Six years ago tomorrow...
Six years ago tomorrow is the day I became aware that I am a mom. Six years ago tomorrow is the day I found out I was pregnant with my sweet Emma. Man, I remember it like it was yesterday, too. It was like the first day of the rest of my life. Because, you know, I hardly remember life before children. I do, but... well... I don't know. It's hard to explain. From day one, my life began changing for her, to better accommodate her. Nothing's changed. Well, aside from the fact that then she was a little peanut in my tummy, but now she's a honkin' huge (relatively speaking) 5 year old sitting beside me playing on the Barbie website. (On December 6, 2001, that is definitely one thing I did NOT think my life would entail... a Barbie website!?! Seriously?)
I've been thinking about this today because I photographed a newborn today. My first "official" newborn. As in, not my family. And, man, he was so, so cute & tiny. TINY! It's funny that, as I look at Emma right now, it appears that sweet little baby "L" is about the same size as my kid's head. Haha! And, at birth, my Emma was a bit smaller than baby "L." Crazy business, I tell ya!
Anyway, he was SOOOO good! It was SUCH a pleasant experience for my first newborn! He was awake, alert & squirmy for the first bit, but then he drifted off to sleep for the last half. Perfect, right!?! Plus, he was naked pretty much the whole time, and the worst he did was pee! Way to cooperate, baby "L!" I was expecting WAY worse, and I'm sure you know just what I mean. :-)
So, here are a few pictures working with the available light in their home:

Color or black & white?

I played with texture on this next one. Do you have a clear favorite of the two, or are they too similar?

Isn't he the most precious little thing? Man, for just a split, SPLIT second... That split second vanished pretty quick, though. :-)
I've been thinking about this today because I photographed a newborn today. My first "official" newborn. As in, not my family. And, man, he was so, so cute & tiny. TINY! It's funny that, as I look at Emma right now, it appears that sweet little baby "L" is about the same size as my kid's head. Haha! And, at birth, my Emma was a bit smaller than baby "L." Crazy business, I tell ya!
Anyway, he was SOOOO good! It was SUCH a pleasant experience for my first newborn! He was awake, alert & squirmy for the first bit, but then he drifted off to sleep for the last half. Perfect, right!?! Plus, he was naked pretty much the whole time, and the worst he did was pee! Way to cooperate, baby "L!" I was expecting WAY worse, and I'm sure you know just what I mean. :-)
So, here are a few pictures working with the available light in their home: