Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Ghetto Bento.

Just call me super mom. No, seriously.

Okay, so I've never really considered myself much of an over-achieving mom. I mean, I'm a decent mom, for sure, but I'll never win the MOTY award (mother of the year award. Bwahaha!) Although, this year, I just *might* be in the running. I'd have to keep up my antics, though, in order to stay in the running.

Remember how I started the girls in dance? That was step one. Tonight, I unveil the next step in my plan to win the MOTY. That's right, fellow moms. Try to keep up. (I kid, I kid. Ha!)

I'm potentially late to the party, but I've just recently discovered Bento Box lunches. You really should check out the link if you'd like to know more about Bento because I'm just beginning to research it & understand it. Apparently, though, it's a Japanese thing. They pack small amounts of lots of different foods in a Bento Box. If the food is chosen & packed correctly & according to the Bento formula, the size of the box directly correlates to the number of calories in the meal. For instance, if you were to pack it correctly, a 350mL box would equal around 350 calories. (I think.)

It's more than just packing a lunch, though... it's an ART. SERIOUSLY! You should head over to flickr and search for Bento. You'd be absolutely AMAZED at what people do with their food.

So, anyway, like I said... it's Japanese. This is why I call what I created Ghetto Bentos. :-) Ha! My Bento is completely American-ized. In fact, I'm not even sure that you could call my lunches Bento at all. I guess they're Bento in style. Basically, I crammed a little bit of a lot of different foods into a box. That's what my lunches and the Bento lunches have in common. I liked the idea of it, though, because it creates little to no waste. That appealed to me. Working in a preschool classroom, you should SEE how many little sandwich baggies one single class goes through in ONE day. It's CRAZY! Multiply that by all the classrooms in America. WOW. So, yeah... in my first set of Bento style lunches for the girls, the only thing that will go in the trash is the little piece of Saran Wrap on the end of the banana. Many days, though, there will be no waste at all. Yay!

Oh, I do have to point out that I cut the sandwich into two little hearts. :-) Aren't they cute? I guess that's a little bit of the "artistic" part, right? Each girl got half a sandwich.

So, yeah... I've rambled on and on AND on about this. I've got pictures to share. I do wish, though, that there was a tad bit more color variation in their boxes. But, I let them pick what they wanted in there this first go around. They'll also take little bottles (reusable) of water.

Emma's first Ghetto Bento:

Maya's first Ghetto Bento:
Aren't they so fun & cute!?! :-) The containers that they're in are made to hold a single sandwich, so that should help you visualize the size. Anyway... let's see if I can keep this up!

Thanks for stopping by!


Blogger summerbl4ck said...

incredible. are those silicone cupcake cups? i wonder do the lunches look that good when it's finally lunchtime? ;-) can you make my lunch?

January 30, 2008 at 10:30 PM  
Blogger AmyC said...

Yes, they're silicone cupcake cups! :-) Clever, huh? I can't take the credit for that idea, though. And, the containers that I used are fairly shallow. So, the silicone cups are about the perfect height. If I put the lid on & press down in the middle to seal it, the lid meets the top of the baking cups. I shook the sealed containers upside down, sideways, etc., and the food stayed in tact! Yay! :-) Who knows how it'll hold up in a backpack, though.

January 30, 2008 at 11:37 PM  
Blogger Hallenbergers said...

Great idea! I had never heard of that before...I can't wait until my oldest goes to school next year so I can do that! Those lunches looked so yummy and made me want to be in school again!


January 30, 2008 at 11:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool. You're such a dork Amy! LOL Anyways, I think you may very well be on your way to the MOTY, all that AND you let Maya have a Pinata, you rock!

January 31, 2008 at 6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Craig and I are sitting here in the web cafe laughing out loud about your Ghetto Bentos! Looks healthy too!

January 31, 2008 at 7:34 AM  
Blogger Regina said...

Amy, you are wonderful!!! I love your blog and I sometimes feel as if I would know you and your loved ones! Thanks so much for sharing all those great photos and wonderful thoughts. I'm so so so so glad you're back! THANK YOU!

January 31, 2008 at 7:48 AM  
Blogger awomynda said...

YUM! You are supermom. I want a ghetto bento to take to work.

January 31, 2008 at 8:58 AM  
Blogger Dana said...

you had to know that I would love the no trash Ghetto Bento!! But, honestly, the part that puts you in the running for MOTY are the heart shaped sandwiches. seriously...too stinkin' cute! Puts my boring lunches to shame.

January 31, 2008 at 9:20 AM  
Blogger Dogeared said...

So that's what Bento boxes are! I kept seeing mentions of them on the NaNoWriMo site (a few people included making them, in their Big, Fun, Scary Goals for the year), but I never bothered looking them up!

I wonder if greaseproof paper is recyclable? It's make them look like little parcels to unwrap! But lovely colours there - you even tempted me into seriously thinking about making one. And I normally skip lunch as I'm too lazy to make one the night before!

January 31, 2008 at 1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't wait to hear emma and maya's stories about you when they are 30!!!!

January 31, 2008 at 2:36 PM  
Blogger Joanne Fowler said...

Adorable! You rock lunch too? You are the queen! Actually, I seem to be more jealous that your girls will eat such colorful, nutritious lunches! Mine is so picky! Again, I bow...

February 1, 2008 at 8:07 AM  
Blogger Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Very nice idea, however, my kids won't eat nearly as healthy as yours! The are color phobic when it comes to food!

February 1, 2008 at 8:33 AM  
Blogger Johnny and Alisha said...

Hey Amy,
Check this out. I saw it the other day before I read your blog. Then I had to go back and look at it.


February 1, 2008 at 1:30 PM  
Blogger Johnny and Alisha said...

Check this out too.

February 1, 2008 at 1:55 PM  
Blogger Jessi said...

super cute amy! Reminds me of when my mom would cut my bologna samiches with cookie cutters everyday for my lunch :) awww!

February 1, 2008 at 3:47 PM  
Blogger Caits said...

haha what a cool idea! I don't have kids, so I'll try to keep that in mind for a few years (I'm too much of a pig to fit my lunch in that!)....

I work in preschools too!

February 1, 2008 at 3:47 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goblot said...

Hey Amy, I'm really into bento boxes. My favourite inspiration is this place: (go through her archives).

I picked up the
so fun!

February 1, 2008 at 4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So "real simple" looking! Great idear! Totally going to try this, I'll post mine too!

February 1, 2008 at 7:27 PM  
Blogger Jen E. said...

i'm inspired! my 14 month old isn't going to be ready for lunches like this for a while, but maybe i can try these when i pack my hubby's lunches!

February 6, 2008 at 10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found this post months after the fact and loved it! I was searching for lunch box ideas.

Hope you don't mind, I liked your post to my blog

July 14, 2008 at 10:35 PM  

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