Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Quick post...

Thanks for all the nice things you guys said about the engagement shoot. It was tons of fun!

To answer a question that a few of you's a diaper bag! :-) Hahaha! I had a Crumpler, but it still wasn't cute enough for me. I liked it, it was nice, but I needed something even girlier! So, I have a friend that own's a children's boutique, and I asked her if she had any stylish diaper bags that could possibly work as a camera bag. She brought me a few to check out, and I just LOVED this OiOi hobo style diaper bag! It's as big or bigger than my Crumpler 7 million dollar home, but WAY cuter! It's working out really well for me!

Here is a stock photo of it. (I did not take this picture.)
I just love it because it holds TONS of stuff, I can wear it across my body (which is a MUST!), there's no velcro, easy to access, and the colors...the colors are perfect for me!

The brand is OiOi. :-)

Oh, also, to answer Heather's question (mom2drew), I used my own equipment for this. Curt used Michael's backup 30D & an assortment of his lenses, though. :-)

I got to tag along on an engagement shoot yesterday.

As I've mentioned in my past billion posts, Michael Norwood has been staying with us for the past week. He's such a phenomenal photographer, and a really fun, great friend. If, by now, you still have not followed any of the links I've posted here to his blog, you really, really should. His engagement/wedding photography just really inspires me. I have to say, if I were getting married now, I would SO hire him!

Unfortunately, he & his family live in California. So, I get to study his work from afar. I'm constantly visiting his blog, watching him outdo himself shoot after shoot after shoot. I think most photographers love to learn from other photographers, and so having a wealth of knowledge & talent so close yet still out of reach is almost like torture. I think I could learn SO much just by following other photographers around, by going out shooting with them, etc. And, well, Michael is hands down the best photographer I know. He's also the only photographer I feel comfortable enough saying, "hey...tell me all your secrets!" and, "hey...I'm going shooting with you today!" So, not only was I excited about his visit because he's a really fun, great friend, but I was also way excited to get to follow him on a couple shoots to see how he really works. I want to see how he interacts with couples, how he gets them to feel comfortable, etc. I also wanted to see how his creative eye works.

He had an engagement shoot down in Austin on Monday. So, he, Curt & I packed up and went down there on Sunday evening. We spent Monday out shopping & eating TONS of good food (TONS!), and then we met his couple at 6pm downtown. I really enjoyed going on this shoot with him. Michael, Curt & I all had cameras, and it was quite a lot of fun. Here are a few of my shots:

And, here's a fun shot that Curt took. :-)
Thanks for stopping by the blog! :-)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Wouldn't it be just my luck?

Well, I had access to all the fabulous gear all weekend long. I'm talking the 5D & all the "L" lenses on my wish list. I had grand plans to go out into town with the girls & try to get a few cool shots in some new locations. BUT. Yep...there's a "but." It rained ALL weekend! What's up with that!?! I mean, seriously? We've had pretty nice weather last week, and then, when I get my hands on all the good gear...what happens? Rain. Ugh.

Anyway, so, we didn't get out yesterday evening, and we didn't get out today before it started raining. It quit around 7:30pm, so we went out then. But, it was super dark at that point since it was so overcast & the sun was going down anyway. I got some ok shots, but it's not what I had in mind. Plus, we just stayed in the front yard again. Oh well...

These were all with the 5D & 85 1.2L. I had access to the 50 1.2L, 16-35 2.8L, 24-70 2.8L, 70-200 2.8L IS, but I stuck it out with the 85. :-) I'm just smitten with it, I guess. Ha!

So, here goes:

And, my favorite from the evening:

As for the pointers about the flash...well...the biggest thing that helped me was taking OFF the diffuser. Seriously! Who woulda thought? But, also, something that he reminded me of...the flash is there to illuminate the subject. To capture the ambient light, you need to lower your shutter speed quite a bit. The flash will freeze the action, so you don't need to worry about motion blur or anything.

So, try setting your shutter speed to 1/40. It let's in the background light, but the flash freezes your subject. It works really nicely. :-) And, bounce it!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Oh my. I think I'm forever indebted!

Okay, so, I hate my flash. Everyone who knows me knows that I HATE my flash. Seriously.

But, it's a necessity sometimes, you know? I mean, when I second shot that wedding, I had no choice. Because of flash, I was pretty disappointed with most of the photos from the reception that night. I've played & played to no avail. I just have not been able to figure out this stupid flash. walks Michael Norwood. (Yes, my last post was about him & his gear, too.) He's a wedding photographer. He HAS to use flash, too, right!?! So, I asked him to give me some pointers. He gave me a couple of the SIMPLEST pointers ever, and it's made the HUGEST difference! Sheesh. He's a photography genius, I tell ya!

