Skunk Y Monkey
Anyway, this is gonna be a quick post. I need to get to bed early tonight. I've had a long day. I just want to share some pictures of my kiddos on Halloween. We went "Trunk or Treating" tonight at Curt's mom's church. Do you guys do this in other parts of the country? Trunk or Treating? I swear I hadn't ever heard of this until moving to Texas... Whatever. It's easy, convenient & all in one place. Plus, I kinda trust it a bit more being that the church puts the whole thing on, you know?
So, normally I make my girls costumes... at least parts of them. Well, anyone who knows me knows that translates into me working frantically all Halloween day trying to throw something together at the last minute. Why do I do this? I don't know. I just do. But, THIS year... this year Curt convinced me to just buy costumes at Old Navy, so that's what we did. :-) I thought they were pretty stinkin' cute, too. (No pun intended.)
I, of course, took them out for a few shots before the festivities. I was SOOO rushed, though. These were all taken in about 15 minutes. Oh well... these are just for me anyway. Here's my li'l stinker & my maniac monkey:

I have to say, though, they were TOO cute tonight. First, about 3/4 of the way through trunk or treating, Maya says, "my bag's full, I don't want anymore candy." And, well... that was it. No more candy for her despite the fact that her bag was NOT full. She just didn't want it to get any heavier. That, and she wanted someone to carry her. She's insanely lazy, I'm tellin' you! What other kid BEGS their parents to take a stroller to the zoo so they can ride in it? Most kids are itchin' to get out of the stroller, cart, whatever... not Maya. She's so, so, SO lazy. I'm serious.
So, on the car ride home, Emma starts passing some of her candy to Maya saying that Maya doesn't have as much as her. Awww... SOOOO sweet, right!?! Then, Maya had TWO glow bracelets, and Emma only had one. Maya offered Emma her second one because she knows "Emma really likes the bracelets." They just melt my heart. Sometimes. :-)
Sooo cute! I especially love the ones of Emma walking away and of the girls looking at each other. You can tell in the pictures that they're really happy and I guess that's why they were so sweet to each other! I'm glad you didn't kill yourself on costumes this year.
amy, adorable! these girls are just too cute.
i also cannot believe your pping consists mostly of soft light layer and sharpening but then again, i'm not surprised. you don't need gimmicks. you've got raw talent, baby!
I've been carefully avoiding Old Navy so I never saw those costumes! Love the heart on the butt!
We do trunk or treat here in NM's a church thing for us too. Maybe that's just easier (and more respectful) than letting a group of made up kiddos run rampant through a church???
Both very cute! Whats funny to me is you did'nt make costumes but were still running around crazy:) I think that is just a part of you wank? Embrace it!
Love you and glad you all had a great time
Too, too cute! I love the photo of them looking at each other.
We do trunk or treat here in Ohio, too. I've never actually participated though.
Yep..we do the trunk or treating thing here in Florida much fun! Love the costumes..sounds like they had a blast!
What the heck in trunk or treating? If you don't give me treats I put you in a trunk? Hhhmmmm...sounds criminal! HeHe. Glad you had a great Halloween with your zoo crew (I like rhymes too!) My experience, not so great. My kids fought and cried because I mixed their candy when they got back home. *sigh*
OMG they are sooo cute! I love thier costumes and they are so perfect together. That skunk heart on the butt thats funny!
Awww!! I LOVE their costumes :)
I heard of trunk or treating the first time at a church I went to. I didn't like it, haha. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I didn't like my trick or treating messed with!
I bet it is really nice (and seems safe) with little kids, though.
And for 15 minutes you pretty much rocked those costume pictures.
OMGosh they are so adorable. Geez you make halloween costumes look so good!!
those are probably the cutest costumes i have ever seen! :)
Those have got to be the most adorable outfits EVER!!! Love the color, great pics!
love love love did you get them to poses for ya...i was chasin Dylan everywhere just to grap a great photo.
You just have to LOVE Old Navy. Hope the kids had a great night.
Hey if you really need another wow you're so fabulous comment, but here it them! Great costumes and sounds like you all had a great time. We have trick or treating at the mall(is that the same thing as trunk or treating?) because it is so cold outside, but we are 'old school' man and wear layers and walk the streets ;)
Amy these turned out fabulous! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the ones of the girls together. Their interaction with eachother is so sweet and natural. I know you're glad to have captured those. I semi-made 2 of our 3 costumes this year...I agree it's kinda frantic doing that. Next year I'll be checkin' out Old Navy too :)
Awww, very cute! I really like the ones of them together, especially.
Super cute! I'm glad they had fun
I'm pretty sure you girls are the cutest monkey and skunk that I've ever seen!
OK, since I never took Spanish it took me awhile to get the title. I thought I had it just because I pronounced like a rhyme, but I REALLY have it now! Cute.
Oh the cuteness!!!!!
Amy you asked if I have a blog...I do have a blog...hmmm not sure why you get the error, here is the link for the world to see LOL
I don't know how to send you an email so I had to post this here. Drop a comment on my blog if you get this...I would LOVE LOVE any and all cc from you!!!
Oh Amy how CUTE are they!!!! I LOVE those last two- just awesome :)
the first 3 pics are too, too cute!!! great color!
Amy, the girls look precious! I love your work...or is it play!
your portrait work is great!
I have a question...when are you gonna blog again?
they are just too, too, sweet!!! Gorgeous always! :O )
I have a question. Is blog a verb? Seriously? If it is it will simplify my conversations quite a bit. Instead of saying to Craig, "Amy updated her blog today" I can say "Amy blogged today". So much easier!
I wanted E to be the skunk too, but she would not have it, she decided on the Fi-Fi the pink poodle. Your girls are so adorable in their costumes.
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