Gosh. It's time.
Well, living in denial doesn't really help matters, does it? I've been thinking just a little here & there about Emma starting kindergarten, but for the most part, I've not let my mind linger too long on the thought of it. That hasn't really done me any good because here I am, the night before. A mess. I'm just sad. I absolutely cannot believe that my child is old enough for this. She's so tiny, so little, so impressionable. She's so sweet, and so smart, and so ready for this. I'm just not.
As we started the nightly schedule of getting them ready for bed, I realized that it's all in preparation for tomorrow. This is it. Tomorrow, there will be no lazy morning. We'll be racing the clock as we always are to get her ready & out the door on time. (We're always late.) It makes me sad that I won't be able to just take in her sweet, sleepy grins & her crazy hair. No, it's gonna be all business in the morning. Heck, I'll be surprised if she isn't up and dressed with her hair brushed before I even wake up. She's SO, SO excited.
You know, I've always been so blessed to be able to stay home with my girls. It kinda freaks me out to think that tomorrow...tomorrow I just send her off into someone else's care. All day. Fortunately, I know her teacher, and Emma knows her teacher, and we both love her. That eases a lot of my anxiety about it all. It's just that, well, I've always been able to protect her. I've always been there. And, it's not like I over protect her by any means. I know that kids will be kids, etc., but I won't be there to comfort her should she need it. I won't be there to turn things into a learning experience or a life lesson. There are so many teachable moments that I won't be there for. Believe me, I do NOT want to be responsible for her education. I know I am, too, to an extent, but I could NOT imagine being her primary teacher. When I say "teachable moments," I mean those times when character can be built. One of my biggest goals as a parent is to raise my daughters to be compassionate. Compassion. I just hope that I've taught her that. I think I have. I could NEVER imagine her going to school and making any of the other kids feel badly about anything. She's just such a sweet, sweet kid. (She's bossy, but sweet. Truly.) I mean, you know? How hard is the first day of school, anyway, but then to be made to feel badly or lonely or out of place? How heart breaking would that be for a sweet little kindergartner?
I just...now I just hope nobody makes her feel that way. See what I mean about protecting her? It runs deep within me. I do my best to make her feel safe & secure & loved & wanted & needed. And, now, well...I just have to hope that sticks with her through all time. The beginning of it all starts tomorrow at 9:00am. We'll see...
And, then there's Maya. That's a whole dimension that I've completely overlooked. I've been so worked up about Emma starting school & spending the entire day somewhere else with someone else, that it hadn't even occurred to me that it would be just me & Maya at home. That scares me. For many reasons.
Let's see...this girl is CRAZY! She is an absolute busy bee maniac. It's constant go time for her, and I'm afraid for my sanity. Ummm...her playmate, her best friend is out of the picture from 9am until 3pm. Dang. What's that gonna mean for me? Ha! As if she's not already ALL over me.
And, then the serious side of me...the worry wart motherly side that is concerned for Maya's little feelings. She doesn't know life without Emma. You know? She's always had her sister by her side, her partner in crime. Maya tends to be the really imaginative, creative one. I love that about her. I love to see the games she comes up with, the story lines. The things that come out of her mouth...man, she cracks me up! And, Emma appreciates that about her, too. Emma has told me on several occasions that Maya's the funniest in the whole world. I like to watch Emma watching Maya sometimes. It's funny to watch Emma's reactions to her. Of course it spurs on Maya's crazy behavior.
So, yeah, I worry that without Emma around to indulge her, will her imagination wane? What's she gonna do all day long? Yes, I'll entertain her some, but come on...I am NOT the type of mom that can spend the entire day on the floor playing with the kiddos. I'm just not. I have to have some time for me, too. What's she gonna do during that time? I fear that she'll be by my side non-stop. It's sweet, and I can handle it for a good long time, but sometimes it makes me nuts. I hope I'm not sounding terrible right now. Ha! Our days together...it's just not something I've figured out as of yet.
I took some pictures a couple days ago of the girls out in the backyard. I set up their castle tent. It's such a cute tent. It's like a sauna in there, though, in the middle of the day when the sun's beating down on it. And, sucker that I am, they conned me into spending about an hour with them in this tent one day, reading stories, eating lunch. I think I lost 5 pounds in there. Sheesh, it was hot! I tried to stick it out as long as I could, but I just couldn't handle it. Later, though, I did go back in for a few pictures. They could hang out in there all day together, a billion degrees or not. So sweet...