I've been playing with my flash for a few days, now. I think I *finally* get it! FINALLY! So, here are a couple shots from tonight. This is AFTER the sun has completely gone down. There are NO lights on in the room...only the television. (I know...bad mom.)

Look at the catchlights!!! Just look at 'em! I cannot get over the fact that I got catchlights with the flash!!!
And, the lighting is kinda flat in this next one, but oh well. I'm still just STOKED that there are no harsh shadows & that I've got CATCHLIGHTS! Haha!
For something a little fun? What do you think? Yay? Nay? I can't decide what to think...
And, yes, I'm sure the color is all kinds of wonky. The yellow walls, yellow shirt, yellow hair...that's a LOT of yellow. So, my eyes were going crazy trying to figure out the color. Let me know what you see colorwise. :-)

Monday, May 21, 2007

I shot with my dream team tonight.

First, let me just say, yes, I know I'm a total dork. I'm okay with that. So, while the term "dream team" is super nerdy...I have no shame! Ha!

A good photographer friend from college, Michael Norwood, flew out from California to spend the week & do a couple shoots. He's truly a phenomenal photographer. Seriously. I feel confident that if you visit his blog, you'll become a fan instantaneously.

So, anyway, he came out for a visit at the beginning of summer last year, as well. Only a couple of months before that, I'd bought my first DSLR. I was Canon, though, and he was Nikon. I did enjoy talking photography, post processing & business with him back in the day, but because we shot different equipment...well...

But, over the year, I've stalked his blog. (Like I said...I'm shameless.) He has really, really honed his skills & developed his unique style. It's been really fun & encouraging to watch his progression as a photographer. There are many, many times that I've looked at a photo he's posted & my jaw has just dropped. I don't know HOW he gets the shots he does. Seriously just stunning, intimate, emotional, timeless shots.

I also remember getting a call from him a few months back. It's funny...I think we photographers (professional or otherwise) really just live in a world of our own that only we fully understand. He called to share some BIG OL' news that he knew I would appreciate. He was making the switch, jumping ship, playing for the other team...going to CANON! Well, Michael goes all the way, top of the line. So, yeah, he bought everything I had on my wish list & things I didn't even know I wanted until many months later. It's a good thing he's such a likable guy because otherwise my jealousy really might have ended the friendship. (Okay...yes, that's a little dramatic. BUT, I was super duper jealous. Haha!)

So, when he & Curt started talking a couple months back about him coming out to Texas again, I was stoked! You realize what this means, right!?! Um...yeah...he's bringing the gear, baby! Yes, yes, I'm thrilled to see Michael again, but as equally thrilled to see his "stuffed-to-the-brim-with-outta-control-magnificent-Canon-lenses" Lowepro backpack. :-)

Fortunately, Michael is a really gracious guy & is so willing to let me shoot with all his gear. In fact, he's been a little overly encouraging. I think he's trying to peer pressure me into buying the good gear. :-) Haha! I would if I could, Michael. I would if I could. So, while he, Curt & another old friend, Matt Paddock, were out playing & singing tonight, I took HIS gear & my Maya out into the front yard to really solidify that I NEED all that stuff. (I'm a glutton for punishment, as well as shameless.)

Anyway, the dream team...the Canon 5D with the 85mm f/1.2L. A beautiful union right there, I tell ya... So, yeah, I do, in fact, need it. Here are a few pictures of Maya.

This first one. Sheesh. I was just wanting to check out what it could do wide open. The aperture was set at 1.2, and dang. It did NOT disappoint. I was thinking it would be acceptably sharp. I was NOT expecting THIS sharp!

A 100% crop of the eye.
The following three shots were also shot at f/1.2. This lens is AMAZING.

This next shot was also with the 85 1.2, but the ap was set to f/1.6.
And, these last two photos were shot with the 5D & 70-200 2.8L IS @ f/2.8.

I really did have such a fun time tonight. I'm definitely a photog. nerd.

And, about Michael...let me just go ahead and swallow my pride. I've been plenty vocal about how thrilled I am to have access to his gear. It's true. But, I must say that I've been most looking forward to just getting to shadow him on a couple engagement shoots. I think that spending a few days with him, picking his brain, watching him work, will make me a better photographer than any pricey lens would.

Oh, by the way Michael...I apologize for all the "talky." I hope you'll overlook it just this once since I AM tootin' your horn, talkin' you up, singin' your praises & all...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

As if I didn't know it already...

I had yet another reminder that Emma is growing right up. Today, she (and all the other kiddos starting next year) was invited to spend the morning checking out kindergarten. Too cute! She's been looking forward to this for DAYS now!

