It's all good in the hood...
So, this will be my hodge podge Thanksgiving recap post. I'm not feeling particularly witty or clever or much of anything today. I'm feeling... well... lazy. It's been a busy but insanely lazy week. We were fortunate enough to have the entire week off from school, work, whatever. So, we've all been hanging around the house together playing the Wii. (And, can I say that Emma is amazing at boxing!?! It shouldn't surprise me with all her spunk!)
Anyway, so, we planned to go to Curt's family Thanksgiving for the first time this year, so we went to spend some time with my sister & her family on Wednesday. We spent the night there, and then left to go to Curt's family on Thursday morning.
Now, my sister is the one with four kids. She's the crazy one with the two babies. You might recall the little red-headed maniac child and the sweet little guy with blue eyes. Well, the sweet blue-eyed child has since turned into ten times the maniac that his older red-headed brother is. (I hate ending sentences with a preposition. How would I reword that to fix it? I'm too lazy to use the brain power. Ha!)
So, you can imagine the fun (read: circus) that is her house. Those two are serious bundles of energy & mischief. They moved SO fast that pretty much every photo I took of them is NOT the photo I intended to get. It's like back in my ol' point & shoot days. You know how the delay is INSANELY long when you press the shutter so the entire photograph has changed by the time it actually takes? Well, with my camera, it's practically instantaneous, and yet they move faster than the speed of light. Crazy little things... It's kind of fun looking at the photographs for the first time because it's always a surprise! You never know what you're going to get with those two. I can tell you, for sure, that I get a significantly higher number of out of focus shots as well as chopped limbs, etc! Haha!
Here are a few of my favorites. Keep in mind that these are NOT the shots I set out to get. Ha!
This one's not even really in focus. The focus is on the end of his crusty ol' nose, but tell me it's not adorable with the drool! Haha! I love it!
Two little monkeys jumpin' on the bed...
And, yeah... their mischief knows no bounds. :-)
And, then there's Summer. Second mommy. Teenager. (The girl just turned 13 in September! Is it possible that I have a niece THAT old!?!) Anyway, she's a beautiful girl. She's also definitely a teenager. (Does that require more splainin'? Ha!) She showed me her new fur lined coat, and I just KNEW we had to grab a few pictures. These are all really similar, but I couldn't pick my favorite. There are actually TONS more great ones, too, that I just didn't even get around to proofing yet. But, just look how grown-up she looks!!!
Love, LOVE her hair blowing in this one! She's got that teen angst thing down. (Or is it sheer irritation with her lame, old aunt?) Either way... she's just gorgeous isn't she!?!
And, then, on Thanksgiving morning, we headed to Curt's Nana's house. Surprise, surprise... we had an unexpected treat that afternoon! Yes, that's snow! We had some big ol' flakes for quite a while. Then, it turned to sleet. Then, it turned to sleet + snow. Then, back to snow. Fun stuff. Of course it didn't stick around, but the girls HAD to go play in it!
This next one is a picture of Maya swinging on a swing that Curt used to swing on as a child. Isn't that sweet!?! And, here is a photograph of my wonderful mother in law, Carla. It was such a pleasure to get to spend Thanksgiving with Curt's family. I really enjoyed spending the day with them, playing cards, and looking at Black Friday ads!
This is Curt's sister Cara. I think her hair ROCKS in this photo! Ha! Seriously... awesome hair!
And, a rare "treat." (That's debatable, right!?!) It's a photo of ME!
Now that you've seen the photos, please tell me the post title doesn't require explaining. :-)