Spring Break 2022!!!
Ummm... yeah... I've always said that these cousins are NOT allowed to go out all together as teenagers. I'm serious. Here's why:

I'm thinking this is what Spring Break 2022 could potentially look like if we let them out of the house together. Bikinis? Overloading the car? Riding on the hood? And the trunk? And, what is Maya even doing!?! Ay yi yi.
With that out of the way... Seriously, though, today we celebrated Camden & Kyden's birthdays. The big birthday bash was over at Jimmy & Heather's backyard. And, man, what a bash it was! Okay... think of just about every mother's nightmare, and, chances are, it was there. Cupcakes, candy, ice cream, play-doh, bubbles, a pinata, musical chairs, a sprinkler, a pool, soda, a jeep... Yeah, you get the point. It was super duper fun for the kiddos, and honestly, it wasn't so bad for mom & dad either. Since everything was outside, and the kids were running around in their swimsuits all day, all the mess stayed outside. These kids had a seriously good time.
I took tons of pictures, but I'm just gonna share a few of my favorites. :-)
Miss Maya-
Emma & Cam-the-three-year-old-man waiting for pinata time-
Jo takin' a bat to it-
Checkin' out the loot-
A little more Jeep fun-
A little play-doh fun-

Ky, Ky-the-two-year-old-guy waiting to start a game of musical chairs-
Maya waiting for the music to start-
Maya hauling herself around those chairs. Man, she looks quick-
Camden showing off his guns. Ha!
Emma. Jumping.
Blowing bubbles-
And, this next one... it's my MOST favorite picture of the day. Tell me it's not the cutest!
Happy Birthday, boys! I love you!!!

With that out of the way... Seriously, though, today we celebrated Camden & Kyden's birthdays. The big birthday bash was over at Jimmy & Heather's backyard. And, man, what a bash it was! Okay... think of just about every mother's nightmare, and, chances are, it was there. Cupcakes, candy, ice cream, play-doh, bubbles, a pinata, musical chairs, a sprinkler, a pool, soda, a jeep... Yeah, you get the point. It was super duper fun for the kiddos, and honestly, it wasn't so bad for mom & dad either. Since everything was outside, and the kids were running around in their swimsuits all day, all the mess stayed outside. These kids had a seriously good time.
I took tons of pictures, but I'm just gonna share a few of my favorites. :-)
Miss Maya-