Well, I've been putting off this blog for a while, obviously. It's been over a month. In that time, I've celebrated Christmas, visited my brother in California again, celebrated New Years, celebrated Heather & Curt's birthdays, and lost my Nana. It's that last thing that's kept me away. I knew I wanted to and needed to blog something about it, but I just don't like to sit down with my own thoughts sometimes. You know?
I just want to say thanks for all of your prayers & good thoughts for myself & my family as we've gone down this difficult path with my Nana. Even though we had time to prepare, I think I wasn't even over the initial shock that she was sick in the first place. It just doesn't seem right. I know that I should be thankful that we had time to say goodbye, and I am. But, I still have to say that I'm incredibly saddened that we lost her, not to mention angry that she even got sick. Stages of grief, anyone? Except, I'm stuck on anger. And I have been. For a while now.
But, that's not what I want to say... I just got sidetracked. I want to just remember the joy and, truth be told, sometimes frustration that she brought into our lives. Her personality was larger than life! She was very much an Italian woman. She was always so passionate one way or another... it's like she felt things to a greater magnitude than normal people. I think I got a little bit of that from her, actually. I'm emotional... whether it be great joy & happiness or a deep hurt, I feel it to my core.
The thing I'll remember most about Nana is how she was always, ALWAYS willing to just laugh, and laugh hard. Her laugh was infectious. She never concerned herself with "acting her age." Not that she wasn't mature or anything... she just had fun. I remember when she got on a big ol' trampoline and jumped and laughed. Seriously... she laughed hysterically the whole time she was jumping. That was the summer of '96. She was almost 62 then. Good times. And, every visit with her was riddled with laughing or occasionally a little drama. But, that's okay. I'll miss her... drama & all.
They say she was about 16 years old here:

Love, love, LOVE this:

This is my Nana and Grampy. He deserves a whole blog of his own... truly. I've missed him for many, many years now.

This is my most favorite picture of my Nana of all time. She had this framed in her house for several years. I just love it.

And, me & Nana the summer after I graduated high school. This is the summer that she jumped on that trampoline.

You know... I just really feel like we should have had at least another ten years with her. It's crazy because I had GREAT grandparents into adulthood. Notice that's plural! Now? Now I only have one grandparent left. I've lost too many, too young. I'm just so tired of all the losses. I really am. Can I say "uncle" now? I give up.
I'd like to end this post here. I just don't know that I have the wit to do the rest of this blog justice. But, I've been a terrible blogger and a terrible blogging mom. A month's worth of time has passed in my kids' lives without me documenting what's gone on. And, believe me, there's a lot. Most recently (maybe I'll work backward... I don't know...), Emma marked a rite of passage. You know EVERY girl has done this at least once, if not multiple times. Ladies out there... it's happened to you, hasn't it?

That's the sort of thing that happens while mom's at Wal Mart, which is exactly what happened this time. Curt called me assuring me that I'd have to cut it out of her hair. He was all worked up and grouchy. Men just don't have the mad hair detangling skills for this. Or the patience to try. They'd rather take scissors to it. I told him to leave it for me, and I'd handle it when I got home. I got home and laughed hysterically, truth be told. It was funny. Look at her. Then, I went and got my camera. She was NOT too keen on having pictures taken. I told her that if you go and get a brush stuck in your hair, you HAVE to have a picture taken. That's the rules. She cried. I'm a mean mom. I'm okay with that.
Anyway, a couple minutes after I put the camera down, I freed the brush. And, there was NO involvement from the scissors. Men. If they had
any experience with this sort of thing at all they wouldn't be so dramatic, right? I mean, I've had a brush stuck in my hair a time or two (or fourteen). Why do you think my house is round brush free?