I've been a terrible, terrible blogger...
I know, I know. I get it. I'm guilty of leaving smart comments for some of my favorite bloggers (Michael) about needing to update their blogs. And, well, here I am receiving my own smart comments.
It's just that I haven't taken ANY pictures lately. Seriously. I have nothing fabulous to share at all. In fact, I have a seriously embarrassing photo to share. How 'bout that? Will that make everyone feel better about my lack of posting? If I share a terrible photo?
Here's the story... we bought tickets to a Dave Matthews Band concert a couple months back. Curt's always LOVED Dave Matthews, and I've always been a fan, as well. We bought one for D.Brown before we knew he was moving to Ohio or Indiana or wherever the heck he's living now. He flew back for the concert. His mistake. Haha! And, Curt's sister Cara bought one, too. We thought, oh, this'll be a fun night. Yeah. Not so much.
The traffic should have been our first indication that the night was gonna be TERRIBLE! I mean, who likes to sit in traffic for an hour INSIDE a parking lot? And, who likes to pay $15 for parking only to have to walk a mile to get to the venue? Sheesh. Once we got there, it only got worse. WAY worse. In fact, I'm pretty sure that there's NO WAY the Smirnoff Center could be complying with the maximum capacity bit. It was, like, shoulder to shoulder in the lawn seating. I've always enjoyed concerts in the lawn at that venue because you can just kinda lounge on a blanket under the stars... it's nice. But, not that night. My gosh, it was OUT of control.
I really thought that the place would be filled with older fans, too. I just don't hear much hype about Dave Matthews Band among the teen scene. :-) Well, no. I was wrong again. I would say it was at least 90% teens/young college kids. That would be fine if I were a teen/young college kid. I'm not.
To start things off, I "smuggled" D.Brown's camera in my purse. Yeah. That's against the rules. I, of course, got caught. Apparently, though, smuggling in pot, maryjane, weed, reefer, ganja, hash, dope, cannabis, Acapulco gold is NOT against the rules. (Yes, I used a thesaurus to emphasize my point.)
Anyway, they told me to hold on to the camera but don't use it. Ummm... okay. Because, let me tell you, I'm gonna get some STELLAR shots from eighteen miles back in a sea of teenagers & smoke clouds. C'mon people. We only wanted it to take pictures of our experience together. You know? I just wanted pictures of US hanging out.
Whatever. We finally found a place to sit out in the lawn. I'm not sure if the guy next to us was alive or not, honestly. Someone dragged, dropped & left him there. Alone. Like, what happens to people like this AFTER the show? I'm pretty sure he either came alone, or his friends ditched him. No one seemed to care about this guy next to us. If it weren't for the occasional involuntary jerk on his part, I would have been REALLY concerned. The "security" guards even came & checked on him. They walked up, walked a circle around him & then retreated back to the back of the venue where they could stand & chat with their fellow security buddies. Seriously lame.
So, yeah. We stayed for a few songs. But, then we left early. There is NO WAY we were going to sit through the traffic that would have been if we'd waited 'til the end of the show. No way. Plus, I was gonna be REALLY mad if I took an innocent blow to the head from the guys behind us that were on the verge of a fight the whole evening. I just KNEW they were gonna end up in a huge brawl & we were going to be the casualties. Ugh. Not a fun evening.
But, I managed to snap off one completely blurry photo of Curt & I at the concert with David's P&S camera. (I'm a rebel, I know. Using that camera even after being asked not to... man, what a rule breaker.) I'm pretty sure those are nervous smiles on our faces. Haha!
What's going on with the focus & depth of field here? I mean, seriously? Oh well. The quality of the photo matches the quality of the evening.
It's just that I haven't taken ANY pictures lately. Seriously. I have nothing fabulous to share at all. In fact, I have a seriously embarrassing photo to share. How 'bout that? Will that make everyone feel better about my lack of posting? If I share a terrible photo?
Here's the story... we bought tickets to a Dave Matthews Band concert a couple months back. Curt's always LOVED Dave Matthews, and I've always been a fan, as well. We bought one for D.Brown before we knew he was moving to Ohio or Indiana or wherever the heck he's living now. He flew back for the concert. His mistake. Haha! And, Curt's sister Cara bought one, too. We thought, oh, this'll be a fun night. Yeah. Not so much.
