All you moms out there - don't you just love days like today?
Not to be discriminatory or anything, but I know you moms will understand.
So, my girls are supposed to go to nap/rest time at about 1pm every day. Well, today 1pm rolled around, and I realized that I hadn't heard much out of the girls lately. Normally, they're running around, being maniacs, fighting, whining, giggling, squealing, whatever. They're just not quiet. Haha! I'm thinking they're up to mischief. That's a pretty safe bet with these two. If they're quiet, they're trying to get away with something.
I'm thinking now's as good a time as any to bust up their party with a little nap/rest time. Right? I mean, you get into mischief, you go to bed. Haha! If only it were that easy.
Anyway, I head over to their room to find them actually playing QUIETLY and TOGETHER! was just too sweet. They'd dragged their dollhouse & all their dollhouse furniture out into the middle of the floor and were playing. Together! No fighting, no whining, no anything. Just sweet little angel children. And, they were wearing dress up clothes. That sent me over the edge with adoration. They've fooled me this time around with their cuteness. So, yeah...I didn't make them go to nap/rest time today. Instead, I took pictures. Ha!
To me, that scattered mess of dollhouse furniture amongst green & yellow tulle from their dresses...childhood at it's best! And, it's like they didn't even know I was there. It was just so perfect. I would welcome their messes more often if they played like this all the time.
So, yeah...I snapped a bunch of pictures. I just wanted to capture their interaction, their little hands being as delicate as they could...

And, my most favorite of them all:
So, faces, no eye contact, no expressions. But, man, do I love these pictures. Such a treasure for me.
So, my girls are supposed to go to nap/rest time at about 1pm every day. Well, today 1pm rolled around, and I realized that I hadn't heard much out of the girls lately. Normally, they're running around, being maniacs, fighting, whining, giggling, squealing, whatever. They're just not quiet. Haha! I'm thinking they're up to mischief. That's a pretty safe bet with these two. If they're quiet, they're trying to get away with something.
I'm thinking now's as good a time as any to bust up their party with a little nap/rest time. Right? I mean, you get into mischief, you go to bed. Haha! If only it were that easy.
Anyway, I head over to their room to find them actually playing QUIETLY and TOGETHER! was just too sweet. They'd dragged their dollhouse & all their dollhouse furniture out into the middle of the floor and were playing. Together! No fighting, no whining, no anything. Just sweet little angel children. And, they were wearing dress up clothes. That sent me over the edge with adoration. They've fooled me this time around with their cuteness. So, yeah...I didn't make them go to nap/rest time today. Instead, I took pictures. Ha!
To me, that scattered mess of dollhouse furniture amongst green & yellow tulle from their dresses...childhood at it's best! And, it's like they didn't even know I was there. It was just so perfect. I would welcome their messes more often if they played like this all the time.
So, yeah...I snapped a bunch of pictures. I just wanted to capture their interaction, their little hands being as delicate as they could...

Oh Amy those are sooo sweet! I KWYM about letting them make a mess more often if they'd oly play like this...same here... and to think my girls have been dying for those dress-up gowns and I just keep saying NO. I'm bad sometimes I guess. Each one of my girls has a preferred princess (Tinkerbelle, Ariel and Snow White) and they gotta have stuff just that way...
Your shots truly capture their essence. The sisterhood. The imagination at its best. The memories that they'll soon forget if not for these pics.
And btw, your color is awesome too!
Last, thanks for the tips on the 'test' for my lens. I took your advice and did some shots.
Very sweet! I'm not a mommy, but coming from and extremely large family (that means LOTS of babysitting time for me!) I understand completely what you mean! You captured this wonderful moment perfectly and the colors are fantastic! Great work as always!
These are fantastic! I wish I would have taken more pictures of my kids playing and now playing takes on a whole different meaning but a favorite toy is the computer...not great photo ops.
I like the last one, too, but the one that I'm most drawn to is the 2nd one to the bottom with those chubby fingers in the window...very cool!
