Playing with fire...
Okay, so I feel like I really have to qualify this post a bit. It's TOTALLY out of the norm for me. It's crazy different. Really.
It all stemmed from a photography challenge, of sorts, that I've been given. I've been asked to create a photograph that embodies the idea of fighting for your family, protecting it. So, while the wheels have been turning, my idea kind of morphed into this crazy, emotionally disturbing vision. Well, actually, it wasn't as disturbing in my head as it now seems to be. The more I look at it, the more it really bothers me. I don't know. I'll quit going on about it... Either way, I'm absolutely positive that this photograph is in NO way what I've been comissioned to do. Ha! But, it was fun to be challenged into creating this. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, and continues to do so. It's probably evoked more emotion in me than almost any other photograph I've created. And, not the good kind of emotion, either.
Everytime I look at it, it creeps me out more. Of course, the FIRST thing out of Curt's mouth when he saw it was, "ooohhh... fire in my hand!" So, yeah:
Doesn't he look creepy, too?!? I told you this was not my normal stuff. I'm off to have nightmares, now.
It all stemmed from a photography challenge, of sorts, that I've been given. I've been asked to create a photograph that embodies the idea of fighting for your family, protecting it. So, while the wheels have been turning, my idea kind of morphed into this crazy, emotionally disturbing vision. Well, actually, it wasn't as disturbing in my head as it now seems to be. The more I look at it, the more it really bothers me. I don't know. I'll quit going on about it... Either way, I'm absolutely positive that this photograph is in NO way what I've been comissioned to do. Ha! But, it was fun to be challenged into creating this. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, and continues to do so. It's probably evoked more emotion in me than almost any other photograph I've created. And, not the good kind of emotion, either.