Well, I've put off this post long enough...
This is one of those posts that I KNOW I need to post, that I WANT to post, but that I've been avoiding because I'd have to dive deep into my own head & heart to write it. You know what I mean? This one will be emotionally taxing for me, and so I've been putting it off since Monday.
Emma's been bugging me pretty regularly for a month or two now to get her hair cut. And, well, the girl NEEDED it in a bad way. Her hair would get in the way when I would tuck in her shirt. It was OUT of control long. I don't blame her for wanting a cut.
So, on Monday, she mentioned it again that morning. I decided today was the day... no more delaying. I realized that she had at least a foot of hair that could be chopped. I realized that would be plenty long to send off to Locks of Love should she be willing to do it. So, I mentioned it to her. I tried to explain to her that there are many children in the world that get sick and lose their hair. She didn't quite understand just what I meant. She looked at me like I had three heads. I brought her to the computer and navigated to the Locks of Love website. I began to show her the pictures of the kiddos that had lost their hair. Then, I showed her pictures of the people that had donated their hair. I showed her pictures of the kiddos in their wigs to show what was done with the hair.
Then, I went to the My Pictures folder on my computer. I navigated to a folder called "Amy's old family pics." I opened it, and I began to show her the photographs of when I was a little, little girl. I showed her pictures of me, my sister, and my two brothers. I showed her pictures of my brother Ryan when he was left without any hair from the chemo. She never asked what happened to him. I'm not sure I was at all prepared for it if she had asked, so maybe I'm relieved she didn't. Ryan was five years old when he died from cancer. My Emma is five years old. It struck me like a ton of bricks.
You know, I was the youngest of the bunch, so I honestly have almost no memories of Ryan that are my own. I've heard stories, and I see pictures. I wish I had more.
But, as a young mother myself, I cannot even begin to imagine the reality of LOSING MY FIVE YEAR OLD. Five. Years. Old. I can hardly remember my life before her. Gosh...
And, so, Emma wanted to do it. In the month of Ryan's birthday and also the month marking his death, we trucked off to get her hair cut. It's pretty miniscule in the realm of things to do for people. But, I guess it just felt right, meant to be. And, so, it makes my heart feel full, and it makes me daily grateful for the health of my children & my family. That is the thing I'm most thankful for this Thanksgiving season. Hands down.
So, of course I documented the day with photos. Here are a few shots before the haircut to show the length:
A cute one of Emma & Maya.
Emma & Daddy... you can DEFINITELY see how long her hair is here!
And, here she is with her ponytail:
A few "after" pictures:

Emma's been bugging me pretty regularly for a month or two now to get her hair cut. And, well, the girl NEEDED it in a bad way. Her hair would get in the way when I would tuck in her shirt. It was OUT of control long. I don't blame her for wanting a cut.
So, on Monday, she mentioned it again that morning. I decided today was the day... no more delaying. I realized that she had at least a foot of hair that could be chopped. I realized that would be plenty long to send off to Locks of Love should she be willing to do it. So, I mentioned it to her. I tried to explain to her that there are many children in the world that get sick and lose their hair. She didn't quite understand just what I meant. She looked at me like I had three heads. I brought her to the computer and navigated to the Locks of Love website. I began to show her the pictures of the kiddos that had lost their hair. Then, I showed her pictures of the people that had donated their hair. I showed her pictures of the kiddos in their wigs to show what was done with the hair.
Then, I went to the My Pictures folder on my computer. I navigated to a folder called "Amy's old family pics." I opened it, and I began to show her the photographs of when I was a little, little girl. I showed her pictures of me, my sister, and my two brothers. I showed her pictures of my brother Ryan when he was left without any hair from the chemo. She never asked what happened to him. I'm not sure I was at all prepared for it if she had asked, so maybe I'm relieved she didn't. Ryan was five years old when he died from cancer. My Emma is five years old. It struck me like a ton of bricks.
You know, I was the youngest of the bunch, so I honestly have almost no memories of Ryan that are my own. I've heard stories, and I see pictures. I wish I had more.
But, as a young mother myself, I cannot even begin to imagine the reality of LOSING MY FIVE YEAR OLD. Five. Years. Old. I can hardly remember my life before her. Gosh...
And, so, Emma wanted to do it. In the month of Ryan's birthday and also the month marking his death, we trucked off to get her hair cut. It's pretty miniscule in the realm of things to do for people. But, I guess it just felt right, meant to be. And, so, it makes my heart feel full, and it makes me daily grateful for the health of my children & my family. That is the thing I'm most thankful for this Thanksgiving season. Hands down.
So, of course I documented the day with photos. Here are a few shots before the haircut to show the length:

Look at me first to post a comment. I must be checking your blog like 10 minutes after you posted ;) Told you ;) What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing. The photos are a beautiful marker of the occassion.
