So...whaddya think this means?
I spotted this new addition to my new favorite field.
Can I just say...I'm not very happy about this. I'd like to whine about it for just a minute. I know I have no grounds to argue, but sheesh people... Okay, maybe it IS private property, although there was no fence around it or anything, and it was right on the side of the road. However, there were trails all through the flowers. Do you think maybe they mean that I just need to stay on the trails!?! Haha! I mean, "please don't trample the flowers" sounds like to me that I can visit so long as I DON'T trample the flowers, right!?! Okay, okay...I know. The big, red PRIVATE PROPERTY across the top is screaming something else.

That's fine, Mr. LandOwner. I'll stay out of your field. But, just know...I'm mad at you. Seriously. I, and the rest of the county, would enjoy YOUR flowers WAY more if we could take pictures in them. Ha!
So, yeah. Now I'm sad. That was a short love affair we had. Atleast I got my own family in there once, right!?!
oh no!!!! So sad!! :( These people should know that all things beautiful (and many times, the not-so-beautiful) should be of public use for all photographers. Bummer!
Since when has a Private Property sign stopped a Coffey in the past?
Now, D.Brown. Before you go getting me in trouble with my mom...think about this. Curt, CURT, is the Coffey you're speaking of. Now, stop speaking this nonsense on my blog...
Seriously, D.Brown. Sheesh.
And, if that's not enough to stop you...I'll UNinvite you from my house next month! Oooohh, that's right!
(And, please read the sarcasm into this comment. Ha!)
OK, what's this all about. You can tell me, David. Mom
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere photographer's are not bound by land/location restrictions! Too bad but at least you got some photographs there already.
awwww, man. what a creep! probably some old geezer who doesn't want anybody else to enjoy anything completely. there. that make you feel better?! good thing you got some shots while you could!
You are funny, I agree this is a wonderful sight for those beautiful kids shots. Sorry, maybe you can find another.
That is a big ol' sign, now isn't it?
I think you should storm the castle-
Oh that bites!! It is such a beautiful location. Well, atleast you were able to get your family in there before the sign went up.
I've been stopping by your Blog for a little while now, and liking your photos.
But I can't help but read this post and think "You're mad because you're denied photos on someone else's property?". It seems unfair to moan about someone wanting to preserve their property, just because it means you can't get the perfect photo anymore. He hasn't done this to spite your photos, he just wants his (or hers actually) flowers intact - why is that something to chastise?
You work hard to create good photos, and you achieve that - anyone visiting this Blog could see that. He is working hard to create a field of beautiful flowers, and if people walking through it is damaging that, what is wrong in asking people to stop? Would you want people spoiling your photos?
My main wonder though, is whether this is a landowner/farmer - and whether this field with the bluebonnets in is part of the farm. I worked processing farmer's claims for payments for a while, and I know that sometimes they can be paid to set aside land free from agricultural activity - to conserve butterflies, wild flowers, and endangered species (such as the dormouse, in England). Creating hedgerows earns money too. Bat boxes, otter things. So it could well be that this is part of a similar scheme - in which case, Joe Public trampling through the field (and it wouldn't just be you, everyone would create a cumulative damage) would mean the flowers which supported the butterflies etc, would be damaged, potentially losing the farmer a valuable source of income. Yes it's just one field, but you don't know what the payments are, or how other aspects of the land are doing.
I'm just saying it might not be some mean old man out to spite everyone, it might well be a genuine case of it being a valuable resource. Sometimes creatures/butterflies/birds are very particular to one area, and flora. We have signs in our local forest at certain times of the year, asking dogwalkers to please keep their dogs on leads. It's not to spite their fun - it's because the deer are giving birth, and a dog racing through the undergrowth might scare off a mother deer, and kill the fawn. Maybe the mother deer might never return - there's a genuine reason for the request, it's not the forestry commission being killjoys.
I guess I'm just saying to stop and not look at it as you being denied photos, but rather to put yourself in the landowner's shoes.
Maybe talking to him/her, you might find that he would allow you controlled access to the field - you respect his wishes, he helps you get more lovely photos.
Helen (aka Devil's advocate)
ETA - just in case it's not clear, I previewed and proofed repeatedly, and really was careful about language (honestly!), because there's nothing worse than some rude person just storming your Blog.
I really was just trying to see things from the landowner's perspective as well as yours, and point out about the possibility of it being conservation - which not everyone would know about, unless you'd worked with the payments or schemes.
