Playing with fire...
Okay, so I feel like I really have to qualify this post a bit. It's TOTALLY out of the norm for me. It's crazy different. Really.
It all stemmed from a photography challenge, of sorts, that I've been given. I've been asked to create a photograph that embodies the idea of fighting for your family, protecting it. So, while the wheels have been turning, my idea kind of morphed into this crazy, emotionally disturbing vision. Well, actually, it wasn't as disturbing in my head as it now seems to be. The more I look at it, the more it really bothers me. I don't know. I'll quit going on about it... Either way, I'm absolutely positive that this photograph is in NO way what I've been comissioned to do. Ha! But, it was fun to be challenged into creating this. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, and continues to do so. It's probably evoked more emotion in me than almost any other photograph I've created. And, not the good kind of emotion, either.
Everytime I look at it, it creeps me out more. Of course, the FIRST thing out of Curt's mouth when he saw it was, "ooohhh... fire in my hand!" So, yeah:
Doesn't he look creepy, too?!? I told you this was not my normal stuff. I'm off to have nightmares, now.
It all stemmed from a photography challenge, of sorts, that I've been given. I've been asked to create a photograph that embodies the idea of fighting for your family, protecting it. So, while the wheels have been turning, my idea kind of morphed into this crazy, emotionally disturbing vision. Well, actually, it wasn't as disturbing in my head as it now seems to be. The more I look at it, the more it really bothers me. I don't know. I'll quit going on about it... Either way, I'm absolutely positive that this photograph is in NO way what I've been comissioned to do. Ha! But, it was fun to be challenged into creating this. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, and continues to do so. It's probably evoked more emotion in me than almost any other photograph I've created. And, not the good kind of emotion, either.

i guess - because we know that both of these pictures are far from reality - jimmy and i both laughed out loud at the one of curt! too funny... and creepy! and way cool! and the one of the girls looks like it could be on the cover of a magazine with some alarming title about the state of our country's youth and the demise of the family unit... or something along those lines. truly, you are an artist!
by the way, weren't you worried about catching the lamp on fire?
Incredibly creative. Love the expressions on the girls faces in the first photo. Fits perfectly.
Wow. You told me about your idea of the first picture and it's far better than how I imagined it as you told me. And Curt looks truly evil. It would give me a scary idea of him if I didn't know him.
Anyway, I think that first picture really gets the threat across.
Oooooh I LOVE these. But you knew I would.
Those are creepy but really cool! I have so much fun looking at your blog. So original. Thanks again for joining us the other night! Let's do it again soon. Love your sweet family.
Those are awesome! You completely captured the idea in the first one - I can't wait to show Jer! Curt looks like some evil magician that's going to make the world disappear! Absolutely great!
I think we've found the new photo for Curt's blog.
Sometimes going out of your comfort zone is a good thing. These are very strong photos! Well done! :0)
I agree with Heather about the magazine cover. Very artistic, well done for what you were going for!
Longtime lurker/stalker finally peeking out. These are phenomenal, really. They have almost an HDR effect to them, but from the EXIF data, you didn't bracket for them. Care to share what different pp'ing you did to give them that surreal, almost 3D HDR effect?
Either way, these are really amazing. I can see the one of the girls on the cover of a magazine, too. Just wow.
These are *way* cool!! First, I love the pp on both. It's definitely not your norm, but it's a really cool effect.
But the first pic...jeez, that's moving. The story it tells me is of a family that was once loving and so together. And now everything is falling apart (or going up in flames) and the two daughters are just clinging to each other. Ugh, heart breaking. You did an *amazing* job!
long time lurker, firt time commenter. did you ever read V.C.Andrews books when you were younger? Flowers in the Attic? Well that pic of your girls looks EXACTLY like the covers of her books. They always featured these haunted faces and some horrible imagery. anyway that is what I thought of right away. very cool indeed. love your work.
Wow. You never cease to amaze me. These are incredible and evoke a variety of strong emotions.
So, uh, I was a tad creeped out by the photo of the girls. Like, my stomach hurts because of it. I guess that would be more than a tad creeped out then.
Anyway, Curt looks like he should be in a comic. As a evil villian MUAH-AH-AH-AH-AH!!!!!!!
Wowsers, yes...totally not what I would normally think was one of your photographs but that's the fun thing about photography!! And you ROCKED these!!!
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