Hi I'm new to this and so excited! I totally KWYM about the kids playing instead of fighting ~ too bad those days are few and far between. I LOVE the lighting in your pictures! Your daughters are sure to treasure these in the future.
I love these!
Those moments of them playing nicely together are sublime are they not? Always makes my heart swell :)
Oh what lovely moments you've captured. You'll look back at these often when they're older I bet.
You are going to love these forever & forever! What an awesome moment you've far and few between these moments are, you'll always have this one! They're beautiful!
Oh....and I'm soooo jealous of the trip you got to take with your hubby. It looks like you had a lot of fun!
too too cute! reminds me so much of the way my girls were. i wish i had had the thought to photograph them then. sigh. your girls will love that you captured this moment in time so perfectly and with such obvious love. great job!
these are wonderful images. Love the close up tutu shots. these made me smile.
Amy, these are perfect! I love the way you captured their hands as they placed the dolls and furniture. Precious!!
These captures are awesome!! You've captured play, sisterly love, imagination, and some beautiful color too! Love these!!!
Those days are rare but when they come, they are awesome!! LOVE the photos captured the moment quite well! =)
So sweet.... priceless moments to capture!
How sweet are thos shots, wonderful! Im running out of words to express how much you rock! Can I just rub up against your arm for a minute and hope that some of what you got comes off on me!
The shots of you jumping on the bed are so fun! My girlfriend had me jumping out on the beach the other day and I soooo here you about being out of shape!
I'm teary. these are beautiful and capture those perfect little moments that make life so blessed.
Those are sweet! The colors are fantastic...what a way to capture the moment!
First, let me just say, we HAD a nap today at my house. It might even be an early to bed kind of night, too! those photos!! So glad you got to 'accidentally' stumble upon them in that moment. That's what motherhood is all about. :D
So sweet! These are great shots. Glad you had a nice afternoon!
I love your words and your photos! Thank you for sharing your heart :)
these shots are absolutely priceless... you couldn't have planned them any better! Great captures of their small delicate hands. Love them!
These are so colorful and sweet! The picture of you jumping on the bed has been my background for the past few days but has now been bumped out by the one of Emma and Maya and pretty much the whole doll house. DS
LOVE these! And yes, as a mother of 2 little girls, I can soooo relate! Wonderful job at capturing a sweet moment!
Oh I love these Amy, and I know you know you'll treasure them forever!
these are some of my favorite of your images, nothing like just captureing the day.
Oh I just adore these. These are the moments I really treasure with my kids. Moments where they are being nice and you can actually tell they love each other! Beautiful photos, all of them. No eye contact needed!
Amy - these pics speak volumes to me .. you didn't even need to tell the story! I love these - they are precious! I can defilnetaly see why you love them soooo much!!
and why the girls wouldn't of had to have a nap!!
and not only that - but the pics are fabulous .. the colors and the comps .. and your favorite is mine as well!
BEAUTIFUL. I adore the 6th one, the curl of her hair is just PERFECTION. The tones in these are beautifully soft & subtle too. Lovely. ;)
Amy!! These are amazing, amazing pictures! I just kept saying "aww!!" over and over with each one!
What complete treasures these photos will be for your girls. I love the pictures you take of them...just LOVE them! Thank you for sharing little peeks into these joyous days of yours with me :)
I just love these kinds of moments! You captured it beautifully. :) So sweet.
YES! Days like those are the most precious in the world! You've done an amazing job capturing those wonderful moments. BEAUTIFUL!!!
I LOVE these, Amy! The girls I babysit do the exact same thing and it is so sweet. I'm not a mother but I look forward to these days. :)
oh boy, i love the color on these! my favorite is 7, i think. the one where your daughter's hair is curling down over the toy in her hand. i can't get enough of that girls's hair. lol
these capture innocence and delicate femininity, imo. i LOVE them.
OH GOSH......that seriously welled my eyes up with joy. I have too have two daughters and I can't wait until they are able to really play together. This is sweetness.
Thanks for sharing ;)
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