I only post processed three or four of these because I feel guilty working on them when I've got a BILLION other things to finish up, so that's all you get. :-) Maybe when things slow down around here, I'll come back to it.

My little kindergartner. Look how sweet & happy she is. She'll be okay, right?
As we started the nightly schedule of getting them ready for bed, I realized that it's all in preparation for tomorrow. This is it. Tomorrow, there will be no lazy morning. We'll be racing the clock as we always are to get her ready & out the door on time. (We're always late.) It makes me sad that I won't be able to just take in her sweet, sleepy grins & her crazy hair. No, it's gonna be all business in the morning. Heck, I'll be surprised if she isn't up and dressed with her hair brushed before I even wake up. She's SO, SO excited.
You know, I've always been so blessed to be able to stay home with my girls. It kinda freaks me out to think that tomorrow...tomorrow I just send her off into someone else's care. All day. Fortunately, I know her teacher, and Emma knows her teacher, and we both love her. That eases a lot of my anxiety about it all. It's just that, well, I've always been able to protect her. I've always been there. And, it's not like I over protect her by any means. I know that kids will be kids, etc., but I won't be there to comfort her should she need it. I won't be there to turn things into a learning experience or a life lesson. There are so many teachable moments that I won't be there for. Believe me, I do NOT want to be responsible for her education. I know I am, too, to an extent, but I could NOT imagine being her primary teacher. When I say "teachable moments," I mean those times when character can be built. One of my biggest goals as a parent is to raise my daughters to be compassionate. Compassion. I just hope that I've taught her that. I think I have. I could NEVER imagine her going to school and making any of the other kids feel badly about anything. She's just such a sweet, sweet kid. (She's bossy, but sweet. Truly.) I mean, you know? How hard is the first day of school, anyway, but then to be made to feel badly or lonely or out of place? How heart breaking would that be for a sweet little kindergartner?
I just...now I just hope nobody makes her feel that way. See what I mean about protecting her? It runs deep within me. I do my best to make her feel safe & secure & loved & wanted & needed. And, now, well...I just have to hope that sticks with her through all time. The beginning of it all starts tomorrow at 9:00am. We'll see...
And, then there's Maya. That's a whole dimension that I've completely overlooked. I've been so worked up about Emma starting school & spending the entire day somewhere else with someone else, that it hadn't even occurred to me that it would be just me & Maya at home. That scares me. For many reasons.
Let's see...this girl is CRAZY! She is an absolute busy bee maniac. It's constant go time for her, and I'm afraid for my sanity. Ummm...her playmate, her best friend is out of the picture from 9am until 3pm. Dang. What's that gonna mean for me? Ha! As if she's not already ALL over me.
And, then the serious side of me...the worry wart motherly side that is concerned for Maya's little feelings. She doesn't know life without Emma. You know? She's always had her sister by her side, her partner in crime. Maya tends to be the really imaginative, creative one. I love that about her. I love to see the games she comes up with, the story lines. The things that come out of her mouth...man, she cracks me up! And, Emma appreciates that about her, too. Emma has told me on several occasions that Maya's the funniest in the whole world. I like to watch Emma watching Maya sometimes. It's funny to watch Emma's reactions to her. Of course it spurs on Maya's crazy behavior.
So, yeah, I worry that without Emma around to indulge her, will her imagination wane? What's she gonna do all day long? Yes, I'll entertain her some, but come on...I am NOT the type of mom that can spend the entire day on the floor playing with the kiddos. I'm just not. I have to have some time for me, too. What's she gonna do during that time? I fear that she'll be by my side non-stop. It's sweet, and I can handle it for a good long time, but sometimes it makes me nuts. I hope I'm not sounding terrible right now. Ha! Our days together...it's just not something I've figured out as of yet.
I took some pictures a couple days ago of the girls out in the backyard. I set up their castle tent. It's such a cute tent. It's like a sauna in there, though, in the middle of the day when the sun's beating down on it. And, sucker that I am, they conned me into spending about an hour with them in this tent one day, reading stories, eating lunch. I think I lost 5 pounds in there. Sheesh, it was hot! I tried to stick it out as long as I could, but I just couldn't handle it. Later, though, I did go back in for a few pictures. They could hang out in there all day together, a billion degrees or not. So sweet...
I only post processed three or four of these because I feel guilty working on them when I've got a BILLION other things to finish up, so that's all you get. :-) Maybe when things slow down around here, I'll come back to it.

