From preschool. Ha! Seriously, though...she did have preschool graduation today. I absolutely CANNOT believe that the time has gone by so quickly. She'll be in kindergarten in just over three months. Life before Emma, before children, still seems so vivid, so recent, so fresh. It wasn't that long ago. How is she old enough to be in kindergarten? I knew all along the way that I needed to really soak up each little moment, each little phase because before long it would be gone. I really tried to do that, and yet...I don't know...I still find myself feeling shocked, dumbfounded that the time is gone. I guess this just comes with being a mother, eh?
And, so, I've been really just studying Emma today. I look at her, and I want to encourage her, I want her to know & feel that she's SO loved & SO supported, so I pull her close to me & say to her, "Emma...I'm SO proud of you." You know...not that I use words or phrases lightly, but I guess I do say things often without thinking. It comes naturally to my lips to tell my daughters that I am proud of them. But, the moment it left my struck me. I AM SO PROUD OF HER. She is a beautiful, nurturing, compassionate, sneaky, helpful, spunky little thing. The list of adjectives could get LONG here. I see her developing into her own little person...nothing I can force or mold & that makes me so full of joy. Yes, I am responsible for teaching her right & wrong, compassion, kindness, honestly...tons & tons of things. But, to see her pretty consistently choosing the right thing on her to describe that. And, she does it with her own little style, her own little spin. There is nothing more satisfying in this whole motherhood gig than seeing my girl evolve into herself...what she was created to be. So beautiful. I just...I just want to sit back, close my eyes & take it all in.
So, yes, she graduated today. It's a little mini milestone in her life. Though I'm so excited that she's becoming, developing, growing, I'm also just sad that the preschool year is over. She's learned so much, experienced much, built relationships, & so much more. These are all things that have helped shape her into the little girl that she is in this moment, and I'm so grateful for the role preschool has played in that.
I have to say that she has had the most wonderful preschool teacher. This was Emma's first experience with a teacher/student relationship...her first time in anything like this. So, yeah, I feel like this is possibly the most important teacher/student relationship she'll ever have as this set the tone for how she'll feel about school, etc. I'm so thankful for Miss Becky. :-) Becky, I know that you were torn about what to do, where to be before you took this job. I just want you to know that, though you weren't "out there," you still made a huge difference in the life of at least one child. You've taught them SO much. Impressive stuff, too! Ha! You've done it with a kind, gentle, playful heart, yet you've operated with a quiet firmness, too. You've given them structure through it all...everything I could have hoped for. So, thanks for that. I feel a real sadness that Emma won't be spending time with you weekly. I really, truly do.
Okay, to pictures. :-) You KNOW I took them! Ha!
Here is Emma during the graduation ceremony in her little cap. Dang, that's too cute!

They said one of their memory verses & sang a little song (which is outta control cute) during the little ceremony, too. I have to tell you...I try to sneak over as much as possible during the day when it's music time in that class. They are SO enthusiastic & COMMITTED when they're singing their songs & doing their little dances. LOVE it!

(I'm LOVING the kid next to her in the above photo! Haha! LOVE that his little cap is falling off his head! Oh, and I blurred the faces of the other kiddos in her class if you're wondering why it looks funny.)
I also HAD to have one of her & Miss Becky. Had to. :-) Now, you'll notice that I have a little circle & a few arrows all to draw attention to a little point of interest. I don't know what they're doing, but I just think it's too cute. Looking on this photo after I uploaded it, I realized just how much I treasure Miss Becky. The little E.T. thing going on with the fingers really makes me happy. I can tell that they have a sweet little relationship...I'll miss that for them both. Like I said earlier today, Becky...we'll have to get together regularly! Okay?

And, know me. I mean, these fluorescent lights just aren't cuttin' it! I'll do what I have to with them, but I had to steel away outside with little miss Emma to get some better lighting. Although, it was midday, & I was feeling rushed because I'd snagged her away from her little party, so they're still not the greatest. But, I love 'em. :-)

So, yeah. I was gonna make a few jokes here & there about her little graduation, but it seems that this post has taken on quite a LOOONG, sappy tone. Surprise, eh? Anyway...that was our day.
And, D.Brown, I'd like to make note that though the last two shots are "the same" as what you'd come to expect from me, the others are mixin' it up just a little, no? ;-)