Wow, Amy! What an amazing story, and I love the pics, of course. My DD is 6 and I have yet to get her hair cut, when I do can you come take the pics for me???;)
She looks beautiful as always. Thanks for getting these posted I was really having a hard time making the zoo pics new in my head. though in one imagination the gorilla and I are friends:)
Amazing! What a lesson in giving for your daughter! And, she still has a wonderful length to it. Simply uplifting. Thanks for sharing!
Emma looks really cute! I love her new haircut!
Thanks for passing on to her the story of her uncle she never got to meet. It made me cry, of course. Thanksgiving Day is actually the anniversary of his passing this year. Love you.
By the way, you were also in kindergarten when you got your long hair cut off!
oh God, that is so sad but so sweet. she looks beautiful as always. hugs to you and your mom, amy...
What a wonderful story..thank you for sharing that. Emma looks gorgeous..love the new cut, and love that she donated her ponytail. Hugs to you and your family tommorrow...
She is beautiful inside and out.
Thank God for our children, and may we all enjoy the blessings we each are bestowed.
That's pretty cool...
so so so so sweet amy, wow. you do have beautiful girls. we are so blessed! happy Thanksgiving!
Rosie from IL :)
That "ton of bricks" comment hit home. It's usually the way it is when someone we lost re-enters our today world. Did that make sense?Love the pics, as usual. I'm just noticing your comment, below... I'm at blissphotobymishelle.typepad.com. Feel free to stop by anytime, I could use the company and a little cc, too ;) Have a great turkey day!
What a sweet thing for cute Emma to do. I similar feelings as you. My parents lost a little girl when she was 2, I wasn't born so I never meet her. I look at my 2 year old often and think what it would be like to loose him. They are old enough to have WONDERFUL memories of, I didn't understand that until I had a child of my own. One of the best things in this life is that I believe in Heaven and that we can be with her again as a whole family.
Anyway, enough of that! I can't tell you how much I LOVE the one just after the ponytail picture.....HOLY CRAP WOMAN!.......It rocks!
How absolutely adorable! I have two little girlies myself, now I need to get them out together for a photoshoot! Thanks for some inspiration!
That is a beautiful story, Amy and a powerful reminder of how much we have to be thankful for.
What a story - and wow, Emma's hair was long! I think though, that it looks even better in the new style. And so it's a double yay - for looking good, and for being able to do something so brilliant.
I wonder if they do it in the UK too... I need my hair cutting (it's reaching to boob level now, so a foot would mean cutting it a little shorter than I planned - to nape of neck - but hey, maybe this is a good thing, I need a change!)
OK - I investigated. I'd heard of Locks Of Love before through acquaintances on the internet, and yet even though I don't know you any better than I did them, this time I actually started looking.
Here's the UK version, set up by the parents of a little girl (Hannah), their Little Princess, who died from cancer -
(just in case you have other UK readers).
I tied my hair in a ponytail and pulled the bobble down enough to show how much hair I'd want to keep (I don't mind going short, but with thick bushy hair, I know I can't do very short) and then measured how much is left - the longest bits are just 10 inches when wet, so a litle shorter when dry. And I have a layer which is probably 7-8 inches long.
So give it another month maybe, and I could just about do this! Which is a bummer, as now I'm all enthused to do it NOW! (I want my hair cut now, but will wait a little longer if it means I can do this!)
Tell Emma that you and her (and your brother) inspired someone all the way over in England :D
Okay l am wiping away the tears and running to hug my babies. Stories like this really make us reflect on our families and to be thankful for our health and what we have. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us all. She looks beautiful with her new do and what a fabulous thing for Emma to do.
Hugs to you!
How sweet...She looks so cute with her new cut! And she's a good little model too... :)
My daughter just gave for the second time to Locks of Love a few months ago. It's so wonderful that there is an organization providing such a valuable service!
Thanks for sharing your personal story...We should never take life for granted...
Amy...my heart goes out to you and your parents. I too lost my brother many years ago and I know that those times when it just hits you, especially thinking about your own children, can be numbing! Big Hugs. So cool that Emma learned such a wonderful lesson about giving. I've been growing my hair out for locks of love for about a year now and I'm getting close. I hope I look as cute as Emma when they chop it off! :)
The pictures are beautiful as always, amy, but more profound that makes it more exquisite. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful photos...and what a beautiful heart Emma has...
OMG, girl. I miss you! I haven't visited in so long and feel like I have missed so much. Your photos are stunning and I love your blog!!! Stay in touch!
Wow. I haven't been to your blog in months and I'm shocked that you got her hair cut!
It looks adorable, though. I love the length..my daughter's hair's about that length right now and it's really fun because you can do a lot of things with it.
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