So, you can guess, I'm sure. Yep. I took my camera. I mean, I know this isn't a HUGE thing, not like the actual first day of school will be, but, hey...I can't control myself. There's nothing stunning here (besides my girls, of course - I mean nothing stunning photography-wise. Ha!) But, I thought I'd share. I know mom will enjoy seeing these! I do have to point out, though, that Emma has got a ton of new nervous little expressions. Used to, her tell tale sign of anxiousness was putting her fingers in her mouth. I guess all of our hounding to "GET YOUR FINGERS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!" has finally sunk in. But, now, she does this new thing. She kind of sucks in her bottom lip. I think it's sweet. So, though there's nothing stunning about these photos, I do love that we captured that little face in each one of these.

She was excited to go, but naturally nervous. It was really sweet. She never let on to me that she was nervous, but this mom can tell. And, the fact that she doesn't let on at all when she's nervous kind of makes ME nervous. I mean, I want her to feel like she can always come to me for reassurance & encouragement. It makes me scared that she might just try to power through things on her own. She IS independent, after all, but I just...I don't know. I don't want to see her go through things alone.

Anyway, here's Emma just outside our front door before we left this morning.
Walking up to the school with Daddy. (There, D. Brown. You happy? There he is.)
Oh, man. This was too sweet. I asked Maya to stay with me so that I could just get a picture of Curt & Emma walking in. Well, she was HEARTBROKEN! She wanted to be with Emma. Maya just stood by me & WAILED! Seriously. So, next thing I know, Emma turns around and RUNS to Maya to give her a hug. Awww. My sweet. Although, Emma's face in this kinda screams "obligatory," doesn't it!?! Haha! But, that's Emma...very nurturing.
And, Emma getting ready to actually go INTO the school. You can see that she's really getting nervous now! Look at that face! :-)
And, the classroom. She just looks so sweet & innocent. I can't believe she's gonna be a school girl...
She did enjoy it so much, though! I'm pretty sure that she didn't want to leave with me! Haha! She really, really loved her new teacher, and she already ADORES her principal. They have a sweet little relationship, & they go WAAAAY back.

So. One of my biggest worries about all this was sweet little Maya. Emma is her best little buddy. They're so close in age that they share clothes, shoes, toys...everything. I've been trying to convince Maya that next year will be party time with mom while Emma's at kindergarten, but she's just not buying it. She was sad today, and, in fact, she said to me, "Mom, do you miss Emma?" Now, I'm thinking to myself...yeah...not so much. It's only been about 10 minutes. Yes, I'm sad about my girl growing up, blah, blah, blah. But, come on. A couple hours away from the kiddo(s) every now & again...well...I'm not arguing. And, it was LITERALLY in the car after dropping Emma off at school that she asked me this. But, of course, I say, "yes, of course I miss Emma." Then I hear a quiet little response. It was so quiet it sounded like it wasn't even really intended to be heard. She says, "I miss Emma, too." AWWWWW! Dang, she breaks my heart.

Fortunately, Curt had a grand idea this morning. He suggested I take Maya to Burger King for a little early morning french fries & playtime. Just like the good ol' days! Any of my long time readers might remember the post titled "My Every Wednesday" and a continuation of that story in THIS entry. So, yeah. Perfect. Do you think I could get away with taking Maya to Burger King DAILY next year when Emma's in kindergarten? I'm thinking my waistline & checking account will NOT be thanking me, not to mention the more serious health issues at hand when we're talking DAILY french fries. Ha! But, for today it works to soften the blow of Emma abandoning sensitive little Maya. :-)
And, let me just say...I KNOW these blogs have been getting outta hand. They're a little lengthy. I'll admit it. I'll work on that. :-)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I hope I'm here to stay...

I took Emma out into the front yard this evening. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. I've not been shooting consistently for 2 or 3 weeks now, and I can tell. I really feel like I've taken two steps back in photography. It's a real shame, too, because I feel like I'd gained some momentum before my "hiatus."

Oh, but before we get to those in the front yard...I took a couple of her inside this morning. Here's my fave. I just love the lashes. This is pretty similar to something else I've done recently, isn't it!?! Ah well. I tried a little different post processing on this one, too, as you can probably tell. :-)
And, the ones from this evening:
The jumping was Emma's idea. I just love that she thinks creatively for me. :-)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

My oldest graduated today...

From preschool. Ha! Seriously, though...she did have preschool graduation today. I absolutely CANNOT believe that the time has gone by so quickly. She'll be in kindergarten in just over three months. Life before Emma, before children, still seems so vivid, so recent, so fresh. It wasn't that long ago. How is she old enough to be in kindergarten? I knew all along the way that I needed to really soak up each little moment, each little phase because before long it would be gone. I really tried to do that, and yet...I don't know...I still find myself feeling shocked, dumbfounded that the time is gone. I guess this just comes with being a mother, eh?

