I've learned my lesson...
So, Maya's got a pretty simple hairdo. It's basically a bob. That's it. It was getting pretty long, so I thought, "eh...I could just trim that up myself." You can see where this is going right!?!
I'm thinking, how hard can it be to just trim around her head in a straight line? Well, I sit her down and start cutting. I start on one side & cut around the back to the other side. I'm kinda proud of myself. Then, I step back and look at her straight on. Ummm... one side is like a full two inches longer than the other side. At least. How does this happen? I mean, seriously? And, well, the shorter of the two sides is INCREDIBLY short. But, it's the shorter of the sides. It's not like I can add more hair to the short side, so I was forced to cut the rest of it to match the short side. Ahhhhh! So, the kid has some SERIOUSLY short hair right now.
One of the first things Curt said when he saw it was, "well... it'll grow back." Gee, thanks. He says he only said it to make me feel better. I then informed him that I never felt bad. Until he said it. Whatever. She's actually getting multiple compliments on it a day, so I'm thinking it's okay. :-) Maya really does manage to pull of the short 'dos pretty well.
Of course I had to take her out to snap a few shots to share with everyone. These are from Monday (the day we cut it.) The first three are from BEFORE I straightened it up. This is still crooked. Haha!

Bwahahaha!!!! Look at this one. Sheesh. How could I cut it SOOO crooked!?! Poor pouty little thing. I'd be pouting, too, if my hair looked like that! She was probably just embarrassed because she KNEW these photos would end up on the blog!
And, these last three are from after I evened it up. :-)

Yes, I own a pair of heels. No, I don't wear them. At least someone does...
So, yeah...that's that.
Anyway, I had a fun day yesterday! Maya & I got together with a new photographer & her kiddos. :-) I've known Chelsea for several years now, but living in different towns, we've never really gotten to know each other. But, she's recently become interested in photography, so what better excuse to get together, right!?! I can see that she has a real passion for photography, and I love that! It reminds me of me. Frankly, I think there are a whole lotta people getting into photography but many of them don't have the passion.
I've totally seen awesome growth in Chelsea's work! That's so cool to me! That's one of the reasons I LOVE photography... it feeds my need for instant gratification. You take a picture, you can look at it right away. You see something you need to improve, you read up on it & try again. It's like, the rate of improvement (when you have the passion for it) is insanely encouraging.
So, yeah, we got together. I brought Maya, and she brought her three sweet little ones. I didn't get any good shot of Maya. It's not that she wasn't being cooperative... I just didn't get anything good. Also, I only got ONE single shot of Brianna (Chelsea's three year old) and it was out of focus! Haha! She was a quick one! :-) Next time, though. Next time I'll be ready for her!
I got a few really sweet ones of the baby, Alexis. She can't crawl, though, which is AWESOME for photography! Haha! I SOOO wish I'd been into photography when my girls were immobile. Here she is:

And, the four year old, Samuel, was a little ham! He was really, really cooperative, so I got lots of fun shots of him. :-)Check out the way cool snail he found:

I think this is my favorite of him:

Anyway, it was just a really fun morning. I'm glad we were able to get together, Chelsea! :-)
Well, that's it for now, I suppose.
I'm thinking, how hard can it be to just trim around her head in a straight line? Well, I sit her down and start cutting. I start on one side & cut around the back to the other side. I'm kinda proud of myself. Then, I step back and look at her straight on. Ummm... one side is like a full two inches longer than the other side. At least. How does this happen? I mean, seriously? And, well, the shorter of the two sides is INCREDIBLY short. But, it's the shorter of the sides. It's not like I can add more hair to the short side, so I was forced to cut the rest of it to match the short side. Ahhhhh! So, the kid has some SERIOUSLY short hair right now.
One of the first things Curt said when he saw it was, "well... it'll grow back." Gee, thanks. He says he only said it to make me feel better. I then informed him that I never felt bad. Until he said it. Whatever. She's actually getting multiple compliments on it a day, so I'm thinking it's okay. :-) Maya really does manage to pull of the short 'dos pretty well.
Of course I had to take her out to snap a few shots to share with everyone. These are from Monday (the day we cut it.) The first three are from BEFORE I straightened it up. This is still crooked. Haha!