The traffic should have been our first indication that the night was gonna be TERRIBLE! I mean, who likes to sit in traffic for an hour INSIDE a parking lot? And, who likes to pay $15 for parking only to have to walk a mile to get to the venue? Sheesh. Once we got there, it only got worse. WAY worse. In fact, I'm pretty sure that there's NO WAY the Smirnoff Center could be complying with the maximum capacity bit. It was, like, shoulder to shoulder in the lawn seating. I've always enjoyed concerts in the lawn at that venue because you can just kinda lounge on a blanket under the stars... it's nice. But, not that night. My gosh, it was OUT of control.
I really thought that the place would be filled with older fans, too. I just don't hear much hype about Dave Matthews Band among the teen scene. :-) Well, no. I was wrong again. I would say it was at least 90% teens/young college kids. That would be fine if I were a teen/young college kid. I'm not.
To start things off, I "smuggled" D.Brown's camera in my purse. Yeah. That's against the rules. I, of course, got caught. Apparently, though, smuggling in pot, maryjane, weed, reefer, ganja, hash, dope, cannabis, Acapulco gold is NOT against the rules. (Yes, I used a thesaurus to emphasize my point.)
Anyway, they told me to hold on to the camera but don't use it. Ummm... okay. Because, let me tell you, I'm gonna get some STELLAR shots from eighteen miles back in a sea of teenagers & smoke clouds. C'mon people. We only wanted it to take pictures of our experience together. You know? I just wanted pictures of US hanging out.
Whatever. We finally found a place to sit out in the lawn. I'm not sure if the guy next to us was alive or not, honestly. Someone dragged, dropped & left him there. Alone. Like, what happens to people like this AFTER the show? I'm pretty sure he either came alone, or his friends ditched him. No one seemed to care about this guy next to us. If it weren't for the occasional involuntary jerk on his part, I would have been REALLY concerned. The "security" guards even came & checked on him. They walked up, walked a circle around him & then retreated back to the back of the venue where they could stand & chat with their fellow security buddies. Seriously lame.
So, yeah. We stayed for a few songs. But, then we left early. There is NO WAY we were going to sit through the traffic that would have been if we'd waited 'til the end of the show. No way. Plus, I was gonna be REALLY mad if I took an innocent blow to the head from the guys behind us that were on the verge of a fight the whole evening. I just KNEW they were gonna end up in a huge brawl & we were going to be the casualties. Ugh. Not a fun evening.
But, I managed to snap off one completely blurry photo of Curt & I at the concert with David's P&S camera. (I'm a rebel, I know. Using that camera even after being asked not to... man, what a rule breaker.) I'm pretty sure those are nervous smiles on our faces. Haha!

Omgosh..I was seriously laughing out loud....so funny..you always seem to write in such interesting way, keeping us reading every word..waiting to see what comes next. Love your story, love your "blurry" snap..and love the fact that you shared it with us!
Amy--I'm telling the cops on you!!! That is an illegal photo. Grrrr....what you will do for the reputation of photographer's everywhere!!! Bad girl!!! :D :D
But you looked really pretty that night!
Heh...Don't blame Curt's glassy eyes on my P.O.S. camera, blame it on the Reefer Madness going on around us!
Also, Amy left out some of the cool parts of the evening, which included the following:
Never Ending Pasta Bowl at Olive Garden
Breadsticks at the Olive Garden
Free refills at the Olive Garden
So yeah, we came to the realization that we are now OFFICIALLY too old for lawn seats. At least for DMB. This will give us one more story to laugh about (and embellish upon) when we all retire to the same nursing home in 40 years.
Wow, sounds like a really sucky evening. Sorry it turned out like that.
I've missed your posts, but I understand about no pictures and being busy.
I was noticing Curt's eyes too...hmmm....
Anyways, at least you had plenty of good food for energy walking all that way.
OMG--that is just too hilarious!! I can totally relate with doing things now that were sooooo much fun back in the day, and now...mmm just not so much. Kinda like sitting in the student section at the university football games...used to be great fun, but now just too much puking and belligerence for me to handle :) Thanks for sharing.
How horrible!
Your "illegal photo" may not be technically correct but at least you captured the moment...since that moment was probably the highlight of the concert for you! :)
I can totally relate. Seems that any concert I go too, I end up miserable; usually sitting next to someone who is just itching to start a fight. I gave up on concerts after a particularly feisty 40 something year old at a Def Lepard concert decided to blow up at me, not fun.
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