We're back!
We chose to go to San Antonio & stay on the Riverwalk. I've only been there once, maybe twice, but there's just something about walking along the river surrounded by lush greenery & ambient lighting that stuck with me & nudged me to want to go back. This was the first time that Curt & I have been there together, and it was just so amazing!
When we got there, we checked into our hotel & just hung out for a bit before going out shopping. I had a grand idea. Well, I thought it was grand. I'm pretty sure, though, that if the hotel saw these pictures, we just might find some sort of extra charges on our credit card statement! Haha! I'm sure you see what I mean. :-)
Yes, that's me. And, dang. I'm so outta shape. Seriously. I was dying after that! Haha! The window lighting that we were using on the right hand side of the picture...well...the window didn't go all the way up to the ceiling, so my face was darker than the rest of the picture. When I lighten it up, there's quite a bit of grain. Oh well. I still like them. :-)
After that, Curt & I took a self portrait. I really, really like this shot. I'm so surprised that it turned out as well as it did considering we set the camera on the night stand & set the self timer. I'd push the shutter, then RUN all the way around the bed & get myself where I needed to be. Fun times.
After all this, we went out shopping & to dinner. For those of you that don't know, I'm SO indecisive. So, what do you think happened when we hit the Riverwalk & there were about 4 billion places to eat? Oh my gosh. I wanted to make the right choice, the best choice because we only had the one night in San Antonio. We wanted to avoid the young, party scene, so that automatically took several places out of the running. But, as we walked along the river, we came to a little restaurant called Dolores del Rio almost at the very end of the Riverwalk. You couldn't see into the restaurant from the sidewalk because it was up a small flight of stairs, and there were no windows (that I recall.) Anyway, the host asked us to take a look inside, and when we did, we were in LOVE!
This will be a time when my words fail me. I just so wish that I could recreate the ambiance, the atmosphere with my words, but I'm afraid it's just not gonna happen. This little restaurant was the TINIEST restaurant ever. I mean, it was SO cramped that I actually had my foot stepped on twice. TWICE! Ha! But, honestly, the cramped quarters really "made" it. And, there was no air conditioning. Just fans. I also wouldn't have that any other way. Every little detail played into it's charm...added to it's character. There were probably 10-12 little tables nearly touching each other. Each table had a wine bottle acting as a candle holder which served as the lighting. So romantic.
Anyway, there was a blues band playing. It was so perfect for us. We couldn't have chosen a better dining experience. Almost immediately after we were seated, the band started to play "At Last" by Etta James - one of mine & Curt's most favorite songs together. It just confirmed to me that we were in the right place. It was a little Italian place, and the food was out of control good! There was SO. MUCH. FOOD. Delicious!
I know you all probably think I'm crazy. Yes, being an outsider looking in, I can see that this seems odd that I would rave so much about this dinner & talk of making the perfect choice. But, I just have to tell you...I felt like a lady. For once, I didn't feel like a mom. All the time I feel like a mom, a stay at home mom. It's not a glamorous life, and a lot of you know that. It's amazing how complacent I get in my own life. I just forget that there's anything else out there. I want to know more diversity. Being home, now, back to my evening routine...it kinda makes me sad. But, at the same time, dinner with Curt at Dolores del Rio rejuvenated me. It renewed my desire to feed my soul (not a spiritual soul) with art, culture, adult things. Things that make me feel carefree & full. Am I the only one this way? You know how some things just make you feel...I don't know...satisfied? Free? Like, after a long cool winter, I just feel so truly happy to put on flip flops & a tank & sit outside taking in the fresh spring air, you know? It just felt like a fresh, green spring after a long, cold winter, I guess. Whatever. I know I'm a rambling mess right now. I have faith, though, that atleast a handful of you know just what I mean. :-)
So, yeah. Here are some photos from Dolores del Rio. Yes, the white balance appears to be a crazy mess. But, sometimes, the perfect skin tones just don't suit the picture & mood you're trying to capture. We captured the scene as it was, red cast & all. :-) The lighting was just so tough. The ISO was ALL the way up, and the shutter speed was ridiculously low. Of course we were shooting wide open, as well, and it was still just so dark. I wish we'd gotten more decent ones. These will have to work, though.
Anyway...so, this afternoon as we walked along the Riverwalk again, we came to Dolores del Rio. I have such a fondness for it, now, that I SO wanted a picture under the sign. We waited & waited & waited for someone to walk by who looked like they could pull off this shot. I'd metered, focused, done everything. All we needed was someone who understood the composition I wanted. Well, the first guy was a really, really nice guy, but he didn't understand the comp. So, we waited, waited, waited again. Finally, I saw a guy with a tripod in the distance. That's GOT to mean a good photographer, right!?! Haha! Don't you love my reasoning!?! Anyway, my assumption was right on, though. Curt asked him to take this photo for us, and he did a fantastic job! Of course, I told him to stand on this particular crack in the sidewalk (I'd focused from that point) and press the shutter. He composed it fabulously, though, and I'm so thrilled with the result! I'm really thankful to him that he didn't drop my camera or run off with it, too! Hahaha!!! :-) (Yes, that was a serious concern for me. I'm a dork, I know.)
