As if I didn't know it already...
So, you can guess, I'm sure. Yep. I took my camera. I mean, I know this isn't a HUGE thing, not like the actual first day of school will be, but, hey...I can't control myself. There's nothing stunning here (besides my girls, of course - I mean nothing stunning photography-wise. Ha!) But, I thought I'd share. I know mom will enjoy seeing these! I do have to point out, though, that Emma has got a ton of new nervous little expressions. Used to, her tell tale sign of anxiousness was putting her fingers in her mouth. I guess all of our hounding to "GET YOUR FINGERS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!" has finally sunk in. But, now, she does this new thing. She kind of sucks in her bottom lip. I think it's sweet. So, though there's nothing stunning about these photos, I do love that we captured that little face in each one of these.
She was excited to go, but naturally nervous. It was really sweet. She never let on to me that she was nervous, but this mom can tell. And, the fact that she doesn't let on at all when she's nervous kind of makes ME nervous. I mean, I want her to feel like she can always come to me for reassurance & encouragement. It makes me scared that she might just try to power through things on her own. She IS independent, after all, but I just...I don't know. I don't want to see her go through things alone.
Anyway, here's Emma just outside our front door before we left this morning.

So. One of my biggest worries about all this was sweet little Maya. Emma is her best little buddy. They're so close in age that they share clothes, shoes, toys...everything. I've been trying to convince Maya that next year will be party time with mom while Emma's at kindergarten, but she's just not buying it. She was sad today, and, in fact, she said to me, "Mom, do you miss Emma?" Now, I'm thinking to myself...yeah...not so much. It's only been about 10 minutes. Yes, I'm sad about my girl growing up, blah, blah, blah. But, come on. A couple hours away from the kiddo(s) every now & again...well...I'm not arguing. And, it was LITERALLY in the car after dropping Emma off at school that she asked me this. But, of course, I say, "yes, of course I miss Emma." Then I hear a quiet little response. It was so quiet it sounded like it wasn't even really intended to be heard. She says, "I miss Emma, too." AWWWWW! Dang, she breaks my heart.
Fortunately, Curt had a grand idea this morning. He suggested I take Maya to Burger King for a little early morning french fries & playtime. Just like the good ol' days! Any of my long time readers might remember the post titled "My Every Wednesday" and a continuation of that story in THIS entry. So, yeah. Perfect. Do you think I could get away with taking Maya to Burger King DAILY next year when Emma's in kindergarten? I'm thinking my waistline & checking account will NOT be thanking me, not to mention the more serious health issues at hand when we're talking DAILY french fries. Ha! But, for today it works to soften the blow of Emma abandoning sensitive little Maya. :-)And, let me just say...I KNOW these blogs have been getting outta hand. They're a little lengthy. I'll admit it. I'll work on that. :-)
Do them as long as you like, Amy. I love reading.
Loved these pictures, and you are sooo right...she does have a nervous face! :) You shall treasure these forever.
Emma is getting to be such a big girl! And the girls are close. Thanks for sharing this experience with us - both Emma's and Maya's (and yours of course). We love you all and are always eager to see the photos and read the stories! Mom
(I'm an ILPer) what a sweet recapping of memories here. Love the sister hug picture. My kids are close in age too so I'm nervous about sending my oldest to preschool in the fall, her brother is going to miss her. How close in age are your girls? I have 3 - all 18 months apart (to the week!)
Dear commenters that only know my friends from the blog - no, they aren't really this awesome in real life. They're like ten times more awesome. Seriously.
That hug one is my favourite, it's lovely! Such a good moment.
Helen/Dogeared (at work)
That's a HUGE step for kids to start school. You handled it very well..I would be bawling just thinking about it. Cute photos..and the Burger King sounds pretty good right about now too. ;)
I love reading your long posts Amy!
These pictures are so sweet, what amazing memories. I remember the day I went to visit kindergarten, I was nervous but I loved it. I don't remember much about the 2 years of actual kindergarten, but that visit day is etched in my mind forever. It looks like Emma will love it, and I'm sure Maya will come to enjoy her alone time with mommmy! (Even if she doesn't get Burger King every day lol)
These are so beautiful and please don't stop your long posts, I need my fix!
Love #4, she really does look like she's trying to be brave and defiant.. and the door behind her puts her tiny size into context.
less talky, more pictures. ;)
I always love reading your posts. You have a way with words! I think the photos are great! They tell a story about an amazing milestone in your lives! That hug shot is too precious! And the way she sucks in her lower lip is so sweet.
Don't "work on that"!!! I love to read every word of your blogs!
These are just the sweetest. Love the face too! Love how you handled Maya too, you are a great mommy! Thanks for sharing your heart with us!
hmm..she's not even my kid and it almost made me cry reading your post. :) I miss her little face already.
My wife rocks! I try to encourage Amy and tell her how she is an amazing photographer as often as I can, but I realized tonight that I have never commented on her blog. Not only do I want her to know that I think she is incredible...I want everyone to know! I treasure the images she produces that document our every day lives, and I know the girls will someday as well (They're already total shutterbugs and each have their own mini digital cameras). I will always be able to look back at Emma's preview day of kindergarten and be able to remember the stunning details that escape my memory. Amy is such a blessing. She rocks! So here I am screaming it from the mountain tops (or typing from my computer...I prefer the drama) that my wife is amazing.
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