Get ready for it... lots o' pics!
So, back a couple months ago, I received one of the most flattering, wonderful emails I've ever received. It was from sweet Dawn, a photographer that knew me online only. She was wanting to come out to Texas from Missouri to spend a couple days here with me working on all things photography. Me, being me, loving to share photography with anyone who has the passion, I said heck yeah! Come on down! We started planning, and we settled on October 18-19. So, yeah, that was this past week.
She flew in on Thursday while I was at preschool, and so we hooked up when I got home. The plan was to do some shooting Thursday evening & Friday morning and then work on post processing with Photoshop on Friday afternoon. At least, that's how I thought it would go. :-) Unfortunately, we didn't get many shots Thursday evening, and, not wanting to disappoint (ha! seriously! I was nervous...), I thought maybe we should go ahead and start on some post processing. So, yeah, we got through my typical work flow Thursday evening, and she was so, so quick to catch on!
Friday, though, we set out with little miss Maya as our only model since Emma's in school. And, well, with Maya it's a toss up. She might cooperate, she might not. But, I think I've figured out the trick. GET HER ALONE! Ha! Seriously... I could NOT believe how cooperative she was. She was such a little trooper. We dragged her all over town for HOURS, and she never protested. When Curt & Emma got home from school, Dawn & I (and our laptops) headed to Starbucks to work in Photoshop some more.
It was such a good time. Seriously. Dawn is just the nicest, most thoughtful, smart girl. She got some AMAZING shots, and I can't wait until she posts some on her blog! Plus, I feel like I improved my own skills along the way. I got some pretty decent shots of my mei mei, too! In fact, they're some of my new favorites of all time. (For now. Ha!)
Anyway, you should most definitely go check out Dawn's blog. She has a sweet little family... three girls that are all 2 years apart. Her oldest two are really close in age to Emma & Maya. Fun stuff!
On to my Friday photos:
This next one is one of my newest faves. Color or B&W?
A little full sun swingin' action. If I'm being honest, this is a photography nightmare for me... full sun AND the subject moving toward & away from me constantly? Yeah... not fun.
Okay... side note on these next few pictures. You may remember this crooked little building with the yellow window frame from this post back in March. I love, LOVE this location. It has so much personality, and so much charm. Anyway, when we were there on Friday, I noticed a piece of paper taped to the front of the building. It said something along the lines of, "Save this building. Come to the town hall meeting on Monday."
Ummm... NOOOOOOOOO!!! I LOVE this building, adore it! I swear to you, I'll cry if they tear it down. It's the sweetest, tiniest little thing. Seriously. It's like the size of a walk in closet or something. No, really. It's not taking up much space, and I really don't know what they'd do with that land if they tore it down. Nothing will fit in that narrow little space. :-( Anyway, I'm just sad about it. Plus, there was no date about the town hall meeting, so who knows if that Monday has already passed. I'm gonna look into it, though...She thought she was so clever using these sticks as ears. I love that she has a sense of humor, though.
This is the front of that crooked little building with the yellow window frame. I'm telling you... it's cute.
What do you get when you add together a little fake smile, some crazy cat-like catchlights, and bare belly? Another of my new favorites... :-)
Dublin Dr. Pepper, baby! If you've never had one, you're missing out...
I'm not sure that I like this one in color. I don't know why. What do you all think?
And this... this next one... it's hands down my most favorite of 'em all! LOVE it. And, I love it in B&W, too!
Omigosh! What an adorable little girl. That pouty face is so great and makes for the most precious pictures. Beautiful work...
Man! How do I pick a favorite from this group? They're all beautiful - and Maya is beautiful, of course. Tell her Grandma's proud of her for being such a good sport.
The Dr. Pepper ones ought to be an ad for them!
I think it's always invigorating to spend dedicated time to sharing your passion with someone else.
Hi Amy, as a keen (and relatively inexperienced) photographer myself I'm wondering what camera, lens and f stop you used for these gorgeous photos. Especially the "fake smile one" and the first one. Thanks from the other side of the world (New Zealand) :o)
Pa Rocks and so does Maya!
Yay, I was so excited to see the shots you took from our visit :) I was all ready to post to my blog last night and then blogger's photo uploader was down...arghhh! Your photos turned out amazing (I can see why they are some new favorites) and I had such a great time as well. Thanks again for a much needed mini-vacation. Now off to post my pics from the shoot on my blog :)
Beautiful. I love the reflection picture, and even love it in color, it however is STUNNING in B&W! You are very talented!
Wow...I am sooo jealous of Dawn! If you ever need some stress-relief via sharing some of your amazing knowledge with a fellow photographer person again, I'M YOUR GIRL! :) You are seriously my FAVORITE photographer of all time! So, just sayin', I'm in your neck of the woods and I would just in my car in a heartbeat.
You should teach some on-line PPing classes! I bet you would fill up soooooooo fast!!!
These pictures are gorgeous! The color and clarity are always dead-on! Now, I need to go find some cool locations like those! I know they are out there just waiting to be discovered!
As always, thanks for the inspiration!!!
I agree...I've said it before...I'd be signing up in a heartbeat for those pping classes! And, if you ever need a northern retreat...consider Alberta, Canada!
Gorgeous as usual! Man AMy! Whatever actions or presets you're using, spill the beans! I love how rich your colors are!
I think you are an awesome photographer. How nice of you to share your wisdom. I have been lurking on your blog for sometime now. I haven't commented yet, but I think your photography is amazing and I really like your husbands stuff too.
Beautiful....every single one of them!
ooooohhhhh girl your work blows my mind!!! Always gorgeous!!!! And yea, SHE is so gorgeous!
Ok...well I tried to pick a favorite but it just isn't possible. I LOVE them ALL! Your photography continues to blow me away. I need a photo lesson from you!
I agree ...if you every want to teach a class or have an on line class l am there. I just love how you shot and edit all your photos and would love to learn from you. Please think about because l know alot of us would be signing up in a heart beat. Love your style and your work.
Dawn was so so lucky!
I agree ...if you every want to teach a class or have an on line class l am there. I just love how you shot and edit all your photos and would love to learn from you. Please think about because l know alot of us would be signing up in a heart beat. Love your style and your work.
Dawn was so so lucky!
Beautiful images Amy. I love them! Really cool you guys got to do that. I could tell an marked improvement in Dawn's images, you're a great teacher!
Oh wow these are all so perfect, I love the colors and the urban country feel to these, very nice!
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