I know the feeling of wanting beautiful photographs, and it's easy to forget that the world isn't always our playground, sometimes there are rules (and unless they're pointed out, you don't know - I found out the other day, that you can't use flash photography on the London Underground - it startles the train drivers).
Just wanted to clarify that :-)
Helen (who really does like your photos, by the way ;-) )
Say it isn't so! So sad, but like you said at least you got your family shots before the sign went up. Landowners sheeesh.
And presumably someone had to trample the flowers in order to put the sign there, which kind of defeats the purpose, surely?
I have to kind of agree with Helen, though, that sometimes people feel the need to protect a valuable resource. To me it's just common sense that you don't destroy flowers, but some people will need a sign to point that out.
Just so you know Amy, I could totally tell that you aren't really MAD, just a disappointed and who wouldn't be. You, imho, weren't ranting...just putting your thoughts on your blog (not the landowner's door or the newspaper). Just my two cents. I also think the sign is a bit vague. Does he/she mean you can still go on the property just being careful to stay on the trails? That's what I would be frustrated about...not really knowing! :)
Your post made me chuckle. I know you're sad and mad - and I know at the same time you respect the owner. I mean, you could have totally ignored the sign but instead made it clear that you are just bummed. You got a nice picture with the sign though ;)
Hi everyone.
Helen, thanks for seeing the other side of things. Honestly, I saw/see the other side, too. I mean, this blog entry was written in jest with a lot of sarcasm intended. I'm a very sarcastic person by nature, and I guess I need to be more aware that it doesn't always come through in my typed words.
I am also a respectful person, and so I would never think of going onto his property again, just to make that clear. In fact, I stood on the road to take the picture of the sign. Haha!
I just thought I would have a little fun pouting for a minute. It makes me feel better about not being able to shoot there anymore.
Thanks for your comment, and thanks for visiting my blog. I do appreciate it. :)
I, too, share in the grief! Those flowers were awesome! That landowner needs a little love or something. Too bad Amy...
Is there any way to contact the landowner? If it is part of a smallholding, you might find that if you asked, they'd be willing for a visit from the weeCoffeys and you, and what you lose in flowers, you gain by the combination of small kids and baby animals... Leave a note attached to the gate, or to the sign or something, I'm sure there's a way to contact them.
Yeah I'm a glass half full person ;-)
(I totally understand the hard to communicate via text thing - it's fine when everyone knows you, as most people do here, I just came in as an outsider. God knows, I fall over on the wrong tone in text thing enough myself!)
MEAN! That was such a beautiful field...still is, although that message kind of spoils it a tad. Oh well, at least you have the beautiful pics to remember it by!
Do you think they were spying on you?
Bummer... but it may not be directed at you... Some people aren't as respectful of other people's stuff. At least you got some good ones... and I KNOW you'll find an even better location!
actually i think your picture of the sign in the flowers is pretty cool and you could probably sell it as stock photography!
Grumpy land owner!! I really got some enjoyment out of your photos in that field, so at least your brief "trespass" brought some joy into the world!
i would be disappointed too.. it's such a beautiful field!
I'm so sad for you! At least you got all those great shots of your family and the girls... Sorry for your loss!
Poopy on Mr. Landowner...those are gorgeous flowers and should be shared while taking pictures of adorable kids and families right in the middle of them.... :) Marirosa
Darn property owners!! lol.
So Sad! Glad you got some shots while you could!
Wow!!! I'm so surprised about the response to your disappointment! Just for those of you who don't live in Texas, bluebonnets are the state flower and grow wild all over the place here. It is VERY much a TRADITION for tons of Texas families to pull off onto the side of the road and snap some photos. I can say (with about 95% certainty) that the landowner is not RAISING those flowers... but I guess there is that 5%...
Anyway, if he was, you would expect some sort of fence or sign that notifies travelers of such... seeing as this is a Texas tradition and all. Anyway, I know my little sister can handle her own defense just fine... but that is MY LITTLE SISTER you're talking to. ;)
LOL I'm sorry you're losing your beautiful field of flowers!
I don't see why you couldn't stay on the trails though...
Well he obviously isn't a true Texan. We true Texans share our fields of flowers, watch people as they enjoy taking pictures in their trampled flowers, and surely have better hospitality than this.....I wonder why any true Texan would shoo off guest who come to pay him/her a friendly little visit. I say you march yourself back over there and give him a big Texas smile in the fat middle of his flowers....LOLLLLLL
Maybe I will come over there :) LOL
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