Oh Amy, I know how you feel - letting go is not easy! But, she WILL be OK. And sometimes she will get her feelings hurt (sensitive girl that she is :-)), but she'll still have you to come home to for comfort. She'll always have you to come home to - that's what moms are for!
You and Maya will have some adjusting, that's for sure. Change is almost always hard. But I pray it will be a sweet two years for the two of you!
Love you guys!
She'll be fine :) and you will too!
I'll be sending my second off to K in a few weeks and though it seems a little easier, there's a whole new set of circumstances involved this time. Be happy...she will be :)
great images and really great conversions. I'm afraid the ratio of words to images was a little off on this post. In the future I'm gonna need a few more more images or a little less "talky."
I need to call you. If I forget, call me.
Yes, Emma will be fine! So will my sweet Maya (I would let her hang out all day with me you know...send her my way), will she go to daycare this year?
Anyways, I was reading thinking poor Amy has to get up early and used to a new schedule, but then you say 9:00! I've already been at work for like 3 hours!!! So now I don't feel so bad about that part! =)
I can;t wait to hear all about it on Saturday!
she will do wonderfully! kindergarten is such a fun time for kids. some of my favorite years for my own....love the pictures and conversions.
Amy,You have done such an incredible job with both girls using the teachable moments to build their compassion and character. Emma will have a great year and most likely will be the star of the class. Sweet Maya will enjoy her mom time and from one mom to another mom cherish those times with Maya because before you know it she will be 19 and off to college and still the funniest person in the world. I can't wait to talk to Emma and find out all about Kindergarten.
Love you all,
Curt's mom
Beautiful photos :)
It will be a big change for you all, but just think of all the things she'll be able to come home and tell you all about. It's her first steps into her "own life" How exciting for her! But yes...sad for you. I opted to wait a year to start my trio (they were preemies so would have missed the cut-off if born on time) and it makes me sad to think this is my last year at home with them!
Also what a wonderful opportunity for you and Maya to get some 1:1 time and strengthen your already strong bond :)
awww, amy. she'll be fine. she'll be more than fine!
and even though i don't really know you aside from this blog, i can tell that if it isn't fine, you will get involved and make it ok.
lots of love to your whole family!
sweet pictures too. :)
What about getting Maya a basic point and shoot digital camera, and letting her play at immitating Mom? ;-)
How was Day One?
She'll be great - but will you be? :) I had the exact same thoughts, you know - my time of greatest influence is over! How did I do? Did I prepare her well enough? The questions and the guilt - oh my the guilt! It's really okay, but I have to say it didn't get any better with my second and I'm sure it will be just as hard with my third and fourth. I'm sure you're a fabulous mother and you prepared her well :)
What heartfelt words! It pulls me right back to when my oldest started kindergarten (three years ago). I had just had my third and then four days and a millions crazy hormones later I had to take her to Kindergarten. To make it worse she was not wanting to go. I made it okay until I walked out of her room and out of site and the tears flowed! I wasn't the only momma crying. But, the good news is she loved it and has learned so many wonderful things that she can only learn in an environment like school!
Emma will do great and I bet you will have some wonderful intimate moments with Maya that you wouldn't have been able to have otherwise!
Hugs! I will say a prayer for you and Emma and Maya tomorrow morning!
Wow Amy I can't say I know just how you feel:( I do know that she will come home to her best friend(sister) to a mother and father who love her and will always make her feel like the most special girl in the world. I know she will be fine and I trust you will be as well.
I so love your lengthy posts.
I can't believe she's going to kindergarten, either. Reading your feelings made me feel as if my heart was being torn :( I always feared the day that my oldest went to school.
She'll be ok, you're such an attentive mom that you'll be there if she does get her feelings her hurt.
I love the photos of them in the tent. Isn't it so weird that kids can be outside when it's insanely hot and not care at all? You're awesome for sitting out with them. I try to do that, too. It's definitely only done out of pure love, huh? lol
I'm going through the same thing right now. My second (and last) daughter just started pre-K. I'm so lost without either of my kids around the house. She actually at home sick today...and although I wish she weren't sick, I'm still happy to have her with me....
They do seem so little. The school she goes to is pre-K through 6!! So she's SO tiny compared with the other kids.
To make matters worse, she doesn't like going. I've tried to make school so exciting but she's not buying it. It rips my heart out to part with her crying or wiping away tears... :(
Motherhood isn't all fun and games...That's for sure...
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