I love my family, quirks & all!
Sometimes I forget how much I just love being with my family. It seems like sometimes far too much time passes between get-togethers. It's in those lulls that I forget.
We had a MASSIVE birthday party this past weekend or as Curt calls it "Christmas in September." You see, we've got ENDLESS birthdays in the month of September. On my side of the family, there's Mom, Summer, Josie, Ryan, Jimmy & Alison. Then, on Curt's side, Cara celebrates her birthday in September, and Carla's is October 1st, so basically September! Ha! And, throw in Jenny's birthday in the middle of it all, and, well... you can see why it's kind of a crazy month for us!
Normally, it seems like there's a birthday party every weekend in September. Somehow, though, this year we ended up with one big bash at Rob's house on the 29th... Alison's real birthday. :-) I hadn't seen the family in forever. We're normally pretty close, I think, compared to a lot of families. We're quirky & cranky as all get out, but, hey... that's one of the things that's almost endearing to me. It's weird. I know.
I took tons & TONS of pictures on Saturday.
Kyden. Not a birthday boy, but standing by a birthday boy's leg. :-)

Camden. Also not a birthday boy. He is, however, still a little red-headed maniac. :-)

Summer. She turned 13!!! THIRTEEN! My gosh, where does the time go!?! And, mascara? Since when does mascara add about 5 years!?!
A quick one of Emma. This stool was in the very back part of the yard, and I thought it would be great for pictures. Emma was the closest & most cooperative, so here she is! (And, yeah... that's the same outfit from the garage shoot.)
Ryan... hitting the big double digits at a whopping 10 years old. :-) He's a big Dallas Cowboy's fan.

Josie turned four this month. I love that she carried this load of "treasures" around with her for a good while outside.
This is Luke... he'll be having a birthday this month. :-)
A little fun with light during the pinata.
This one's my favorite of the two. :-)
And, this photo... this photo doesn't have a whole lot going for it, I don't think. There isn't really a clear & standout subject, though Emma is supposed to be the subject. I just love it, though, because it invokes in me feelings of appreciation for my family, of good times gone by. I went with a slightly more vintage conversion on this picture just because that's how it makes me feel. For a minute, it makes me feel almost child-like again... no adult worries, you know? We used to have picnics all the time as children with the whole family. I just love seeing the gang in the background of this photo just doing what we do... interacting, taking pictures... whatever. I hope that as my girls get older, they'll have the same fond memories... You know? Does it make any sense? Either way, I love this mess of a photo. :-)

Heather & Kyden... love the glowing hair! :-) Haha! Isn't he the cutest, though!?!
Another of Summer... she's really so beautiful.
And, Alison! My goodness, what can I say about Alison!?! This girl is looking GOOD! She's lost some weight due to a weird illness... reverse pharyngitis or something. Haha! Who knows... Either way, she seems to be feeling just fine, but losing weight. Sounds like something I might be interested in! Haha! So, for Katie & mom... here you go! Look how TINY she is! She looks like Steve... so tall & skinny!

So, yeah... it was fun. There are more pictures, too, but it's mostly just family pictures left, and those take more time to process. I'll get to them soon, I hope.
Somehow, I don't have any pictures of Jimmy. What was I thinking? Sorry, J.Bo. :-)
Happy Birthday, everyone! I love you all! :-)
We had a MASSIVE birthday party this past weekend or as Curt calls it "Christmas in September." You see, we've got ENDLESS birthdays in the month of September. On my side of the family, there's Mom, Summer, Josie, Ryan, Jimmy & Alison. Then, on Curt's side, Cara celebrates her birthday in September, and Carla's is October 1st, so basically September! Ha! And, throw in Jenny's birthday in the middle of it all, and, well... you can see why it's kind of a crazy month for us!
Normally, it seems like there's a birthday party every weekend in September. Somehow, though, this year we ended up with one big bash at Rob's house on the 29th... Alison's real birthday. :-) I hadn't seen the family in forever. We're normally pretty close, I think, compared to a lot of families. We're quirky & cranky as all get out, but, hey... that's one of the things that's almost endearing to me. It's weird. I know.
I took tons & TONS of pictures on Saturday.
Kyden. Not a birthday boy, but standing by a birthday boy's leg. :-)

Somehow, I don't have any pictures of Jimmy. What was I thinking? Sorry, J.Bo. :-)
Happy Birthday, everyone! I love you all! :-)
I wasn't there for this big bash, wish I had been. Next year! Thanks for all the pictures, it helps me feel connected. I love the ones with all the people too, they kind of tell a story. And, yes, Summer's beautiful, Alison's skinny and Camden't still as redheaded as anything! Love you all too!!!
can l just love telling you that your work is so AMAZING and that you are so very TALENTED and that l just can't GET enough of your work. I just love seeing pictures through your eyes and the way your lighting is always so perfect. Thank you so much for sharing with us all on a regular base. Please know that we all enjoy your posts!
Love them all!
About Summer, though... I know!!!
She walks over to the high school everyday after school, and my high school boy students are starting to notice her... I DON'T LIKE IT!!!
I mean, I'm glad she is so beautiful, but I'm not looking forward to the boyfriend years...
:( And I can NOT believe I'm old enough to be the mother of a teenager! And you are the aunt of one!!! In case you haven't thought of it lately... 30's just around the corner, baby sister!
Beautiful family! I totally understand about loving family quarks....I'm not much for stiff, traditional get togethers.
did you steel that red chair.....I would have! :)
You're pictures are amazing!
I love big family gatherings. All these pictures are amazing, Amy. I love love your post processing. It's perfect. Really, if my photography was where yours is I'd be one happy photographer.
I love the one that you said wasn't perfect for the same reason you do.
And I love your long posts :)
There were so many photos in there where I looked and thought "That one's so lovely" - nice stuff, Amy, I looks like you all had a brilliant time, and that vintage shot definitely captured a nostalgic crazy family gathering!
I am an admirer of your photography! I am not sure how I found your blog...BUT...your light and clarity is so impressive...had to comment! Gorgeous work!!!!
Gorgeous work Amy! As always! Love the ones with sunflare, you do that so well!
Thanks for giving us a little glimpse into your family :) GORGEOUS photos as always...you have such a natural and amazing eye for fabulous lighting.....and your PPing....TDF! :D
We have quirks? LOL
Very nice Amy...I love most of them (the execption being the ones of me). I really do like the one with everyone sitting around...being family.
Anyways, it was a nice time, next year will be great with Aunt Debbie, then it will really look like Chirstmas! =)
OK Amy you really can't say that even if it is your blog. "You love you family jerks and all" I mean what if g-ma sees that she gonna think you mean her! I wasn't there so I know you didn't mean me ohhhhhhh wait that say quirks and all oops. my bad:)
Gosh..I am just amazed at the clarity and color you seem to get image after image..fantastic!
Amy your photos have gone from good to great to amazing and now to absolutely incredible. You go girl!
wow, absolutely beautiful! All of them just perfect and the colors are so great!
Hey you, came by for a peep to see what you were up to!
missing you guys like crazy!
Awesome photos, but you know I just *heart* you :)
Amy, you are one of the very few that I know who does the shooting down angle and it doesn't look boring at all!!!! I love you work, thank you for the encouragement all the time. I learn how to enjoy my journey bec. of you and now I am more satisfied with my images. Thank you so much...love everything!!! i hope one day, I can shoot wide open like you do!!!!
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