go back to China if you loved it that much.
And ethics of the video aside (I can understand programs to educate, exeercise and bond the inmates, but then putting it on YouTube as if they were performing animals or something?) - there are some talented dancers there, and they clearly worked very hard to get such a polished routine! I agree with what you said about Michael - vintage stuff is fabulous, and I'd LOVE to be able to do the Thriller dance. I love the scene in "13 Going On 30" where Jennifer Garner's character starts doing it at a work party, and everyone joins in!
I'm glad you're back on line! The thoughts and the photos are beautiful!
I thoroughly enjoyed the video - what a great way to get exercise. They look like they're enjoying themselves to me.
Delurking here to say that video is HILARIOUS! I feel your "pain" when it comes to MJ. I love his old stuff. He is truly brilliant and truly sick as well. It's very sad.
Your pictures of China are just fabulous!
the video is hilarious!!!
and i can't say enough about your photos from china!!! stunning.
can hardly wait to see more.
why are your parents in china??
your photos are gorgeous and that video IS stinkin' funny! tfs!
You're so amazing, Amy. Even if you don't go back to China, I do hope you'll travel more soon because I can't get enough of the photos from your trip. I hope you have lots more posts to come! And that video is hilarious, I laughed until I cried and then sent it to some friends :)
Amy, your photography has SKY-ROCKETED! I'm mean, you've always been really good, but you are absolutely amazing now! Seriously! Love the cracks me up :)
My step brother and his wife just returned from China. They were there for a little less than a year. They are still suffering from culture shock and they said that the hardest thing was dealing with how wasteful we are here. I'm sure the lessons they learned there will remain at their core even as they become reaclimated! (no idea if I spelled that right)
Anyway, gorgeous pictures as always! Your eye for journalistic photography is amazing! I would also LOVE to know where you learned your post ROCKS!!!
Amy, those photos are beyond amazing. Just straight out of a magazine - i could look at your pics all day! thank you for sharing all of these - you are truly GIFTED.
Amy, I am glad you made it back! Your pictures take my breath away. Has National Geographic contacted you yet?? Can't wait to see more!
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