Anyway, I had a fun day yesterday! Maya & I got together with a new photographer & her kiddos. :-) I've known Chelsea for several years now, but living in different towns, we've never really gotten to know each other. But, she's recently become interested in photography, so what better excuse to get together, right!?! I can see that she has a real passion for photography, and I love that! It reminds me of me. Frankly, I think there are a whole lotta people getting into photography but many of them don't have the passion.
I've totally seen awesome growth in Chelsea's work! That's so cool to me! That's one of the reasons I LOVE photography... it feeds my need for instant gratification. You take a picture, you can look at it right away. You see something you need to improve, you read up on it & try again. It's like, the rate of improvement (when you have the passion for it) is insanely encouraging.
So, yeah, we got together. I brought Maya, and she brought her three sweet little ones. I didn't get any good shot of Maya. It's not that she wasn't being cooperative... I just didn't get anything good. Also, I only got ONE single shot of Brianna (Chelsea's three year old) and it was out of focus! Haha! She was a quick one! :-) Next time, though. Next time I'll be ready for her!
I got a few really sweet ones of the baby, Alexis. She can't crawl, though, which is AWESOME for photography! Haha! I SOOO wish I'd been into photography when my girls were immobile. Here she is:

Well, that's it for now, I suppose.
If you'd left Maya's hair uneven I bet people would have thought it was supposed to be that way :-) It looks cute both ways. I love the one of her in your heels, it makes me laugh.
Chelsea, you've got some cute kids! I'm glad you guys got to spend some time together.
I actually like it before you made it even! Anyways, it's cute either way, she can pull off anything. Those kids are super cute, very nice pictures.
I so agree with the others! I have actually seen bobs that were supposed to be crooked!! Being a "symetrical" sort of person this usually bothers me but on hair I love it and it looked so cute on your little Maya! I also like the even way (of course) with the little bobby pin, too cute!
P.S. I like your favorite of Samuel too and that baby is so cute!! Amazing shots!!
amy, lmbo, maya was totally ROCKING the asymmetrical look! how cuuuute! she looks adorable both ways. i love the shots you got of your friend's kids too.
I actually LOVE her short hair:) The funny thing is that people love those asymmetrical cuts, so she's right in style.
Love the shot with her in the heels.
amy...you should have left it with one side long - it's the perfect Posh Spice doo...aka Victoria Bekham...either way, she's gorgeous. If you lived closer, I think I'd hire you!
LOL Amy! I actually wanted the first h/c you gave Maya.....my hair dresser didn't understand and I got something completely different. Maybe I'll have to show her these pictures to show her what A-symmetrical is :D
Amy, you didn't tell me YOU cut her hair! I would have never known : )
It looks good, amy! and maya is still young so anything mom will do is great.
The pictures are awesome!!! i love the wide open shots.
another who loved the first version!!!both look great - maya is lucky - she will have some awesome 'dos' - looks like she will pull off any look....
you should have left it the 1st way...it's way cute! i think thats kind of the in thing to have that swing like that. she's a cutie either way tho.
....or now that I think about it, maybe I should have come to you~!
Awwww her haircut is adorable!!! LOVE the one of her in your heels :)
Your friend's kids are beautiful and you did a lovely job capturing them! :D
Wow I love her haircut. You are so right, she really pulls off short haircuts. I had to go back through your blog to find her with long hair to remember, and I definitely like the short hair better :)though I love her long hair, too :P
I think in the end you did a great job, lol. It turned out so cute. The pictures you got of her are amazing..she looks so adorable.
next time start in the back and do sections on each side to match...so much easier to not get it crooked. But i is super cute, ike everyone else says!
OK it's time to update again:)
Images 4 and 6 are killing me!! They are ADORABLE...those sunglasses and that expression are a priceless combination! The heels are fabulous. Your photography is stunning...glad I found you today!!!
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