And, so, I've been really just studying Emma today. I look at her, and I want to encourage her, I want her to know & feel that she's SO loved & SO supported, so I pull her close to me & say to her, "Emma...I'm SO proud of you." You know...not that I use words or phrases lightly, but I guess I do say things often without thinking. It comes naturally to my lips to tell my daughters that I am proud of them. But, the moment it left my struck me. I AM SO PROUD OF HER. She is a beautiful, nurturing, compassionate, sneaky, helpful, spunky little thing. The list of adjectives could get LONG here. I see her developing into her own little person...nothing I can force or mold & that makes me so full of joy. Yes, I am responsible for teaching her right & wrong, compassion, kindness, honestly...tons & tons of things. But, to see her pretty consistently choosing the right thing on her to describe that. And, she does it with her own little style, her own little spin. There is nothing more satisfying in this whole motherhood gig than seeing my girl evolve into herself...what she was created to be. So beautiful. I just...I just want to sit back, close my eyes & take it all in.

So, yes, she graduated today. It's a little mini milestone in her life. Though I'm so excited that she's becoming, developing, growing, I'm also just sad that the preschool year is over. She's learned so much, experienced much, built relationships, & so much more. These are all things that have helped shape her into the little girl that she is in this moment, and I'm so grateful for the role preschool has played in that.

I have to say that she has had the most wonderful preschool teacher. This was Emma's first experience with a teacher/student relationship...her first time in anything like this. So, yeah, I feel like this is possibly the most important teacher/student relationship she'll ever have as this set the tone for how she'll feel about school, etc. I'm so thankful for Miss Becky. :-) Becky, I know that you were torn about what to do, where to be before you took this job. I just want you to know that, though you weren't "out there," you still made a huge difference in the life of at least one child. You've taught them SO much. Impressive stuff, too! Ha! You've done it with a kind, gentle, playful heart, yet you've operated with a quiet firmness, too. You've given them structure through it all...everything I could have hoped for. So, thanks for that. I feel a real sadness that Emma won't be spending time with you weekly. I really, truly do.

Okay, to pictures. :-) You KNOW I took them! Ha!

Here is Emma during the graduation ceremony in her little cap. Dang, that's too cute!

They said one of their memory verses & sang a little song (which is outta control cute) during the little ceremony, too. I have to tell you...I try to sneak over as much as possible during the day when it's music time in that class. They are SO enthusiastic & COMMITTED when they're singing their songs & doing their little dances. LOVE it!

(I'm LOVING the kid next to her in the above photo! Haha! LOVE that his little cap is falling off his head! Oh, and I blurred the faces of the other kiddos in her class if you're wondering why it looks funny.)

I also HAD to have one of her & Miss Becky. Had to. :-) Now, you'll notice that I have a little circle & a few arrows all to draw attention to a little point of interest. I don't know what they're doing, but I just think it's too cute. Looking on this photo after I uploaded it, I realized just how much I treasure Miss Becky. The little E.T. thing going on with the fingers really makes me happy. I can tell that they have a sweet little relationship...I'll miss that for them both. Like I said earlier today, Becky...we'll have to get together regularly! Okay?
And, know me. I mean, these fluorescent lights just aren't cuttin' it! I'll do what I have to with them, but I had to steel away outside with little miss Emma to get some better lighting. Although, it was midday, & I was feeling rushed because I'd snagged her away from her little party, so they're still not the greatest. But, I love 'em. :-)

So, yeah. I was gonna make a few jokes here & there about her little graduation, but it seems that this post has taken on quite a LOOONG, sappy tone. Surprise, eh? Anyway...that was our day.

And, D.Brown, I'd like to make note that though the last two shots are "the same" as what you'd come to expect from me, the others are mixin' it up just a little, no? ;-)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Just one quick one...

So, we went to Curt's parent's house for lunch & photos today. We've been intending to get a big family picture with them for quite some time now, but with the youngest off to college, it's been difficult to get everyone together. BUT, today we managed! Yay!

Anyway, so, we met them at a local park to take the pictures. Just before they got there, I snapped a couple of Maya in front of this old building. I thought this one came out exceptionally cute. :-)

Hopefully I'll have more to share soon.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Fun opportunity today...

So, today I was able to go to a polo match! I've never been to a polo match, and I have to say that I've been looking forward to it since I heard about it atleast a month ago. My only knowledge of polo comes from Pretty Woman. I thought I might like to wear a nice, full summer dress and a large brim hat...that's what they wear in the movies, anyway! Haha! :-) But, I decided I might not be able to pull it off. So, instead, I just wore white gloves with my chinos & tee. Ha! (Totally kidding, by the way.)

But, truly was a good time. This may be the one & only time in my life that I attend a polo match, and I really enjoyed it. They even did that whole "divot stomp" thing. Fun stuff. So, are a few pictures. :-)