Anyway...it really was a lovely weekend. :-)
Amy, I'm glad you guys had such a great time! I DO understand what you're talking about and I'm glad you had the opportunity to experience some things you don't normally get with your two "highly cultured" little ones running around the house ;-) I know you know this and have heard you express it in your blog even, but the times with the girls being little will be gone so quickly so get away when you can but cherish the day to day "mommyhood" also.
I love all the pictures. That's the woman I know, jumping on the bed! They're all great and you guys seem to have captured the memory in photos. DS
Aww, that sounds so fun! :) I'm glad you had a good time.
I love the last picture and your story about finding the perfect photographer made me laugh!
Looks like you 2 had a great time! I love the jumping on the bed photos, self portrait and of course that last one is great!!! I'm going to have to get my husband to participate more :o)
wow looks like you guys had a fantastic time! and your restaurant photos are great-red light and all. how fun that a photographer came along....talk about fate! great job!
What a great weekend! That sounds like an awesome restaurant, exactly the type of place I love. The bed shots are so fun, and that last photo is just perfect. I love how you waited around for someone who looked photographer-ish! So funny but smart, I totally wouldn't have thought of that.
I just love this post and the photos... I'm glad you all had such a fab time! i love the jumping on the bed photos too! You had to have bumped your noggin at least once!!
Sounds like you guys had so much fun! I loooove the jumping on the bed shots!! Oh, and the self portrait with you and Curt is soooo beautiful! I want great photos like this of my husband and myself! The restraunt photos are wonderful as well. And I am really loving the very last photo!
I love the bed jumping shots. It looks like you came close to hitting your head on the ceiling in that last one. LOL
Fun restaurant journaling. I so get what you are saying.
Nice job.
It sounds like a wonderful get away. I have been to San Antonio twice (with kids though) and absolutely fell in love. It is truly one of my favorite places on earth. I've added your restaurant to my list of places to try next time we go back.
I love the last photo of the two of you, especially after reading the journaling that goes with it. And...I love the jumping on the bed photos. SO FUN!!
hi amy! my first time leaving a comment on your blog, though i do visit every now and then.
i love this entry! and i totally know how you feel! my dh and i got away last fall sans kids and it was absolutle heaven to feel like an adult again. to not worry about all of those 'mom' things.
i'm so glad that you had a wonderful time! your pictures are amazing! i love the one with the candle. fabulous dof!
you are a BRAVE soul, handing your camera off to someone you don't know. as much as i would love to have a picture, i don't know that i would be able to do that! great shot though! and great memories for you!
Alright..I'm going to take this one and run with it for a minute..starting with all the 'mommy' talk. I SO know what you're talking about!! Exactly everything you said about the life at home, then stepping into the life you once knew before being a mom. That's me. Always comparing, or thinking of the other one when I'm in the middle of ..the other one. (confusing..I know!) Thank you for your post. I just needed to read that today.
Your photos show so much of why you loved your vacation, and can I just say..You got some serious air jumping on the bed! How fun!
Amazing post! Love that last one..
Beautiful shots. Really love the journalling. Always do :) I have to say that last shot is my absolute favorite - wonderful comp and color. What a wonderful vacation and what beautiful memories you have captured. The first few pics are downright funny - love the black and white conversion too :) I totally want to go on a vacation now - great job with the descriptio of the restaurant :)
Love the bed jumping shots! Sounds like you had a great time, I had fun reading your entry.
Amy, you make me smile! I love reading your entries, they give me such a feel for your life, and your recent pics are absolute perfection!
When B and I were out yesterday at the arboretum, we talked quite a bit about you (if you can believe it). I was telling him about your amazing natural talent. How much I wish being a pro worked for you in your life. How much I wish you happened to be coming to Seattle so that I could have you do C's senior pics. And how much I admire and envy (yes.... envy) your talent and aptitude for photography, and have since last spring. I told him to click on the link to your blog sometime. When he does, I know he'll be blown away, just like I always am :-*
I totally understand what you mean about feeling like an adult again. On our recent trip, I was surprised to reconnect with my 'premom' self. It was lovely and I vow to remember her more often now that I'm home being a mom again.
Being a english major myself, I totally overuse the ellipsis. My excuse is the same as yours--I write like I talk. I think it makes it more accessible. Sometimes I wish I talked more like...I don't know...maybe Lauren Bacall, but I don't. So, there it is. Love visiting your blog.
Oh Amy I love this post- the pics are fabulous and your words- really resonated with me. The great thing about life- is that every day is a new day. And changes don't need to be drastic :) I know for me- it's the little things that help me feel connected with the formerly-more-hip-n-cool me :) Like taking the kids to a museum instead of the zoo....or sitting at a sidewalk cafe in the sun :)
GOOD FOR YOU for getting away with your hubby- those times are harder to find, but so necessary for filling up your happiness in your marriage :)
OK so I told the kids, "As soon as daddy sells his car, we'll go to Disneyland!" But I'm having scond thoughts of dumping them all on grandma and jetting to San Antonio!
It sounds lovely!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE SA....you went at just the right time...not to hot and humid. NEVER go in JUNE/JULY....you just melt! =)
Sounds like you had a well deserved wonderful time! =)
haha. db's so funny. only like 3 more weeks until I invade tx and more specifically the farm!
amy, you have impressed me again! you and your husband are such a beautiful couple! i totally see your girls in him!
the jumping on the bed shots are awesome and i love the last one too, great dof. i love them all, like always.
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